GTA V in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

GTA V in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “GTA V in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?”.
Hello and welcome to Tech deals what happens when you put a new video card in an old computer, and you try to play games at Max detail at high frame rates. This is Grand Theft, Auto 5 on an eight-year-old computer using a two-year-old budget, graphics card. This video card is an RX 6600, eight gigabyte card that can be purchased for two hundred and thirty dollars from Newegg. Today it is a great card and an amazing value for the money. It’S a good choice for new builds for people on the budget. End of the spectrum – and it is a good choice for upgraders for older PCS. However, is it worth putting it into a PC that is this old, an eight-year-old four core four thread PC? How well does it play well today we’re going to take a look at Grand Theft, Auto 5 at 1080p, maximum detail we’re at very high there’s no ultra settings in this game. It’S just normal high and very high and we’re going to take a look at real performance. Now Grand Theft, Auto 5 does have a built-in Benchmark.

However, playing live gameplay allows you to see the real-time performance numbers. How much vram is being used? How much main system Ram is being used, the actual usage of the CPU and the GPU in live gameplay? How does the frame time graph look? How responsive is the system? This tells you far far more than just running the game’s canned built-in Benchmark, which is easy to run as a reviewer, but doesn’t necessarily tell you what this right here, you’re looking at driving through the streets, a actually performs how it runs, how controllable it is, and, Yes, it’s very controllable, however, we are CPU bottlenecked, take a look at the MSI afterburner numbers in the upper left hand corner of the screen, and you will notice that our graphics card is being completely and totally bottlenecked by our CPU. There are times here our CPU is pegged to 100, not not all the time, but most of the time, but most importantly, the very top left most number next to the RX 6600 is the percentage of the graphics chip that is being utilized. As you can see here, we’re bouncing between 60 and 70 percent usage, yes, it’ll pop up closer to 100 percent of times, it’ll drop down to 50 at times.

But what this means is that we are completely blocked by our CPU. No further performance could be obtained by putting in a more powerful graphics card or turning down the detail settings the detail. Settings of this game are not what’s preventing us from running any faster. Now we’re getting perfectly playable frame rate, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with an average of 79 frames per second and a one percent low of 48, which is what the middle white number and the rightmost white number represent. Those are the Rolling averages as we run this Benchmark. Those are great numbers.

You can totally play this game all day. Yeah! Don’T comment on the driving. I know you can totally play this game all day long at those numbers. However, some of you have high refresh rate monitors and you want to see 144 frames per. Second average, some of you want to see 144 frames per second one percent low, which is very very hard to do that. You run into game engine issues. At some point I mean anything over 100 is pretty good in the one percent low and if you can get 144 on the average well then you’re golden but you’re not going to be doing it on an i5 60 6500.

Now, to be fair, most of you don’t have an i5 6500. You might have an i560 400, which was much more common there’s. Actually a fairly large clock. Speed difference between the two, an i5 6500 runs at 3.3 gigahertz. The I5 6400 ran it at 2.7.

There is a 600 megahertz clock, speed difference between the 6400 and the 6500. The 6500 was for at the time about a 20 difference, toe totally worth the extra money. Now, if you have one of these machines today, you could definitely drop in an i7 7700k which would up your clock speed to 4.2 gigahertz. Even if you have a b or an H series board – and you cannot overclock – you should with a reasonably good cooler, still be able to get 4.2 gigahertz on all four cores and of course, it also has hyper threading, which definitely helps smooth out the game performance. It’Ll take away some of the micro stutters, give you a little bit better multitasking performance, let things the background run and so on in terms of the system Ram, your eyes do not deceive you. We have 16 gigabytes of DDR3 1600.

Most Skylake and cable Lake machines had ddr4, but it was possible to run DDR3 just like it’s possible to run ddr4 on the new 12th and 13th gen systems, even though they officially support tdr5. They also support ddr4 and given the high launch price of ddr5, it makes sense that a lot of people chose on Alder Lake and raptorlike to run ddr4. In fact, I’ve run a machine. We’Ve done some benchmarks on that.

