How Apple AirTags are becoming Dangerous ⚠️

How Apple AirTags are becoming Dangerous ⚠️

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “How Apple AirTags are becoming Dangerous ⚠️”.
Apple’S air tags are being used to steal possessions, to hijack cars and even to follow people home. So i’m going to explain everything you need to know and then i’m going to actually use one to stalk, someone myself so just in case you didn’t know: apple released air tags in 2021 they’re. These tiny little chips that you can attach onto all of your key belongings to track where they are and they’re pretty phenomenal. They only cost 29. Well, you can get a four pack to 99, which makes them 25 a pop they’re, extremely discreet, can attach onto almost anything and fit almost anywhere and, most importantly, they can track across the globe with almost pinpoint accuracy.

How Apple AirTags are becoming Dangerous ⚠️

Here’S the problem, though, all the things that make air tags the perfect tool to keep track of your belongings, also make them an enticing tool for criminals. So, let’s test it, this is josh my camera guy, i’m going to slip an air tag into his coat pocket. I’Ll give him 10 minutes to run as far away as he possibly can and to hide in as obscure a location as possible and then we’ll see if the air tag leads me to him so 10 minutes starts now now you could argue that all the problems – People are facing with these air tags stem from how they’re made see this might look like a simple plastic and steel button, but inside is a speaker antennae, bluetooth, chip, apple’s custom-made, u1 chipset and a replaceable battery, and you might be thinking i didn’t mention gps. Surely this uses gps, that’s how you get location data right, but no the reason apple has managed to make air tags so inexpensive and the reason that this one battery can push out an entire year of continuous use is that airtags don’t need to communicate with the Networks directly they’re built to piggyback off the gps and signal of other apple products. All the airtags need to do is to send out a continuous bluetooth signal and that bluetooth signal can be picked up by not just your iphone and your macbook but anyone’s iphone or macbook, so, whichever apple device is closest to it, it’ll use that device’s location to Figure out where it is and then use that device’s signal to send that info back to you.

How Apple AirTags are becoming Dangerous ⚠️

So let’s say that i’m walking around with my air tag in one hand and my iphone in the other, because there’s an iphone right next to it. This air tag will always be displaying its exact location using that iphone signal, but even if i’m using an android device, the tracking still works, because every time i come within about 30 feet of even someone else’s apple device, this will be able to use that to Update my position so i’m walking past a building, for example, there’s a pretty good chance that, on the other side of this wall there is someone using an apple product and that’s all it needs so hopefully you’re starting to see why air tags are becoming such a Controversy imagine this scenario: you’ve spent your whole life working so that you can afford to buy yourself a really nice car, but one day, you’re driving this nice car around and someone else decides that they like it too, so they grab an airtight. Stick it into your car exhaust and then all of a sudden theoretically for up to a year, because that’s how long the battery lasts they’ll be able to see exactly which shops you’re going into which restaurants you’re eating in and most importantly, where you live and where You park this extremely nice valuable vehicle and think how easy is it to slap one of these on a car i can put one here i could put one here. I could put one here. It might as well be invisible and also remember that, as someone approaches, an air tag that they’ve planted – it’s not just that they can use bluetooth technology to get a rough area that it’s in they can use ultra wideband technology. Thanks to the u1 chip on this air tag to literally get pointed directions right up until they’re on top of it.

How Apple AirTags are becoming Dangerous ⚠️

This is actually happening. People have reported finding air tags inside their vehicles behind their number plates and probably the most disturbing, even in their coat pockets. After walking home at night with someone following them and hey, if you want to follow the latest tech news, then a sub to the channel would be tag tickle i’ll. Let myself out now to give apple some credit. They have been updating air tags with features to try and prevent them from being used maliciously, and these features do limit what could have otherwise been a bit of a privacy nightmare like, for example, if an air attack has been separated from the account that is registered To then at some random time, between 8 and 24 hours after that separation happens, it will now start using its inbuilt speaker to beep continuously like this.

So if someone is being unknowingly stored, then this will obviously draw their attention to that fact. It’S a great attempt by apple, but it’s not really a solution, because would you believe it? People are now selling silent air tags which have had their speakers removed, but also, if you randomly find an air tag that you don’t recognize, you can hold it against. The back of almost any smartphone – and it will show you the serial number of it, which means that, even though it’s not exactly going to give you their full name and escobar cash login details, there is some traceability in the system plus, if you own an iphone And someone is tracking you because your iphone will be the device that’s giving the air tag its location. It will eventually realize that the air tag has been following you for a while and so can send you a notification just to let you know in my testing, though this is a bit unreliable.

