Hidden Windows 11 Features LEAKED!!!

Hidden Windows 11 Features LEAKED!!!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Hidden Windows 11 Features LEAKED!!!”.
Microsoft has a secret tool that enables hidden features in Windows 11 and that tool has leaks. It’S truly the worst blender Microsoft has made since they accidentally released Windows 11., I’m Jacob Rush. This is techlinked, and this happened during the company’s current bug. Bash a periodic event where developers and testers are encouraged to track down bugs in the latest Windows.

Insider build included in the instructions for the event was a download link to staging tool, something that was an internal company application until yesterday, when The Average Joe’s cleverly outsmarted Microsoft by clicking download it’s just that easy, it really is. It was allegedly first discovered by xenopanther on a social platform called X short for X Twitter, who pointed out its similarity to Vive tool. A third-party app Windows stands have used to access hidden, win 11 features for some time. Essentially, staging tool is a command line interface that uses feature IDs to enable and disable corresponding features. Since most feature, IDs can be found on GitHub the site that Microsoft owns.

Basically, anyone can now access all the secret features that might not be ready for prime time yet man more like cell phone, if only there was some way, Microsoft could prevent things like this from happening. Leave all the feature IDs up on the website they own and there’s got to be something some sort of solution: godspeed, Microsoft. Why pay for Tesla features when you can just hack your car researchers from TU Berlin were able to activate paid features by taking advantage of Tesla’s greatest weakness. Direct current, I see what you did there.

That’S a Nikola Tesla joke baby, while they won’t present everything until next week, the gist is they used voltage, glitching or a bolt fault injection attack if you’re feeling saucy by messing with the supply voltage of the AMD processor at the heart of the infotainment system. At just the right time, the researchers could trick the chip into accepting manipulated code, potentially unlocking any of the paid upgrade features. Tesla sells, including the fifteen thousand dollar full self-driving upgrade. That is so much money.

Hidden Windows 11 Features LEAKED!!!

It one simple trick that Elon hates plus, because it’s an issue with the soc, it’s unpatchable, but wouldn’t you know it hacks – can also be bad. If an outsider gains access to your Tesla, they can extract personal information like locations. The car has visited, call logs and even session tokens for your email accounts, and do you really want someone knowing you still use your childhood email address, neopetsgirl91 at Yahoo? Really I mean it’s coming back though neopest is coming back. Kenyan authorities have suspended the operations of World coin, while the government assesses the Project’s potential risk to Public Safety.

Reportedly, over 350 000 Kenyans had already signed up to have their eyes scanned by an ominous orb. In return for cryptocurrency, currently valued at around 7 000 Shillings. Wait: that’s real! That’S a real currency dope as hell equivalent to about 49. There is evidence of world coin, employing deceptive practices in several other countries.

Like Chile, Where participants were given terms of service in English, a language fun fact, they don’t speak and Indonesia, where participants were enticed with bribes of cash, crypto and airpods without being told what the scans were for founder and Chachi. Pt, daddy, Sam Altman, hey he’s more of a twink who, based the world coin out of the Cayman Islands, for entirely non-suspicious reasons. Claims. The data will be used to distinguish humans from robots, a problem no one’s having, but also that he hopes that this will lead to a universal basic income. Somehow the first part almost makes sense. So, let’s focus on that digital privacy experts criticized worldcoin’s, proposed use of Biometrics for online verification with Edward Snowden. Writing the human body is not a ticket punch mine is you can punch me on your leg? There are concerns both with the possibility that the data might be sold to third parties and the fundamental premise of a giant Global database of eyeballs one ball to rule them all. Now, it’s time for quick bits brought to you by vesi.

Hidden Windows 11 Features LEAKED!!!

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Hidden Windows 11 Features LEAKED!!!

For today’s quick bits, I’m going to try and quickly name everyone. I met in LTX, okay. Here we go Mika Kevin Beau, Tyler non-botyler. He was the one without the bow tie. Tucker Eli Tim Brent trandorandor in a shocking development.

Another GPU has leaked AMD partner power, color accidentally detailed, the unannounced Radeon RX, 7800 XT and according to their own specs, the card will have 3 840 shaders fewer than the 6800 XT. What but will feature a increase? In-Memory clock speed over the last generation, thank God also weirdly. While the card features three DisplayPort 2.1 outputs, only two of them can be used simultaneously. It’S like pockets on women’s clothes, it’s not about being functional.

Just looking like it is that looks functional. You know it looks like you could use those all hey girl, you look, you can fit a whole phone in there. I know you can’t, because then big purse would get angry Microsoft. The company that just leaked an internal tool has been called out for negligent.

Cyber security practices when disclosing a china-based hack last month that exploited an Azure vulnerability. Microsoft said they acted based on customer reported information from June turns out. The vulnerability was disclosed to them by security, firm, tenable, two and a half months earlier.

That’S a lot earlier and the fix that Microsoft pushed out on disclosure of the hack only worked for new users and they were going to wait until September 28th to secure their current customers applications. You know, I mean your regulars. Who cares? Wouldn’T you know it? They managed to fix it merely a day after tenable’s CEO revealed all of this in a LinkedIn post ironic, it’s comforting to learn. Microsoft is a company that will fix problems the moment they know everyone else knows about them. Tim Cook of Tim Cook Fame has confirmed that Apple has been working on generative AI quote for years.

End quote the fact they haven’t released. Anything is probably related to Tim Cook, stating while AI has a lot of potential. There are issues that need to be sorted and so they’re, probably being cautious smart. Taking a slightly different tactic.

Meta has released an AI tool for audio and music, which was likely inspired by Google doing it. First, don’t worry guys it’s for research. New research has shown that it’s possible to control human DNA with electricity which may lead to Future medical breakthroughs where gene therapy can be delivered through wearable devices. That’S pretty actually pretty cool. In this specific experiment, scientists found that they were able to trigger insulin production in human cells by electrogenic activation of certain genes, which has obvious applications in controlling diabetes. Can I get it in a scarf? This scarf is warm fashionable and it keeps my blood sugar in Jack to be clear here. This isn’t changing the DNA, just increasing the expression of the genes that are already there, meaning that, sadly, we are still decades away from smart watches that make you fly when you shout Shazam. No, my origin story, sorry Billy, Batson go back to school and Zebo is finally getting an emulator, and no, this isn’t another glorbo situation.

I wish the Zebo is a 100 real console that was released in Brazil in 2009 in Mexico in 2010 and into the great discount been in the sky. In 2011. the Zebo was a budget Consul, and by budget I mean it used the same software as flip phone games, but thanks to developer tuxality, maybe someday you’ll be able to use the Infuse emulator to play the worst of the 327 versions of Resident Evil that Have ever been released, it’s got more releases than Skyrim that game, and that’s saying something that is saying something actually and you should play the next episode of techlinked when it comes out on Monday, because, honestly, I feel like we’re barely even talking. What do you mean? I think we’re here like what changed did I do something? .