Hobbies Luke and Linus wish they had

Hobbies Luke and Linus wish they had

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Hobbies Luke and Linus wish they had”.
All right, Kyle J says happy Friday uh, my brother Joey and I love discussing videos each week, question for all of you. If time is allowed, is there uh any new hobby that you would like to get into I’ve been painting miniatures while watching Wan show and was wondering if something has caught your guy’s eye recently? I know he wants to get into like iron working yeah um. I actually like really do my biggest problem. Right now is: is space and availability I’m doing a jewelry making workshop with his wife, so we’re gon na make rings, which I thought was pretty cool. That is pretty cool.

I actually did it back in high school, so it might be a bit of a refresher for me, but I don’t think she’s ever done it. My mom did a silversmithing thing back in the day and she thought it was really cool yeah. It’S super fun yeah. I I really want to get into blacksmithing it’s just it’s.

It’S tough someone says join a Makerspace yeah. I’Ve been thinking about a lot of my time. Over the last little bit has been taken up um by like trying to be less out of shape and stuff, and it’s been feeling a lot better. I’Ve been like sleeping way, better and stuff like that, so I’m gon na continue focusing on that for a bit, but my next um. What am I think this is a weird little personal thing, but one of my things, when I sort of decided I wasn’t going to have kids, was that I would have to keep doing stuff um so like I took a course on learning how to weld um. I went and got uh certifications to go diving, I’m like keep trying to do stuff like that right now, I’m taking a temporary Hiatus to get back into shape and then my next plan is blacksmithing um and so far I’ve really enjoyed everything that I’ve tried to Do and I want to keep doing it, I’m excited so I try to.

Hobbies Luke and Linus wish they had

I try to do one thing. Every year, that’s kind of my deal: uh ALC. 5440. What are you talking about? There’S a comment in the float.

Plane chat. Sorry, I’m super excited. I was concerned about the Remake Final Fantasy, 7 and 6 are probably my two favorite games, but they killed it. Do. Oh, do you mean the Final Fantasy? 7 remake was really good. I thought you were talking about like a Final Fantasy 6 remake and they killed it because, like Final Fantasy 6, like oh love, it anyway, okay, never mind. Okay, sorry carry on all right, uh! Next super quick question from Joe H, Star Wars, Star Trek or Stargate.

Can I just say I mean honestly, I I liked the Star Trek reboots a lot better than anything that lucasfilm has done since Lucas stopped being involved and honestly for a while, before Lucas stopped being involved. I, like the Universe, creation of Star Wars, the most um yeah, but a lot of it got like retconned anyway, but as far as what of it yeah. But I just ignore that um headcanon’s, awesome uh, but as far as what I have seen not becoming tainted Stargate was legit.

I used to watch Stargate all the time growing up, because it was like one of the few shows that are the three channels that we had on TV would would actually show. Tealc is a freaking boss and the fact that the the the person that used to act uh the actor for tilk does the voice acting for God of War, which I used to hate, the God of War games. I mean I didn’t hate them. I was not interested in the God of War games and then the remake was amazing and the new remake looks like it’s going to be amazing and it’s cool that he’s a part of it.

I don’t know: yeah cool Firefly bye, see you soon yeah yeah too soon, yeah yeah, never gon na be over. It wasn’t included in the three huh .