Like a few times, i’ve purposefully tried to leave the house with one of my air tags and an iphone that’s registered to someone else. Sometimes i’ll get the notification other times. I won’t. If you do get this notification, though, then the official advice is do not go home because it will lead. Whoever is following you right to your doorstep. Instead, try to go to a police station, try to find the tracker and hand it to them.

So hopefully they can work with apple to find out who put it there in the first place. And if you get this notification, while you’re, let’s say walking alone, then immediately stop what you’re doing and check your pockets and if you happen to find an air tag on you, then remove the battery by twisting the back cover and taking it out. That way, you can kind of stop the tracking in action, but it also means you can keep the air tag to then report it to the police later on.

The situation gets even murkier. If you have an android phone, though, because obviously apple doesn’t own android, they can’t force google to passively scan for air tags, and so, apart from their airtag alarm after eight to 24 hours, the only way to know if you’re being followed is to head to the Play store, download their android app called tracker, detect and then actively select the option to scan for trackers and to be really honest, i don’t see how it’s useful. I mean, for starters, apple’s not exactly advertising this app, and so, even though there are over three billion android users, it looks like only a hundred thousand or so are using this, or in other words, zero point.

Zero zero three percent and for this extreme minority who are using it they’re, not rating it very highly, probably for the simple fact that the app doesn’t work in the background. If you have to be on the app for the app to pick up trackers, then then surely the only time you’d think to actively check is if you actually found an airtag on you, but then, if you did all the app will tell you is yeah. You have an air tag on you, and even with that limitation, it still only works in some situations like if i’m just sitting here.

I have four air tags on the table. This can’t pick up anything but okay. All this leads us to the big question. This whole tracker scandal who is actually to blame, because this is scary, stuff. Yes, but the truth is item. Trackers have existed well before apple made, one tile has been making them since 2012 and, to be honest, their trackers don’t have as many safety features as apples. Do but i guess the reason that air tags in particular are causing such a stir is two things. It’S a the fact that, unlike tile, whose tags can access a web of, say, 30 million total devices to report their location with apple’s air tags can access a finding network of every apple device in existence, so 1.5 billion devices making them shockingly accurate and improving all Time as more and more people enter the apple ecosystem and b, the fact that whilst professional tracking gear has been available for ages apple has brought that level of precision to an entry-level price point. They’Ve they’ve made it incredibly easy for someone to track you and they’re popularizing, a genre of gadgets for which malicious use is prolific. So, on one hand, yes, this whole stalking issue wouldn’t have been as much of a problem if apple hadn’t entered the market, but then is it their fault that their product does a better job than others all right, so our 10 minutes are up. You can see that, while i’m here on the map, he was last seen somewhere around here, but the cool and slightly scary thing about this is that i should just be able to tap for directions, and that will lead me to him. Nothing like a nice little stalky stroll to wake you up in the morning. Apparently i am one minute away. You should be just round this corner there. He is he’s there.

What is that? Josh josh josh, hey, found me well you’re in the private shop that was scarily accurate, but i guess, what’s even more concerning is the fact that he had no way of knowing that i knew where he was like. He used an android phone, so he wouldn’t have got one of those notifications. It hadn’t been 24 hours, so the air tag wouldn’t have started bleeping. I could have followed him home now, even if you never in your life, get tracked by an air tag. I guarantee that at some point you will be being tracked through what you do online and because of this, you might know that out of the four monthly subscriptions that i have going on right now, which are netflix amazon, prime spotify premium and surfshot vpn surfrock is By far my most used and my cheapest, it’s not ten dollars or five dollars. It is 249 a month which split between the seven people i share it with ends up as 36 cents a person and that 36 cents gets me better prices for products that use browser cookies to try to make things more expensive.

For me, two access to the full internet, including sites that are blocked by my region, like tv, shows from another country and three anonymity. Every minute that you spend online companies are recording who you are and what you’re doing. And even if those companies don’t have any nefarious intentions for that data, when there’s a data breach, it can fall into the hands of someone who does so give it a go. And if you hit the link in the description and use code boss, then you not just get it for that 249 a month price.

But you will also get three months for free on top of that, and it’s fully refundable, if you don’t like it to find out if you’re being watched as well as followed check out my video all about the spy cam epidemic or to find out about the Wild west that is nfts that video is right here. My name is aaron. This is what the this is. Mr who’s, the boss, and i will catch you in the next one.
