Hackintosh Pro Project! [Part 4: The OSX Install]

Hackintosh Pro Project! [Part 4: The OSX Install]

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Hackintosh Pro Project! [Part 4: The OSX Install]”.
Hey what is up guys, I’m Kay PhD here and welcome to the hackintosh pro project par 4? Let’S go so this video is number 4 in this series. In case you missed it. There are the first three parts in the last video we took basically a screwdriver and turned a whole bunch of parts into an actual computer. So in this article we’re basically going to go over the surprisingly simple steps in order to create a hackintosh pro out of the computer. We just made so there’s already a pretty general outline out there for installing Mac OS 10 on non-apple hardware.

So the links below this video right below the like button on this video are pure gold. This is probably the most important link heavy description you will see on mkbhd video Tony Mac. X86 is probably the most important one that is sort of the renowned or well-known hub of all things hackintosh, and that is where you will find written instructions. Parts lists compatibility, tips, tricks all sorts of things related to hackintosh customization and build tips.

So if you have any questions about hackintosh definitely feel free to check out their forums check out. You know if you, google, something about a hackintosh. The first link is probably going to be a Tony Mac, x86 comm link, so Tony Mac x86 is a great resource, and one particular link in the description below will be pretty much the written instructions for everything I’m about to describe to you. That makes this hackintosh Pro different from other hackintosh.

So for the skeleton of this process there are only two things. You really actually need to get this done. Once you build your hackintosh number, one is a computer.

That’S already running some version of Mac OS 10. You need have access to the App Store on that computer so that you can download Mac OS 10 mountain lion and number two is one of these guys. This is a flash drive, you’re going to need a flash drive, a USB flash drive of 8 gigabytes or larger, and this is going to be your installed drive.

This is going to be the magical little key that lets you install mac, OS 10 on your new computer at the hackintosh. So, to start with, the hackintosh build you’re going to need to prepare this USB key and in order to do that, we’re going to go ahead and head into number one, the actual Mac and go into Disk Utility and basically format. This completely so you’re going to have to erase it you’re going to use gyd partition into one hard drive. You can name it whatever you want and basically just format it to erase it clean. Then you’re going to use a piece of software. That is also linked.

Danville, but on this video called Yuna Beast and Yuna beast is going to be. Basically what makes this your installer drive, you’re going to use Yuna beast to look at your copy of Matt goes ten mountain line and install it on your flash drive. It’Ll.

Take a few minutes, but basically one unit beast is done. Your USB key is now the magic key. That’S now the Installer, so now that this is bootable when your hackintosh is done being built plug it into one of the USB 2 ports and boot.

Hackintosh Pro Project! [Part 4: The OSX Install]

Her up and cross your fingers, because if you built everything correctly, hopefully nothing blows up or explodes and hold down whatever key gets you into your motherboards bios. So for my board it got me into UEFI by pressing the Delete key sore, some other more motherboards. It’S the f12 key or f4 or something whatever your motherboard says to get into your BIOS hold that down and what you want to do is boot for the first time into that USB Drive when you put into it. Hopefully you’ll get into the Mac os10 installer. This is when you format your SSDs, which is what I have in my building. You format, one of your SSDs and install mountain lion on that now you’ll be done booting and you will actually get into Mac OS 10 with the USB key still plugged in.

Hackintosh Pro Project! [Part 4: The OSX Install]

But you are not done, it’s definitely not done yet. The second piece of software you’ll need is called multi beast and if you don’t have it on that computer, you probably won’t. Obviously, you can use another flash drive to download it and then install it by plugging it into the new hackintosh. Basically, multi beast is those want to give you your your boot loaders your drivers, your basically everything that you need to get everything working without your magic key. So right now you can only boot with the magic key you use. Multi beast! You have to take a certain number of settings and I’ll have my settings right here.

Hackintosh Pro Project! [Part 4: The OSX Install]

So if you guys want to see which ones that I used, that was just for my specific set of parts. It is different for every single set of parts, but it mostly depends on your motherboard and your graphics. This sort of combinations I will check marks will determine what you tick.

