HA! No One’s Buying iPhones!

HA! No One's Buying iPhones!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “HA! No One’s Buying iPhones!”.
Where would we be without tech, news, I’d probably still be in the bathroom and you’d probably still be at your computer, but we’d both be doing something else. Reports are flying that Microsoft will be releasing an Xbox one without an optical drive sometime next year. The move does kind of make sense, considering that console games are one of the last widespread uses of optical discs, and the rising tide of digital distribution is not to be prevented. No matter how many walls you build out of sand with your hands and try to keep the tide from coming in, it was a channel super-fun. Don’T worry about it plus the console is expected to be on the cheaper end of things as it is reportedly going to set consumers back less than 200 dollars. Apiece at that price, don’t expect the fancier hardware that you’d get in the Xbox one X, though, as the disc list version is reportedly an update of the original Xbox.

One. Microsoft is also offering a trade-in program allowing users to swap physical copies of games. They already own for digital ones, but it would be nice if they could.

Just let us keep our old GTA discs to use as coasters I mean. What are they gon na do with them. Make like cyberpunk II, glasses or coasters. Advil has historically not been shy about reporting its iPhone sales figures several times a year, but it looks like they are no longer doing this for the time being, and this combined with reports that Apple has recently slowed production of the new iPhone 10 R, 10s and 10’S max looks like the company might be facing disappointing sales for its current flagships, especially as Apple was quick to scale back production of the iPhone 8 once it realized that the higher spec iPhone 10 would end up being far more popular.

HA! No One's Buying iPhones!

Indeed, Apple hasn’t had great luck with its devices targeted at a slightly lower market segment as the more affordable, iPhone 10 R appears to be the hardest hit of the three new devices, with Apple scaling back production by up to one third of its original plan Apple. It’S time to face the facts and release an Android powered iPhone. It’S gon na sell like hotcakes, which I’m told, sell, really well yeah. I actually only found out recently hotcakes are pancakes, that’s what they are, so I don’t know why we don’t just to sell like pancakes. Yeah me too. Are you the type of person that primarily watches Netflix from your bed on your smartphone? Well, you might be able to save a few bucks on your Netflix bill in the near future. As the streaming giant is rolling out, a mobile only subscription plan that only costs about half of a standard subscription under the new plan users will be limited to watching. On only one phone or tablet at a time in standard def and right now, it’s only available in certain countries in Asia, with the Malaysian newspaper, the star reporting that the mobile exclusive subscription only costs about four US dollars a month.

HA! No One's Buying iPhones!

Just quite a bit, then bad bad, less less more babe. You know what forget it, which is quite a bit less than even the one screen basic tear and now it’s time for cracka snaps seasonal brought to you by the masked drop new force, EDC in-ear monitors. They have a single six millimeter dynamic driver on each side, with both channels closely matched for accurate sounds you can wear them anywhere and they feature a lightweight plastic housing built to stand up to regular use. They come with two removable braided cables and you can pick them up on mass drop right now, but not yet after the video for only $ 59.99 at the link below you’ve, probably seen the on-demand movie rentals on YouTube and then quickly, scrolled on.

But now the company is experimenting with free, ad-supported rentals, as well. Currently only about a hundred movies are being offered, including such up-to-date offerings as the original Terminator and Legally Blonde, and those are even the ones you should care about. So it’s unclear how big the collection will get, but this could be an interesting way for advertisers to get on the platform while avoiding having their ads run against videos that they find questionable and a way to you know catch up on fantastic movies. Like kingpin, I actually don’t know if kingpins in there, but I suspect it’s the kind of movie over here.

HA! No One's Buying iPhones!

I thought it was fine, can’t get enough of online comments. Well, google thinks you can’t because it appears that they will be adding the ability for users to add comments in search results. Currently, the feature is restricted to live sporting events, but in the future there could be no limit to where we can strike up a flame war. Speaking of flames. The fixed pub G campaign, which was run by the developers of the game, has come to an end and, while a number of bugs appear to have actually been fixed based on user feedback, the game’s review score has taken a big dip on Steam. Recently, as many gamers are saying that the fixes introduced other bugs and an excessive amount of paid content, pub G pub G, it’s kick you’re kind of like fortnight, but with character. You know, like a junker car, that you know it’s kind of like that.

Other car that goes faster and you know every time, but only starts when you kind of and speaking of cars, it looks like Tesla has finally made their cars harder to steal following high profile reports of so-called real, a theft where thieves would wirelessly grab the signal From the key fob and relay it to the car allowing bad guys to drive off with it, after which they would usually turn off the car’s GPS tracker to conceal their movements from police well, Tesla now requires a code. Now requires a code to disable GPS tracking, which should make stolen vehicles much easier to recover. I mean they’re still gon na get stolen, but the car chases will be so much more fun, no Bronco style right now.

That’S it for today’s tech news. So join us again on Wednesday, when we will be, you know here doing this with you and nowhere else you’re staying here, okay forever! I don’t want to stay here. It smells .