Hello iPhone 12, goodbye iPhone 11 Pro

Hello iPhone 12, goodbye iPhone 11 Pro

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Hello iPhone 12, goodbye iPhone 11 Pro”.
This video sponsored by Graham early so look at the 11pro. It’S got a great camera. It’S got a really good screen a super-fast processor. It’S obviously still really good by slow your roll, a second, the iPhone 12 is coming. You know it’s gon na be better the iPhone 11 Pro at this point. It’S old and busted slow down the anger a bit there.

The iPhone 11 Pro is still a really good phone. If you want to get one now, just go to Apple’s website open the app order. One you’re not gon na be disappointed. Come on dude. There should be a warning on the Apple website. Right now, it says warning: do not buy new phone coming little dramatic, bro little town, we’re still months away from the new iPhone coming. How many times I got to say it, it’s still a great phone and still a good buy even now.

Well then you do you don’t say I didn’t warn you so, admittedly, I’ve got more time on my hands to play around with intros than perhaps I’ve had before, but the serious point of that was I do want to look back now at the iPhone 11 Pro After it’s been out for about nine months and give my final review so my perspective on the iPhone, I think has changed a bit. I served made a pledge that would spend six months of Android and six months with Apple and sort of continue that, throughout the years by six months, with Android ended at the start of June and they’ve come back to what I was using before the iPhone 11. Pro Mac, so looking at it with fresh eyes, see the software updates that have happened in the meantime and revisit the iPhone 11 Pro Line. They definitely changed its the initial review.

So, regardless of how you feel about Apple they’ve always done hardware well, and the iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Macs are are no exception and I have really babied it. It’S it’s been dropped its falling off, couches, it’s falling off tables and, for the most part it has held up very well. I’Ve got some dings and scratches on the back, but the screen, I think the most important one has not been scratched in the glass over the cameras still looks pristine. One thing that is different and I think it’s change over the past nine months is a conversation about the screen.

When the phone launched last September. I think I said that this screen was amongst the best screens on the market and since that time, we’ve seen s twenty years and one plus eighths, with higher refresh rates and more resolution. And unless I subscribe to the more resolution, the better but the higher. A refresh rate part is something that I really miss on the iPhone, but that aside, it’s color reproduction, I think, is really good.

Obviously, it’s black levels because it’s OLED are amazing the calibration. I think it’s really good. It’S not to punch your poppy, but just show colors very well and perhaps most importantly, it doesn’t appear to be a huge battery hog when using the phones. So in this review I talked about the a13 and when you talk about processors and initial reviews, you had a chance to really use it developers having that chance to sort of push a processor to what it can do and nine months. My opinions are still relatively the same. There is a ton of headroom with the a13.

Hello iPhone 12, goodbye iPhone 11 Pro

Much like there was at the 8, 12 and 11 before it. I’M sure it’ll be the same thing. What the a 14 Apple’s processors are.

Hello iPhone 12, goodbye iPhone 11 Pro

Incredibly, powerful there’s not been a single time using this phone that I’ve wanted or wished that I had more power and battery is still really good on the 11pro and the Promax, and most of my time was spent with the Promax. But for me it’s a day-and-a-half phone and my very minimal barrier to entry is, let me get through a day with the 11pro max. I could very easily get through a day and a half, but if I pushed it in tweak settings I could probably even get to two days.

So when I was 13 came out, it was an incremental update and it was plagued with and launch issues. You had. Some weird camera issues we tried to launch it, there’s a bug where you turned your phone off. You couldn’t turn it back on again.

That’S when that I experienced and has still not been fixed on my phone. That’S been annoying, but those software bugs that we saw initially most of them at least, have been fixed. I think what it boils down to with iOS 13 is things you’d expect that the bugs have gotten refined that really introducing that many more and it just gotten better. Well, I wish I could confidently turn my phone off and turn it back on again doc crossing my fingers that it was going to work so I’ll.

Take a quick second to thank this video sponsored grammarly. I actually reached out to Graham early to sponsor this and a few other videos. Ah, you might not know this about me, but I am a horrible, horrendous typist. Anybody who I work with can attest, for they have to oftentimes decipher my gibberish.

Hello iPhone 12, goodbye iPhone 11 Pro

I’Ve realized them grammarly for years in anything that I am typing in online, whether it’s messaging or email. So there’s a free version of grammar, which I think everybody should absolutely try. It I’ll give you spelling and grammar suggestions, and you might not think something you’re going to use, but I guarantee you.