GTA V in 2023 — Testing on an i5-6500 + RX 6600 8GB — 1080p Benchmark — Will It Play?

There is a performance difference, but it’s nothing worth getting too excited about so the 16 gigabytes of DDR3 1600. That is accurate. This is on a h-170 motherboard. I built this back just before we started the YouTube channel at the end of 2015, beginning of 2016..

I’Ve covered it before I’ve talked about it a few times. There is not actually a build video for this machine on the channel because it was built before the channel itself was actually started. This was my daughter’s first dedicated computer. I actually built this for my daughter who was much younger at the time.

She’S progressed through several things since then, and oh you, that’s just well, you know that’s one way to make an exit from the video dude, sir, oh well, that escalated quickly! Well, uh! Let me just go on my way. Officer in the world will be a nice peaceful place, just pay no attention whatsoever. Another interesting point worth noting is that the clock, speed of the graphics card is quite low as well. It’S actually throttling down from its clock Max clock speed. The truth is – and some of you may have caught it if you’re familiar with how AMD cards work, we’re not actually using 60 of the graphics chip at the moment, we’re using considerably less because of the fact that the card is actually down clocking, because it is Not needed our graphics card is only pulling 33 watts of power. The CPU is pulling 34., our computer is barely being used. Yes, this is Grand Theft Auto 5. This game is not new and, of course, it runs just fine, but I think it’s interesting to see just how utterly CPU bottlenecked we are in a 2013 game.

Okay, 2013 consoles. 2015 PC. This game is a decade old from its original release and four cores and four threads will totally run it, but it is absolutely demanding every single bit that it can possibly get out of it. Four cores 8 threads is better.

It does not need six course and a threads to be absolutely fair if you’re not running multiple tasks, if you’re not running multiple monitors, six cores really doesn’t do anything for this game. You don’t need it it’s nice. It definitely helps you multitask. If you have a second monitor, if you’re streaming or recording, then yes, you definitely want six cores. What you really need in terms of getting higher frame rates here is higher clock, speed or higher per core performance.

Now I’m not a huge fan of the new I3 12 100 or I3 13 100. I think four cores for new builds is pointless at this point, but if you’re a GTA 5 fan – and you don’t play new games if Hogwarts Legacy means nothing to you of Spider-Man remastered is not interesting. If you play older games and you simply want maximum frame rate and you don’t multitask and you don’t live stream – and you don’t record your footage, then yeah an I3 13 100 will definitely provide you. Some monster frame rates in older games like this. That’S really all! I have to say about it: I could go on and on.

This recording is much longer than what you’re about to see here, but you get the point. Let me know in the comment section below what you think of this. What other games you want to see tested what other CPU and GPU combinations you want to see tested and if you like, this video format with just me talking over the game, footage and about why you’re, seeing the performance you’re seeing and what could be done differently To improve that is well, you know if I tried that with my car, I just don’t think I’d still be driving at this point. Uh! Oh, that’s, not a good sign danger Will Robinson danger. That is a five-star! Well, maybe we’ll just keep this going for just a little bit longer, because that’s gon na be I kind of missed the um the opponents in the older Grand Theft, Auto V, the Grand Theft Auto games. You actually would get tanks in the military coming after you in the streets was that GTA 4 was that GTA 3.

I cannot honestly remember at this point. I should be ashamed of myself because I’ve played them both, but in there’s the escalation. The five-star wanted level in GTA 5. Isn’T really that high of an escalation, the military never comes after you, despite the fact that there’s a military base on the map and you can steal a tank and even an F-16 from the military base? And yet they never send tanks after you on the street, of course, if you’re driving down the street excuse me kind, sir um did I do that hang on, I should do my best Urkel impression.

Um did I do like. I can’t do Urkel, I’m sorry. That’S just terrible, I I’m showing my age by letting you know who Urkel is, if you don’t, if you’ve never seen Family Matters on ABC, like, oh God was that 30 years ago, oh and now that I’ve completely dated myself um, you could just say: Okay Boomer To me and I’ll just go away. Thank you all. So much for watching like comment subscribe, do all of the YouTube things, and I will see you in the next article foreign .