So once you tick what you need in multi beast, you will install multi beast on your new SSD with hackintosh and then you’ll be done. So then you can restart unplug your magic key and you’ll be able to reboot into Mac OS 10. And I guess then, at that point you are officially on a hackintosh.

I would probably rate my steps about a 5 out of 10 for difficulty. Some things I probably rebooted mine about forty times to get the the colonel flags exactly right and get exactly what I needed for it to boot without me having to interrupt so now, when I turn on my hackintosh, I press the power button and it boots all The way up – and I don’t have to press anything so you’re – going to have to get to adjust and fiddle with your settings but again the Tony Mac x86 forms are brilliant for finding the exact settings you need for your combination of parts, but that’s basically what I did and the kernel flags ended up working perfectly and now I can boot and it’s just working now there are two empty SSDs. Still on this akatosh remember, we installed three SSDs in there.

We only installed Mac OS 10 on one of them. This is because we have the other two SSDs for our raid 0 array, so I again use the set of written instructions down below right below this video, and that is what allowed me to set up basically cloning that brand new, fresh, OS, 10 install and stripe. It across a raid 0 array on the other two SSDs – and this is what’s going to give you blazing fast, read – speeds blazing fast, write, speeds, insanely, snappy performance. I already noticed a difference between my Mac Pro and the hackintosh Pro, but that’s the next article so make sure you guys are ready for that. But basically, it’s going to give you insanely, fast speeds and especially for video editing when you’re working with video, which is really large files live you’re, going to be able to want to work in a raid array. That’S going to give you a much better performance. First thing I installed, though, was Google Chrome, I literally as soon as I got into the raid 0 array. For the first time I went into Safari and went to google.com, slash, Chrome and then started working from there. So after I install that, I installed Nvidia’s CUDA drivers and basically, what these allow you to do is use the insanely, powerful processing cores on the graphics car.

The GTX 670 overclocked Edition that I have in this build to offset some of the tasks that Adobe Premiere and After Effects loved so much so the Adobe programs will look at those 1344 cuda cores on that graphics card and be able to offset a ton of Those tasks onto the graphics card from the CPU, so the six core CPU won’t, have to work a sorry, even though it’s still a workhorse and a beast of a CPU. And then all these things will be working really quickly through the 32 gigs of ram and the cuda cores on the graphics card. Those instructions to enable in cuda are also in the links below telling you.

This is golden down there golden right below the like button, but basically, once you get everything set once you’ve gotten all of the flags and ticked all the right things made all the right settings adjustments. You will have a perfectly functioning Mac without anything. Lesser then, in fact, you’ll have a lot more than a regular Mac. Will now a lot of people keep asking me. You know.

Why would you do this? Why would you install Mac OS 10 on such high-end hardware? Well, to be honest, well number one! I’M not a gamer. I’Ve said that about trading times, but number two, I’ve gotten used to the Mac OS 10 environment, but I’m not going to go into it now expect a full video comparing a Mac Pro to a hack Pro, and this is what’s going to be – I guess the Finale of the series I’m going to go ahead and show what this machine is capable of what it can do, how powerful it is, how much faster it is. Your bang for your buck, how much you’ve paid for all the parts I’ll have all the parts links also down below the more important links in the description, but essentially you’re getting a lot more for your money, but I’m not even gon na talk about it. Now. I’M just going to save it for part 5. That’S going to be the last video in the series, and it’s probably going to be an insanely long, video too, but thumbs up if you’re ready for that. That is basically what we’re waiting for to wrap up this hackintosh pro series, and that’s what’s going to be it, that’s! What’S going to make this my daily driver, I want to give a shout out to yo man who wrote the very detailed written instructions that I have linked below, and I also want to give a shout out to Rob from CPU kid.

His links will be below. He took a lot of time out of his day to help me also get these ticks correct and help me get the correct kernel flags to boot without having to interrupt so now that everything works. I can thank those two sources.

Quite a bit for their help, but that’s basically it guys. Thank you for watching this extremely skeleton-like video, not very detailed, but again those links below are pure gold. So anyway, thanks for watching – and I will talk to you guys in part 5 and I’ll – see you later bass – you .