Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “GPT-4 was in Bing all along…”.
Uh March 15th, otherwise known as The Ides of March to celebrate I’ll be getting stabbed 23 times at the end of this, video openai has officially announced the sequel to gpt3 GPT 360.. No wait, uh series X, no sorry gpt4, which they claim is more powerful. More creative and more reliable, it can also pass professional benchmarks like the LSAT and bar exam within the 88th percentile or higher, meaning that it’s better than ever at fulfilling parents dreams early experimenters have managed to use gpt4 to quickly recreate the classic game pong and to Turn a simple sketch on a napkin into a functioning website. I always have trouble with that. The new model is also supposedly less prone to hallucination, which is interesting because, shortly after it was unveiled, Microsoft announced that the new Bing has apparently been running on gpt4. The whole time Bing, while certainly powerful and creative, is not necessarily what most people would describe as reliable and non-hallucinogenic, but hey it’s from Microsoft. So what do you expect, but this hasn’t dampened Microsoft’s confidence. They apparently think the model is so good that it won’t need humans to help it figure out ethics, because the company eliminated their entire ethics and Society team from their office of responsible AI, which I assume means that they have solved all the ethical problems related to Ai and it’s going to be smooth failing from here on out, nothing could possibly go wrong. We got an AI for that. Ever since meta’s open source, GPD three level large language model, Ohama had its training data leaked last month, developers have been figuring out new and innovative ways to run it on just about everything. First, on a Mac, then on Windows, then on a pixel 6 and even a Raspberry Pi, just like what you would do with real llamas right, giddy up uh, one of the key strengths of llama is that it was designed to run with a single GPU and While it may chug like a cement smoothie on something like a Raspberry Pi, it does successfully well not me not run but walk anyway, like a llama now to be be clear. This is still meta’s IP and its terms of service do still apply, but sooner rather than later, we’re going to see the first hyper-individualized pocket AI, which is great news, because I’ve been looking for a way to make using a graphing calculator far more interesting. Now I can graph poems insulting back when Windows 11 launched users rioted when they discovered that the new streamlined taskbar had lost much of the functionality that it enjoyed back with Windows 10..
It can’t be moved to the top or the side of the screen. Separate iterations of the same program would stack and couldn’t be separated, like those Lego bricks that my daughter glued together. This has popularized mods intending to reinstate that functionality. However, early previews into the newest version of Windows 11 seem to indicate that Microsoft will be giving us one of those little orange tools for our yelling budgie thing, and we could see a return of the never combined option.
Nice uh, while they’re at it. By the way they might want to fix their VBS settings, there was concern at launched that Windows, 11’s VBS and hvci default might affect performance, and they do benchmarks show that default Windows. Vbs can actually slow down games as much as 10 percent, even on top end graphics cards, thanks to Microsoft’s insistence on improving things by making them worse first. Well, what else are you gon na? Do hey now it’s time for buckwax brought to you by vessi the footwear company that aims to change the way that you think about rain? I mean why should a little bit of precipitation ruin your plans. Vessey claims their shoes are 100 waterproof, so throw a pair of them on and keep your day going stuck in your head go out for a walk. What does that have to do with shoes stuck in your feet? Go out for a walk and your feet will be nice and dry and warm or on a hot day, they’ll be cool. Why worry about the weather? Vessey’S got you covered all! That’S good Diamond text. Tech technology keeps your feet. Dry, say 15 on your next purchase. With offer code Tech linked, techlinkvesty.com, techlinked, friends, Romans, Tech enthusiasts, lend me your ears, I come to say the butt quacks not to praise them.
What it’s a quote. It’S a quote: Linus Google has launched an API for its own llm Palm as well as maker Suite A browser app for developers that leaves all the Intensive computation to Google’s Cloud servers and lets you focus on presumably majoring. Google is also expanding. Generative AI support in vertex a platform that helps businesses, train and launch machine learning models. Anthropic a google-backed company founded by former open AI employees, has launched its own chat bot. Claude. Is this a new segment? We do that’s just like this week in machine learning and AI everything’s AI everything was AI, there’s something something there’s a whole bunch of them: Ulysses, Archibald, Etc. Something is something something meta is firing: another 10 000 employees, roughly 30 13 percent of its Global Workforce.
As part of its year of efficiency, you know I haven’t heard of that one you got the year of the rabbit the year of the direct the year of efficiency. I like isn’t that every year in China, Andy – that is some. That is some tone, deaf branding for the thousands of working professionals and their families who have lost their jobs. I bet they Workshop that for a while um we had an earlier wave of 11 000 efficiencies four months ago, meaning that meta employees have been decimated twice and that’s in the original meaning of the word meaning reduced by around a tenth yeah. I actually had to look that up, because I didn’t realize that you would decimate your own Army, not the opponent. It was like a punishment, presumably for not having sex. Microsoft has announced yet another deal extending Call of Duty to another platform. This time cloud gaming Powerhouse boosterloid, which you have almost certainly never heard of so then I’ll, be the one to tell you that boosterloid is the largest anti-cloud gaming service, currently with a reported user base of around 4 million.
So we’re so we don’t have to be rude, Linus, okay, this is all part of Microsoft’s campaign to convince Regulators to let it acquire Activision Blizzard, please – and I suppose, after granting access to Cod to both Nintendo and Nvidia and having Sony turn it down. Microsoft is now really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, looking for another major gaming platform to offer the franchise to. I can’t wait to see Modern Warfare running simultaneously on PC, Xbox switch and Samsung Smart fridge.
That’S really going to make Sony jealous. We are truly on the best timeline cyber crime ring emotech is back again and back to its old tricks of using botnets to spam. Your email, pretending to be a response from a known contact using your actual name, they’ve been active on and off since 2014, going on Hiatus for extended periods, presumably because some of their members were serving time or got sleepy.
It’S sleepy, okay got it only to rise again with new techniques to evade security and to cause trouble they’re like cicadas, but with malware this time they were spotted, sending a malicious image macro embedded in an attached 500 megabyte Word document, which is way above the file Size limit of many security scans, but I guess not everybody scans, and the file contained large experts excerpts – is that the word excerpts from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, which is a pretty big book, and it also had macros wow good job. Uh SpaceX is getting ready to test its new starship in the next month, which founder, Elon Musk gives a 50 50 chance of success. This is a quote, I’m not saying it will get to orbit, but I am guaranteeing excitement. While this doesn’t exactly Inspire confidence, it will certainly incentivize people to tune into the presumably available live stream of the launch, whether it’s to see it, make it into orbit or see it, make it into Oblivion. They’Re both options – the fault, dear viewers, is not in our Tech news, but in ourselves, return on Friday for more Tech linked or face trial for crimes against Rome. That’S right, you or one of your nine friends could die every week every week unless you fight better .