He Exposed the Truth and Got Hacked

He Exposed the Truth and Got Hacked

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “He Exposed the Truth and Got Hacked”.
Why don’t we do an update on the whole tarkov situation? Okay, yeah Chad’s asking about like a parent? Sorry, what happened to Goat like you got root kitted or something? What like his system’s down? People been arrested in China, not what is happening literally, not one time that we’ve talked about goat or his videos on land show. Have I expected we were going to talk about goat or his videos on Rancho, so I am yet again apologizing to Goat uh, because I wasn’t prepared for this, but he has released his third video on the topic. Now it started with the wiggle the kill tarkov, which is currently sitting at 2.2 million views, wow um but uh his most recent video is, I was attacked um and he talks about some of what happened in the aftermath. One of the things that he points out is that he was told by a number of people, including me that he should have wiped his drive. After all, that happened, and he did not and one of the things that he tried. How do you explain why? Well, he installed, he installed their software on his local system right, we got to get people up to speed, okay, okay, so what happened was uh goat or also known as goat moth, a Creator in the tarkov space escape from tarkov a video game that I I And a number of other people play um uh. Oh, are we good? Okay uh? He made a video called the Wiggle that killed tarkov, which was an investigative journalism piece really on.

It was fantastic on cheating in tarkov and pervasiveness and, how much worse it is than most people realize, because of the type of cheats that people use a lot of people when they’re thinking about cheating in first person, shooter games. The main thing they think about is aim yeah. Another thing people think about is wall hacks stuff like that, but usually you think about the obvious forms of cheating, yes and in tarkov it’s not necessarily the obvious forms that are the most pervasive. It’S the things that aren’t very obvious unless you are also cheating, so he had to cheat in order to reveal this issue. He Then followed up talking about how his account that he cheated on did get banned, but he knew that was coming. He didn’t hide like his rate IDs or anything if it was very easy for them to detect, and lots of things have happened in the aftermath we covered.

He Exposed the Truth and Got Hacked

Some of this, I believe in last show um, but but anyway, even more after the video, you advised him to completely wipe his Drive fresh, install and the reason for that was because, in order to expose the cheaters goat installed, the same cheat software that they were Using which I mean I don’t want to generalize, but if I was gon na generalize, I would say that if you’re a developer of cheating software for video games, you’re – probably not the most um, it’s very, like Savory download cheats for a game character that you are Also downloading things that you probably don’t want on your system, whether that is – and it’s probably able I’m saying if you develop cheats for games, you are probably you are probably selling software. Your morals might be a little questionable that people shouldn’t have on their system yeah. So it’s it’s quite common to uh have uh like Bitcoin.

He Exposed the Truth and Got Hacked

Miners are not necessarily Bitcoin, but coin miners installed on your system that are going to run in the background that you don’t know about stuff like that, it’s also very possible that, like in this particular situation, they install a root kit on your system that they can, Like do basically whatever they want with um, and he went to try to get some some in his original video. He talked about how he didn’t want to interview the the cheat Developers for this video. He has interviews with some anti-cheat developers and he wanted some voice clips from cheat developers and he thought you should watch the video. Don’T get everything from the land show um for real yeah. It’S actually like I’m not going to it’s a 16 minute video.

No, I just mean in general yeah also that, but he he wanted like a a voice clip from the people that developed the cheat that he used in particular because he brought up it had gone undetected for three years, so he wants to hear them like being Really cocky about it, basically sure he reconnected to their Discord. They now have some form of verification and they figured out that it was a new user. From the same I don’t know. If I don’t, I don’t remember all the details, you should watch the video, but they figured out that it was him essentially yeah and then just like nuked his drives wow couldn’t boot anymore, couldn’t even find the drives when like looking through bios or anything, he thinks They killed like the drivers on his nvme drives.

I killed the drivers, I don’t know necessarily yeah. I I haven’t looked into it enough. I I I there’s a few ways that that could happen sure without having access to stuff. I have.

I have no idea, I’m not good enough to to make enough assumptions to know uh the controller yeah I if their nvme drives they’re like it’s, not a hard drive, so you can fry those in a variety of ways, right to be honest, um in hard drives. There’S other bad ways: you can do it and I have since told him like yeah. It could also be in your bios at this point yeah. So that’s a whole thing that also came out this week that there’s um. Ah crap.

I forget the details, but basically there’s there’s the first uh instance of of it’s. It’S been theorized for a while, but there’s the first instance of like a firmware based uh malware that can survive a complete system reformat because it can fool the all the like trusted. Um trusted job.

Ah man yeah, secure boot. It can fool, secure Boot and, like all the uh, the trust elements in that chain that um that protect the pre-operating system, loading actually even pre-ufi loading environments. So that’s a whole. That’S a whole thing.

