Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Guardian Armor Set”.
Uh, my name is helen, chen, i’m from san diego california. My project is the guardian. Armor set, it is made from cardboard. It’S really meant to be a project that families put together uh and they have a lot of fun.
Putting that together and then the kids will have a really cool armor set they can play with after they’re done it’s made from cardboard and it lights up, and even the armor lights up we’re working uh. We have the helmet ready for sale, but the armor and swords and shields something to be released later on. I came up with this project because uh, actually one christmas in 2011, had a ton of cardboard boxes from all the gifts we were buying online and that’s i had to do something with it and i just you know, kind of bored and just kind of made A really simple, helmet and shield and sword out of cardboard for my son, and he had a lot of fun.
It was basically, we were at home over christmas and he was playing with it almost constantly and that kind of got me thinking if i can just take it up a notch a little bit, and then i tried putting up more putting together more more sophisticated helmet And then he really got to this point and when he saw this the first time he really just it floored me, because the the look on his face was so magical or something i wanted to capture um whatever, because it just kind of sears. In my eyes, just like a a look of awe, you know and a basically four-year-olds give you that look it just kind of melts your heart. So for me it was just really fun when and then i saw him have fun putting it together. So he was kind of putting it together with me and as him i saw him having a lot of fun playing with it and his friends had fun playing with it so kind of got to that.
But from that point that’s how i got started and it’s where i’m in today you know our exhibit is really meant to be interactive. So we want kids to actually put on the armor and the helmet something special about helmets when kids put this on their persona. Completely changes, they you see their formal self just kind of melt away and they become this heroic self and they just go. They just start acting out and it’s really fun to see them. They they put the helmet on.
They draw the sword and get the shield on they’re like i’m a hero, and we had one kid. Basically, you know i said: oh i’m going to protect my mom and then you know he’s kind of swinging around and then a couple fights do break out. But you know it’s kind of it’s all in fun.
You know we do manage it, but the kids just kind of start playing with each other. You know have these foam swords, you can swing around and it’s a lot of fun. It’S just you know. You see the kids just kind of act out, and it’s just it’s just a lot of fun for parents to see the kids just having fun with it. I’Ve come to maker faire because i like the community. I think these are the people that uh, i don’t know i just associate with well. I like people that make stuff i like to encourage people to make stuff, and this is absolutely the right format for it. It is uh, it’s a lot of fun. At the end of the day, it’s just it’s a lot of fun. You know either people here they want to try stuff on and i’m more than willing to.
Let them try it. So it’s the perfect format for me, if you like this uh, these are armor. Sets uh please come to craftyo.com and either sign up for our email, sign up sheets and then or check out our the products that we have available for sale. .