You will start looking for a little red underline before you send out that important email look appreciate that somebody’s got your back and, as you get more used to it, probably gon na want to unlock some of the premium features that grandma Lee can give you and They are really useful and I think for me, Grambling has just grown from being a platform that corrected my spelling, gave me better grammar to being a really invaluable tool for my digital communication: things like clarity, suggestions, vocab suggestions, formatting suggestions and a ton more. So I personally love the conciseness suggestions from the premium version you can guess. I tend to go a little overboard, writing out my notes and sometimes scripts, and this just helps keep things brief and keeps me on point. I mean it works everywhere. I use it. The most in the browser for a Chrome extension, but there are desktop apps, even mobile, apps kind of anywhere you type grammarly, can work well, so give grammarly a shot, try it and I think you’ll find it as invaluable as I have you can link to it Down below but go to grammerly dot-com /john download it for yourself and you’ve decide you want to go for the premium option. That link will also give you 20 % off. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say the upgrading cameras on the 11pro line is the biggest camera upgrade that Apple has ever had when it comes to phones. You’Ve got three lenses: you’ve got 4k 64 video got the inclusion of night modes, smart HDR.

There were a lot of improvements inside of the camera. I think it boils down to any shot you take on the iPhone, it’s some version of good and it might not be the best shot you can get on any phone, but any shot. You take you’re going to be amongst the best on any phone. I’Ve also really liked having the variants of cameras back when I could go outside and go to my kids soccer and baseball games.

I loved having zoom in there and I still wish there was more optical than just 2x. I don’t use the ultra wide as much as I would thought. I would the general wise what I’m shooting everything with having the flexibility of all those camera systems has been really welcomed. I haven’t used night mode as much as I thought I was going to use it. I was really excited about it when the phone first came out and generally I’ve taken, maybe six or seven night mode shots since then.

I think it boils down to when I pick up the iPhone. I know what photo I’m going to get is going to be good and that’s translate over to video as well. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that the iPhone 11 Pro and Promax shoot the best video of any phone out and the current flock of Android, the ones that are powered by date.

65 are getting really really real close, but I’ll still pick the iPhone when it comes to video. It was my daughter’s first birthday. Few days ago my dad was shooting pictures with my 11 chrome accents and video of a sitting happy birthday. It was really bright outside and the iPhone did an amazing job compensating for that.

It was those little things like that, where I appreciate what the iPhone can do when it comes to video, so the value of the iPhone 11 Pro line is question only you can, sir, is a phone worth a thousand dollars, probably not, but people are certainly willing To spend it and now nine months into the lifecycle of the iPhone 11 Pro, if you’ve waited this long, I think now is a very bad time to buy and iPhone 11 Pro assuming your current phone is already working. The very least wait to see with the iPhone 12 and 12 Pro line will June. If those phones are not for you, discounts tend to come on the iPhone 11 11. Pro Apple’s sometimes kept the previous generation around at discounts and three months, and I might be able to get $ 1,000 phone for $ 800 or $ 700 brand new, and I think that potential discount is worth the three ish months. Wait to least see what comes.

Next and decide the iPhone 11 is still going to be the right phone for you and it should get most of the iOS 14 features. It’S not gon na happen. 12 is gon na have like lidar or new design, or even a blue color and a higher refresh green, but it still do a lot of things really well, it’s not gon na change.

The camera system – that’s already awesome and just might miss out on some of the new features, but if you can get all the things that are still new right now in a few months for a discount, that’s at least worth waiting to see. So, looking back on a final review with the iPhone 11 pro and pro max, I’ve enjoyed using the phone and obviously it’s the fastest most capable iPhone. I don’t think it’s my favorite iphone. I’Ve ever used think that’s still reserved for the iPhone 6 plus.

I love. First, big size iPhone, but it’s still a very good iPhone. It does everything that Apple claimed. It was going to do and a lot more and I wish it would get better. I wish a lot of those things in the software side. Would change in iOS would open up a bit more and give me more flexibility and Syria would improve it. I think eventually we will get there, but if you do decide that you want to get a phone now, you want to get a phone. It’S gon na.

Give you really good optics a solid screen, decent battery life and be compatible with mostly everything yeah. I thought Levin Pro still an awesome way to go. .