He Exposed the Truth and Got Hacked

Man like seriously malware that can survive a complete system format and then just go and reinstall itself. Now we’ve had stuff that can hide in BIOS for a while that thing that you’re talking about is is different. This is pre-bios, though yeah yeah, which is like bad. Oh yeah, that’s super bad, that’s even worse! Yeah um anywho the in order to install something like that they would need admin authorization on your computer.

But the thing is, when you run an executable yeah guess what that is yep, so so that was that was kind of rough, but I mean ghosts doing okay, he got a. He got a 2.2 million view. Video he’s probably he’s probably doing all right right now. Yeah he can probably replace the new NVM play some drives yeah, so he pitched those drives.

Hopefully, that’s the extent of what needs to happen there, but there’s also some other crazy news that happened that he reported on in that video and you should watch it because he has some interviews with uh the devs of a game that I don’t remember off. Top of my head right now, we don’t have notes for this. I didn’t know we’re gon na talk about it today and the interviews are very interesting and they talk about how they have totally their game was like overrun with cheaters, and they talked about what they did in order to fix it, and now there’s like public Community Posts by users like players of the game, talking about like yeah, it’s a completely different world, I don’t run into any anymore wow, that’s cool and their whole approach makes a ton of sense and we’ve talked about it on Wan show where they just have a bunch Of systems in place – and they he he talks about it, but they call it like the the Swiss cheese approach or something because, like each system is going to have some holes, but you just have enough of them that eventually yeah and maybe some can but like They’Ve gotten it to a point where it’s so low. I mean we’ve talked before about how there are cheats that are literally a robot arm playing the game, but that’s not fun.

Yes, yeah. A very few people are going to set up a 3D printer to move the mouse around for them to play the game like that’s, not you just get to observe, maybe some rmt or as well and stuff, but like you’re, really massively reducing the impact. Yes, um, but like yeah those interviews, those cheaters want to press the button and feel like a Chad, because they, you know, I’m sick of this game or whatever right.

So I I feel like for for most cheaters uh. That’S not going to be that appealing! Yeah yeah so and that’s all super interesting, but one of the things that he talks about in the video and again in love notes. So I’m hoping I’m gon na remember this well, but that cheat that he used there’s there’s stuff on their Discord. Man. I wish.

I could bring this up right now, there’s stuff on their Discord, talking about how the the service is offline and no one can use it right now, because it has to call to a service all the time and their servers are like gone and there’s people reporting That uh, we don’t know who necessarily but some amount of arrests were made. Arrests, arrests, like people were put in jail and their servers were seized. This is a cheat developer based in China.

Now you have no idea who did this? We don’t know if it was BSG, we don’t know if the investigation was already running from someone else. I know that. I know that developing game cheats is illegal and I think South Korea, I think also using them, is illegal in South Korea, but I did. I wasn’t aware of any legislation like that in China me neither. I do know that there is a culture of Chinese players, cheating outside of China, so I do wonder if maybe there is something and that’s why they go to like North American or european servers is because they might get caught if they go on local servers.

I have no idea, no clue just a random Theory, um wow, so very interesting, like the last story we were talking about. This is very much a developing story right now, and I cannot believe I mean the level of impact when we first talked about this. I went wow, that’s really cool for that game. Right, uh like like.

I love this kind of expose investigative journalism and he’s done a great job. Yeah yeah like like you, know, good job Kudos and all of that right, I didn’t expect the explosion on their Community. Last week I didn’t expect the that we’re we’re going to be looking at people getting literally arrested over the development of this yeah dude.

When I was like oh yeah, I’m gon na like quit for a while, because the situation is so bad, I didn’t expect things. Would happen I still haven’t played yet, but, like I didn’t expect, things would happen this fast that are like. Oh, the, like main sheet in the whole game. Just got deleted from the internet, like that. That’S a pretty big deal, bbc.com police, bust world’s biggest video game. Cheat operation several luxury sports cars were among assets, seized, oh for crying out loud. Okay.

This is awesome. We’Re among assets seized in the raid, nice cars, uh, Chinese police and gaming giant 10 cents. They probably they probably go faster than like all the other cars on the track, because they’re like they’re like Jesus sorry, because they what they cheated. Oh, my God, 76 million dollars in Revenue they stole They seized assets.

How many people are buying this stuff subscription prices? For users began at about a ten dollars a day. I don’t know 100 know if this is this hold on. Is this the same one? When is this from? No, I don’t know this is from March 30th of oh, oh two years ago, never mind. This is old.

This is yeah. Okay. I think they posted this to show that, yes, it is very much a thing. It is a thing: okay, yeah, okay, yeah, all right all right! Well, thank you for that. Wow uh! There’S a bunch of people posting in flow plane, chat, wanny pack, Andrew Tate, was running. A cheating operation got him um, it’s not a fanny pack, though.
