Google’s Defeat Changes Everything

Google's Defeat Changes Everything

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google’s Defeat Changes Everything”.
Ah, don’t you just love computers with the plastic and the wiring and they got lights and stuff? I don’t know, I just think they’re cute epic games, CEO Tim Sweeney, finally has his first big win after spending three years, crusading against apple and Google’s app stores. Instead of making the epic game store not suck, so it wouldn’t depend on exclusive games hey but to each their own. On Monday, the jury in the Epic V Google trial unanimously agreed with epic’s argument that Google illegally used Monopoly power and anti-competitive business deals to ensure the Play Store remains dominant in the Android app distribution Market, thereby crushing epic’s plans to bypass the Play Store tax. Now this may be confusing, given that epic lost in court making basically the same argument against Apple, who Bears a much stronger resemblance to this guy, but epic’s case against.

Google was actually made easier since Google does allow thirdparty app stores on Android while doing everything they can behind the scenes to ensure those all fail. Google was also hurt by the fact that its Executives wrote things down allowing incriminating documents to be obtained by epic’s covert task force of elite fortnite hackers. This security system is mid, No Cap BR.

Google's Defeat Changes Everything

If you want a full Deep dive on this, I did a full, Deep dive in this Tech longer. I think it’s pretty good now. This development could fundamentally change the App Store landscape for both Apple and Google, but of course, Google will appeal the ruling and if it sticks it’ll be years before the changes affect end users. But Tim Sweeny is good at the long game.

Google's Defeat Changes Everything

Fortnite has survived and, as evidenced by a recent launch of games within a game like Lego fortnite, which is actually Minecraft. It’S actually blossoming into a metaverse of its own, one that won’t have to hand over a cut of its Android Revenue to Google. So what’s next well, according to Tim, he’s taken the fight back to copertino, so he can lose again speaking of antitrust and apple early. Next year, EU Regulators are likely to serve apple with a ban on App Store rules that block block music services from steering users away from the App Store and towards other subscription options. It’S also theoretically possible that the European Council could find Apple up to 10 % of annual sales as part of the decision, but a fine of that scale would be extremely unusual. After all, the mark of a good threat is that you never have to follow through. It’S a nice App Store, you have shame would be if something would have happened to it. Eu Regulators are also investigating how Apple restricts access to mobile payment features on its devices, prompting Apple, to offer opening up its tap Ando system to Apple pay competitors.

For some reason, meanwhile, the right to repair movement is gaining Traction in North America, and the European Parliament recently voted near unanimously to pass new aggressive right to repair. Legislation. Apple by pure coincidence, is expanding its self-repair program to more devices, including the iPhone 15 and newer M2 MacBook models. M2. It’S also released a relatively sophisticated web-based diagnostic tool that will give users access to the same testing abilities as Apple authorized service providers. This diagnostic tool is currently available only in the US, but will be expanding to Europe next year, or else the California Department of Motor Vehicles is accusing Tesla of false advertising regarding its so-called full self-driving feature, a feature that does not and cannot fully automate a car, But sure does sound like it can in response. Tesla’S lawyers are arguing that the DMV implicitly condoned its marketing, because Tesla started using the term autopilot in 2014 and full self-driving in 2016, and the DMV chose not to take action until 2021, like if the cops don’t see. It’S legal Tesla also claims that California’s false advertising rules for autonomous vehicles inappropriately restrict constitutionally protected speech that is truthful and non-misleading.

That might be relevant if it weren’t for the fact that unprotected speech, that is dishonest and very misleading, is exactly what they’re currently accused of Tesla. Recently escaped a class action lawsuit for alleged false advertisement. But that’s largely due to a forced arbitration Clause embedded in Tesla’s terms and conditions. Today, Tesla also issued a recall of over 2 million cars, which is basically all of them in the US, for a partial defect in Tesla’s autopilot controls which the highway traffic safety administration found didn’t sufficiently ensure that drivers were paying attention and then prevent them from using It under inappropriate conditions, of course by recall Regulators, just mean an over theair patch to the infotainment system.

Just in case, you weren’t already worried that automative safety Regulators are dangerously behind the times now, it’s time for quick bits brought to you by manscaped, if you’re looking for a way to quickly take care of your bits, manscaped on the case with their performance package 5.0. Ultra, it includes the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra, so you can mow the lawn as well as the weed whacker 2.0 for your ears and nose. So it doesn’t look like a kraken is trying to escape from up there. There you’ll even get their crop Soother and crop preserver, which will keep you smelling fresh down in your nether regions, because remember taking care of your hygiene is the manliest thing you can do, depending on your conception of gender check out the performance package 5.0 Ultra at Manscape.Com Tech link and use the code TechLink for 20 % off and free shipping. It was recently discovered that every quickbit emits low-level radiation. Don’T worry you folks at home are perfectly safe.

I, however, have 6 months to live. I’Ve been doing this a while in response to a concerned post by a Chinese user AMD, has clarified that, while yes, overclocking Aizen thread, Ripper 7000 does blow a hidden fuse to indicate that the chip has been used with overclocking, but that doesn’t necessarily void its warranty. According to amd’s standard terms of sale, damage that directly results from overclocking may not qualify for repair under warranty, but an overclock chip is still covered by warranty for replacement or repair for other issues. Nothing has changed so overclockers can relax and keep overing those clocks cow tipping.

I think all right, let’s just up the voltage a bit huh that was dumb. The Australian competition and consumer commission has hit Google subsidiary Fitbit, with a 7.3 million USD fine for making misleading claims to at least 58 customers about its warranties I’d say it was warranted. Well, the fine is only 3.8 % of fitbit’s $ 190 million net income last year. It’S also over 120,000 per customer lied to Fitbit Representatives, reportedly told several customers. They only had 45 days to return a faulty device.

Google's Defeat Changes Everything

They told another that they couldn’t receive a refund because the device wasn’t purchased directly from the Fitbit website. According to Australian law, goods sold in the Country Must hit a certain threshold of quality and fit to purpose, or the customer must be offered a repair, replacement or refund. Either you comply or they drag you out into the desert and leave you to the kangaroos. They look cute they’re, not the FTC has released a warning advising citizens to be cautious when scanning QR codes, given their increased use in scams and distribution of malware pictures of QR codes embedded in fishing emails can easily bypass normal Security checks, where a direct link to A Malicia site would be quickly detected, you’re also likely to find QR codes on restaurant tables, shop, Windows, posters and parking lot, kiosks, which just makes it easy for a scam artist to just paste their own code over the authentic one. Also, why do we call them? Scam, artists: this is like Sandwich Artist all over again. It’S just mustard you’re, not Picasso valve has asked steam deck owners to please stop inhaling the devic’s exhaust fumes. A riter for Kotaku has elected to ignore the health and safety advice because they can’t stop quote smelling the hot plasticky, almost fruity scent. Apparently, a nonzero amount of people on Reddit feel strongly about the scent with one commenter lamenting the day. Their deck stopped smelling, or maybe his old factory nerve, finally died of deck poisoning, I’m so happy.

I got to write that. Why do we love what’s bad for us and an AI companion robot has been dividing New York’s elderly Community. What show is this? Is this local news all right here we go, leq has been given out to hundreds of lonely seniors as part of an initiative by the New York State government’s office for the agent, while many seniors seem to enjoy the company. Others likened the robots reminders and prompts to nagging and even called the devic’s tone, rude man if one of them says kids these days I’ll, finally, win elderly catchphrase Bingo. Finally, we strike back against big grandma and you’ll win more Tech news. If you come back on Friday for another episode of tech link, don’t forget this.

Is me reminding you? Does it better see you there? Okay, .