GoPro Hero 5 Black & Session first look

GoPro Hero 5 Black & Session first look

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “GoPro Hero 5 Black & Session first look”.
Hey everybody, its jump from the verge, and today GoPro announced two brand new action cameras: the hero, five black in the hero five session. Let’S start with the hero, five black, which on the inside, is really not that much different from the hero4 black before it. First. It’S water-resistant out of the box this time. That means you won’t need a waterproof housing. The camera alone will be protected if you submerge it in up to 33 feet of water. The second big difference is that the hero 5 black – has a touchscreen. Now, instead of last time, where it didn’t have one in the hero4 silver did the hero – 5 black has a two inch LCD touchscreen, where you can control all the settings from, but it’s an all new menu system this time around. So it’s definitely going to take some time to get used to it. If you used a gopro before it’s got the same image sensor inside that’s capable of taking 12 megapixel stills 4k video at 30 frames a second or 1080p video at 120 frames per second GoPro did say that there’s a new image processing chip in this camera that Lets it do all that extra stuff and better, yet it’s going to help give it 50 percent more battery life than the hero4. Another big addition is voice control.

You can use your voice to say things like GoPro, start, recording or GoPro. Stop, recording or GoPro. Take a photo and seven different languages will be supported at launch when the camera goes on sale on October, 2nd when it does go on sale, the Hero, 5 blacks, actually going to cost less than the four did it’ll cost 399. Now the Hero 5 session will cost $ 2.99, and this is a camera. That’S an update to the hero4 session that was released last year, and this one actually has some upgrades inside its now capable of 10 megapixel stills, and the session can now shoot 4k video at 30 frames a second just like the hero 5 black. It does have a smaller image sensor, though now the hero 5 session is also water-resistant and the biggest change to both of these cameras that I haven’t mentioned yet, is that both of them are cloud connected, because GoPro also, today launched Go Pro Plus, which is a Subscription storage service, kind of like Google Drive or anything else like that you’ll pay $ 4.99 a month for GoPro plus and the way it works is pretty simple.

You essentially go out and shoot the footage you want to shoot when we come back home and plug it in to charge the camera hooks up to your home, Wi-Fi and just automatically starts backing up all that footage and all those photos to the plow and from There you can just go on your mobile device. You can go on your desktop anywhere, you are. You can essentially access all that footage in those photos, download them edit them whatever. Now, the one drawback is that you can’t say download a video to your phone start. Editing it and pick up where you left off on your computer, you’re downloading it to a certain place and doing something with it there. So there are some limits here, but this is the kind of thing that GoPro can offer that a lot of its competition. Can it’s not something you’re gon na find on a sony, 4k action camera or the Garmin VirB ultra 30? Now? Will that be enough to make people want to upgrade to the hero? 5? Black from one of the hero4 cameras, it’s kind of hard to say right now, but the hero 5 session is a huge improvement over the last version and the hero 5. Black is a pretty big one as well. Now the hero 5 session is an update to last year’s session camera.

Sorry, I got distracted by a dog yeah. He just looked so happy. Uh .

GoPro Hero 5 Black & Session first look