Google wants DRM for Websites

Google wants DRM for Websites

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google wants DRM for Websites”.
All right, yeah sorry, Google proposes DRM for websites. Let’S go. Google Engineers have published a paper titled the web or not the just web environment Integrity explainer, which proposes that websites ask for tokens from users machines. Those tokens would have been cryptographically verified by uh, OS and browser-based uh testers.

Google would then likely control which websites and browsers uh seem trustworthy, which is why many Critics on GitHub have called the idea DRM for websites. The paper claims that the proposal is to improve security and reduce Bots and fake engagement, which might actually be true to be fair. However, if enacted, this would break most ad blockers, which is probably the real reason why and squeeze the user base of alternative browsers that refuse to enact the system as they will be unable to access a range of various websites.

Google wants DRM for Websites

Obviously, the idea of a website requiring a specific browser isn’t new, but the ubiquity of chrome chromium might mean something wholly different for the relative openness of the internet. Louis Rossman who’s. Here by the way, uh called The Proposal.

Google wants DRM for Websites

He called The Proposal, one of the scariest things he’s ever heard in his life. He lived in New York for years and, honestly, from my perspective too, I I think this would effectively New Yorkers have no filter like at all. They just say anything.

Google wants DRM for Websites

We know that we’ve seen him do it yeah, but this would, in my opinion, effectively spell the end of what we have known up until this point as the internet. Okay, that’s very doomsday. No, but actually I’m not saying I disagree, yeah, I’m just saying that’s pretty. This would be like super bad um yeah, I don’t know, maybe maybe we’re doing glooming too much.

Maybe they elaborate more and there’s more to it and there’s different ways to engage with it. You can have different versions of a site, something like that. I don’t know yeah. I agree with that. Guy .