Have you ever dropped your phone into a lake?

Have you ever dropped your phone into a lake?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Have you ever dropped your phone into a lake?”.
( suspenseful music ), As we know, tech and water, don’t mix., And so, whenever I’m out in the lake enjoying the summer sun near the water’s edge. I always have this anxiety that I’m just gon na ( phone plunges ). I dropped it. (, dramatic, music ) And than anxiety doesn’t just come from nowhere.. According to phone insurer, Asurion water-related claims go up 80 % in the summer months, which is great if you pay for cell phone insurance, but let’s be real. Nobody does., I as sure as hell don’t., And so, if the worst happens, that’s it or is it It’s why I want to meet a person who was able to get her phone back and working.

( Fatemeh chuckles )? You can drop it in a lake. You never know.. Her name is Fatemeh Ghodsi and her phone’s resurrection made waves through the tech media.

Quite simply because of how long it spent under water, six months. And now So here’s the phone, it’s a white, iPhone 11 and, as you can see it’s perfectly in shape., It looks almost as good as my new one. (, both chuckles ). But if you look at it like in certain spots like right here, you can definitely see like some rusting that went on from like being underwater., But otherwise it still charges perfectly fine.

And when I got it back initially from Clay and I took it home the Microphone wasn’t working. Speaker was super muffed.. This story happened much like you’d expect on a nice day at the end of last summer, with the enticing prospect of fun on bumper boats very risky. So out on the water, and then I’m you know enjoying it. Taking pictures of the view – and then this oncoming boat actually started spraying water onto me and then I like totally lost balance freaked out and then I dropped my phone in the water. ( phone plunges ) And it was …

Have you ever dropped your phone into a lake?

And I couldn’t even believe it. When I dropped it. It hit me – and I just like wanted to cry then., But more than that I didn’t have any backups or anything.. Oh, so you didn’t have an iTunes or an iCloud backup at all. No, I actually didn’t., Oh no. Yeah. I did.. I noticed that for a while, it was saying that it’s not backing up, but I was thinking I have to get to that, but I didn’t obviously ever consider that. Oh today is the day where ( Fatemeh, chuckles ), I’m gon na lose everything and I should have backed it up: sooner. (, Fatemeh, chuckles ). So how did she get it back and working ( dramatic, music )? Well, it was a knight in a shining wetsuit.. His name is Clayton Helkenberg and he’s an avid free diver..

Have you ever dropped your phone into a lake?

It’S definitely a hobby of mine just to swim., But the more I was swimming and the more like sunglasses and phones and stuff. I was finding also the more trash we’re finding.. Oh, a vape still got some juice in it., But with the trash, one can also find treasure and Clayton finds all sorts of things: drones, GoPros sunglasses and phones like these two Clayton found for us.. But before we look at them, let me introduce you to our sponsor Setapp..

Have you ever dropped your phone into a lake?

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So back to these phones. One is an iPhone 10 and the other an iPhone 7.. This, in fact, was the first iPhone to get an official IP67 rating thanks to the solid-state home button and the courageous removal of the headphone jack.. I think it was a major help in this story..

The IP code is defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission standard number. 6. 0. 5. 2 ( coughs, ), 9 (, coughs, ), (, sighs, ); Oh look! They turned on.! Okay, sorry! If this is getting a little boring, but you’ve probably seen the IP code on cell phone spec sheets. It has a meaning..

The first number specifies the level of protection from solids and the second specifies protection from water.. So if a device has a rating of IP11, it means that it’s protected against an object larger than 50 millimeters or a hand., And it’s protected against falling drops of water. ( water dripping ) Yep.

This is at least IP11 ( soft music ) ( mumbles, ), (, beeps, ), sorry an IP67. It means that these are completely dusk, tight and protected from water ingress at up to one meter. Depth for 30 minutes.

Apple hasn’t even stopped there though. Any iPhone above. The 10s is rated at IP68, which allows for depths of greater than one meter.. So an iPhone 12 is rated at up to six meters. 11 pros are rated at four meters and Fatemeh’s 11. At two meters, which, incidentally, was about the depth, her phone was at for all those months.

( soft music ). I guess so. What’S like the ratio of Stephan, pretty decent condition versus –? Oh, it’s pretty low (, chuckles ), it’s pretty low.! So, for, let’s say the 200 pairs of sunglasses, I found I probably found 20 that were in usable condition, I would say, give or take. And then what about for the ratio of like phones or tech you find under water GoPros to start with GoPros always work..

I have not found an unworking GoPro yet. iPhone 11s. I found three of them all three of them worked. I have one working iPhone 10, but I think it was s8 or s9 that briefly worked.

And then it decided to shut off again.. Last year I sent two big boxes to a guy in Ontario or something like that and his channel is the “ Phone Guru ,”. Then he was able to fix a whole bunch of them actually. Planned to send him some more in the future. When I get some better ones but got ta, wait for the summer, till people drop some better, looking phones. Okay, so this iPhone 7 appears to be fine, but it’s locked, so I can’t get in obviously. And then this iPhone 10. Well, when I first plugged it in it was boot looping like crazy., And I put it into restore mode and tried updating it ,’cause. I don’t want to delete anything that’s on here, but I can’t really get that to work. And if I were to restore it completely, then it means I wouldn’t be able to get the person’s data back to them. So, let’s see if we can reach out to them., Where do I start Yeah? So what I do with phones, hers, it just turned right on which was kind of cool, but iPhone has a quite a good, lock system. So I’m not cracking that code anytime, soon..

So what I do with all phones is, I just take the SIM card out and I plug it into an old phone, and I have a SIM card reader in that, and it just shows me the phone number that the phone is registered to, and I just Call the phone or text the phone and if somebody answers awesome and she answered right away, and that was cool. That’S how that works.. Okay, so I got this Android phone to do this. So let’s switch the SIM cards here.. Let’S take this one out.

Huh! It’S an AT .