Google Pixel Fold – REAL Day in the Life Review!

Google Pixel Fold - REAL Day in the Life Review!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Pixel Fold – REAL Day in the Life Review!”.
What’S going on guys, Robert consumer and today, we’re gon na be spending a real Day in the Life with the pixel gold uh. The irony of today is that we are actually at this Galaxy fold pop-up. I just got these new full devices, but we’re not here to talk about that. We’Re here to talk about the pixel Bowl, so we’re gon na be spending a full day with this phone learning, all the ins and outs about it, seeing how it performs, but so far we’re at 90. Since I’ve been using it this morning, we’ll see how that battery lasts throughout the rest of the day. Thank you all right guys, so we are incredibly late uh. I was supposed to get here at nine. It’S 1108 right now, so I’ve actually got to run to another meeting. I’M actually gon na break up with dom here for a bit head to that meeting and then we’ll talk a little bit more about what I think about this phone.

Google Pixel Fold - REAL Day in the Life Review!

One thing I will say, though you guys know I typically hate walking around without a case, especially out in public, with this concrete everywhere. I feel, oddly comfortable with this, like I don’t feel like it’s going to slip out my hand, even though scared of this didn’t kind of falling. Always now before we got to the city, we had a pretty early start to the day, most of it being spent in an Uber three hours to be exact, and I think that was because of a freak crane falling accident in the city, absolutely wild stuff. But that meant I spent a lot of time on the phone doing all kinds of stuff from answering emails.

Google Pixel Fold - REAL Day in the Life Review!

So of course watching some content. I feel like this is the kind of scenario where having a big screen is really beneficial. I was able to watch it on the 7.6 inch display, which just UPS The Experience now, because this is Google’s first folding phone. They made some upgrades to certain applications like Gmail, where it kind of does a split view where you can see your mail on one side, content on the other.

Google Pixel Fold - REAL Day in the Life Review!

So it’s nice to see upgraded Google applications taking advantage of the larger display now so, while it might have been a much longer Uber ride than I expected having that larger display definitely helped to alleviate some time in a more exciting way. I will say, though I did struggle with the speakers when trying to hear my content in the Uber, but what talk about that? A little bit later now, I think it’s pretty well documented across the internet that a lot of people are enjoying the form factor of this phone. The Wider but shorter body definitely feels really good in the hand. It’S a lot more screen than those narrow phones that we’ve been getting in the past, so I think a lot more people are just comfortable using this thing.

Similarly, to the way they’ve been using their normal smartphones now, another thing I’ve really got to give Google credit for is the build quality of this phone. So we’ve got stainless steel around the edges. It feels really good in the hand it feels like a premium device. Now the only knock on this is that if you’re, not careful, you don’t have like a case on it.

You will start to see scratches over time. Sadly, mine started getting some scratches, so I’m a little hurt by it, but it does feel really good in the hand and it does help it to feel very premium. But amongst that stainless steel frame, we do have a power button with a fingerprint scanner.

I feel like the fingerprint scanner works really quickly. You can just tap it and and unlock the phone or you just rest, your finger on it and it’ll unlock it as well, both very responsive for me. Personally, I don’t really care for fingerprint scanners in the display.

I know a lot of people like that, but I prefer it on the power button I feel like that makes more sense and I’m glad Google went with it here now. When you open up the phone you get access to that 7.6 inch display. Although I will say the crease. I’Ve had a harder time getting over it in this phone for some, for whatever reason – and I think that might be because when you open up the phone, it doesn’t do the full 180 on your first open. So I always feel like I have to like push it down a little bit more and a lot of people have already mentioned this, and I don’t know if it’s something that would have bothered me if I didn’t hear about it already, but it is pretty annoying To have to feel like the phone isn’t completely open when you’re trying to use it in that bigger tablet mode. For me, personally, I found myself trying to open it up a little bit more than I have any other foldable smartphone.

So that is something to think about. I do feel like it might play a role in making the crease a little bit more prominent, but when you’re in like a dark area, you can’t really tell but anywhere with some light, it’s definitely visible in my opinion. Overall, it’s a very comfortable phone to use whether it’s closed and when open. Like I said I do find myself trying to pry it open a little bit more, but for the most part I still prefer this design over anything.

I’Ve used in the foldable market. So far, okay, guys, so we are back in the studio. Finally, it was a long long, first part of the day, actually so long that it’s afternoon now, it’s 3 P.M, which is absolutely wild um and we still got a lot of stuff to do in here. We’Ve got to unbox this thing that just came in it said it has dry ice freeze upon arrival, so we got ta pop this thing open.

We got to get right to it, so let’s go ahead and do that now all right, so I’m gon na go ahead and grab a story really quick, all right y’all, so a black box just showed up to the studio. So you know what we got to do. We got ta open it up, see. What’S inside, listen, I’m not.

I know we already talked about like the form factor, but it’s such a short device, I’m not mad at it. Like I love the way, this feels, like I’m sorry and like I feel like all foldables, should have this form factor, and Microsoft was the first to kind of get it right with the Microsoft Duo uh, but on this guy it feels great screen on the outside Wider, it just feels like a more normal phone to use than like some of the really Slim foldables out there that we just picked up today. It’S okay, it’s okay! We love them all while we’re unboxing this so we’re gon na.

