How Apple Punishes Early Adopters

How Apple Punishes Early Adopters

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How Apple Punishes Early Adopters”.
Okay, Apple’s first gen Edition watches are obsolete, so they were available for anywhere from10 to $ 177,000, with 18 karat gold uh cases. Now, as I recall, one of the most laughable things about them was that the 18 karat gold was a plating as opposed to an actual, solid case uh. This was the this. This was, it was only available as part of their first gen series. Zero Apple watch that was released in 2015 and they have officially been added to Apple’s obsolete products list. These watches already stopped receiving OS updates way back in 2018, and now they will no longer be eligible for service or repairs from Apple’s stores or authorized service providers. It is unclear how many Gold Edition, watches Apple sold, but known purchasers include uh.

Several celebrities such as Beyonce Kanye West, excuse me. Is it yay West? Now I guess I don’t know y um, don’t pronounce it name correctly. There’S rules Katie Perry or I mean caddy, because that’s not how Katie is spelled um and d and Drake. No that’s Drake. That’S that’s pronounced like that. Um can, I just say: LOL like this.

How Apple Punishes Early Adopters

Is the yeah like called it? Um that would be pronounced LOL, even even Apple, even Apple, seems to have figured out how laughable it was to spend that kind of money on something that was not to spend jewelry money on something that was going to receive consumer electronics, product support and therefore have Consumer electronics, longevity um, who could have possibly seen this coming. What I didn’t see coming was how quickly Apple would would abandon that first generation product they they have it’s funny. I got called out for this recently and I forget what I was talking about. Maybe it was M1 MacBooks or something okay. There is like a hair that is like on my nose. It’S the worst sometimes when they don’t want to come off.

Yeah um. I forget what product it was, but I was talking about some Apple product and I went yeah apple. Has this history of launching a line treating the first set of users as basically Expendable beta testers, yeah, they’re, clearly enthusiasts? Who will just come back to us? No matter how we treat them not providing their overall, really excellent level of software support to these people, and then everyone just kind of forgetting about it, like I got called out for making that prediction, but I think that’s a super valid prediction at this point: how Many years of software updates did the first generation iPad get hold on hold on iPad hold on uh iPad generation. No, I thought it was, or was it number there was some iPad there’s some iPad that lasted like forever: the iPad 2. God support flipping forever uh. Let me see if I can find uh like i’ there’s like a timeline where you can see yeah yeah here here here here here, uh Wikipedia something something: oh buddy, can you just okay? Here we go here we go here.

We go Apple vision, so uh. Apparently, that’s what you were talking about at the time: okay, whoa iPad, first gen like what and then iPad 2 got all these years of software support and like still worked for a very very long time, and since then it’s been pretty good like we’re getting. You know support, oh wait, no hold on hold on no, no, this isn’t support crap. This was how long it was on sale. So that’s part of it is that the iPad 2 was on sale for like 3 years, um dang it. No that’s not the chart.

I was looking for it’s a weird chart too, to be honest, yeah! No, that’s! No! That’S! That is the kind of chart I’m looking for, except I’m looking for the colors, the uh, the software support version of that uh yeah. It’S kind of it’s kind of like it’s kind of like this, but for iPads, so you could see the 2007 iPhone yeah that only got support for like two versions of iOS and then you’ve got all of a sudden you get into like. Oh okay. No! Let’S do four versions of iOS: oh, you know what I mean screw it.

How Apple Punishes Early Adopters

Why don’t we do like five for the 5S um? So it really just you, can kind of get lucky with apple or you can get unlucky, and one of the ways to get unlucky is to be one of their most enthusiastic customers and buy a first generation product in a new category from them or just by Not staying up all night, that’s an old reference. What don’t know if anyone’s going to get that? Do you get that Dan? He wasn’t paying attention. He has work to do staying up all night. Nobody knows what you’re talking about. Explain like I’m five, it’s the the song from farel from a what I’m up all night to get lucky, I’m up all night to get lucky, so it was a bad reference. I don’t think anyone in the chat got it either. Yeah people will know it now. Absolutely terrible yeah it was a death punk collab you heathan yeah, but he’s the one that says it yeah.

How Apple Punishes Early Adopters

What do you mean? You Heathen? You said it’s a Fel song, oh whatever man man’s forgetting hey. Here we go thanks, chat over oh of course it was no key um so time time stamp, guy uh to the rescue, so first generation iPad. There you go. That’S it second wow what the crap! I remember just marveling at how long that flipping thing got software support C and these days it’s like that too man like that’s, wild one, two, three, four: five: six: seven, seven versions of iOS on the fifth gen iPad, um and so yeah it it was just It was bewildering to me that people were uh, not believing me or like, like sort of challenging that and – and I never said it will happen. I just said it’s a concern yeah, it’s it’s a major concern for me that we might get kind of a Half Baked first one. I don’t think it was.

I don’t think it was M silicon, or maybe it was before launch before we knew that it was actually good or something like that, like I just was concerned about it, and so you know it turned out to be a huge problem for anyone who ponied up 10 to $ 15,000 for a golden version of the Apple watch, um, so yeah um, good job, um, y’all, .