Add this to the massive Tech unboxing, because we’re not quite ready to shoot that video just yet so we’re gon na unbox this thing and then add it later. I’M gon na record some footage here of the unboxing. You can pretty much just use this as a tripod, because it’s a foldable phone now all foldables kind of have this feature since it’s they’re all foldable, but I got ta say it is nice to be able to do it I’ll record. Let’S do it all right guys, so we just unboxed all this Twisted Metal stuff.

It’S actually really cool. We got a fridge, travel pouch, some ice cream, a bomber jacket and some other stuff too some survival gear. So I am all about this. That’S a win for today: let’s actually take a picture of the refrigerator. Let’S go wide here and bam.

This is not bad at all, just from a quality perspective, uh, the framing and all that this is a terrible picture. Okay, anyway, let’s get another picture, so I can post this, take a little bit more time to frame up all right, not bad. This will definitely do the trick for social media. I do want to talk a little bit more about the cameras now when it comes to the camera quality I got ta say this does have a lot of the characteristics of a standard, pixel phone you get those nice contrasty shots if you’re into that the quality. Overall is nice, but it doesn’t match up with like the pixel 7 Pro, and I feel like that might be a little bit disappointing to some who are shelling out the eighteen hundred dollars that this thing costs me personally. I’Ve always been a little bit disappointed that all of the foldable phones don’t have cameras that match up with the flagship devices. So it’s kind of like what we see with these Samsung phones. But it is still rather disappointing to me, because this is supposed to be a phone that kind of has it all it has the outside screen.

The bigger screen on the inside has the premium price uh, and you kind of want cameras that match that. It’S not what we’re seeing here uh, but overall, I think the average person using this phone isn’t really going to complain too much much about the overall quality. You can still pull off some really nice shots. Portrait mode looks great.

They do have that darker. Look to it because of the up contrast, but I think for the most part you do get shots that look like pixel shots, but it’s just not of the highest quality and considering the price. Some people might not be happy with that.

I don’t know man volume’s still pretty low, so like around the 70, all right, let’s check out one of our videos, so we just dropped the video actually what’s going on guys, it’s average consumer and it’s time for a good old-fashioned Showdown. I mean look at this volume bar it’s not very loud, even all the way over here, but man. This is not. These are not impressive speakers by any means. When you spend like close to two thousand dollars on a phone, you want the speakers to sound good, but these speakers leave a lot to be desired very disappointing.

To be honest, what’s your battery yet oh good question! So it is 511. You know getting pretty close to the end of the day, so we’ve got 51 left should be able to get me through the rest of the day, no problem, probably because I’ve been just in meetings all day. I wasn’t really on the phone that much. I was really taxing it so on a day like today, battery’s not so bad.

Now when it comes to battery life overall, I feel like this was a pretty average experience on days where I didn’t use it much. I lasted till like eight o’clock, as you saw in the real day in the life, but on days where it got a lot more use. I was charging it a little bit earlier, maybe around like the five o’clock range, so it all depends on how you use it, especially if you use the larger display a lot more.

I’M not somebody who jumps into the larger display, often unless, like you saw in the real Day in the Life I’m like sitting down for a long period of time, maybe eating some food, maybe on an Uber watching content or maybe even playing a game. So a lot of my battery use doesn’t come from the larger display, but I do feel like if you’re someone who does you might see less than Stellar battery life. For me, this one feels pretty average.

Now, surprisingly, from a performance perspective, this phone has been pretty solid better than any of the pixels I’ve used so far with the tensor chips. Inside of them. You guys know me, I’m a big gamer and usually that’s my Benchmark for how well a phone performs.

I typically see some stutters in my gameplay when I’m playing on any of the previous pixels with tensor chips, but on this guy it’s been a really smooth experience knock on wood and now, of course, we know Google’s strongest point is going to be with the software Experience so you got a lot of cool features from Google That You Don’t See on. Other phones, like the call screening feature, which I still personally think is an absolutely amazing feature, but we’re not seeing a ton of software perks when it comes to the foldable experience. You do have the ability to, of course, use split screen where you can have two apps side by side.

We do have some really cool dock features as well, but I would have liked to see a better experience when it comes to using applications with the bigger screen right now. You can just have them right in the center and you have like those two big black borders on the side and you can’t move the apps closer to the size. If you want to do that, but you still got all that empty wasted space. But I am happy, though, that a lot of the Google applications do take advantage of the larger display.

But we just got to see that come to third-party apps. And I don’t know when that issue is going to be fixed on Android overall and that’s no fault of Google per se uh. It’S an Android issue, honestly Android tablets. Don’T have a lot of optimized apps.

I feel like it’s weird to use Instagram on the larger screen. I’Ll, probably always opt for the front screen because of this now, overall, when it comes to recommending this phone, I will say the main drawbacks that I see are the camera not being up to Snuff, with like Flagship devices as well as the app situation on the Larger display, but aside from that, I feel like this is a really solid phone at eighteen hundred dollars. Would I recommend it overall? I don’t think it provides the full experience that the average person might want at this price. But if you are a pixel Enthusiast, Google brings a lot to the table with this one.

I just want to see better app support for that bigger screen and maybe hopefully, next year we see better cameras, although I’m not counting on that, but that about wraps it up for this video guys. Hopefully that helps until next. One guys is your average consumer peace, [ Applause, ] .