Google Pixel Box

Google Pixel Box

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Pixel Box”.
Thank you to bridge for sponsoring a portion of this video good morning, everyone and welcome so google just made. I think one of the biggest plays that we’ve seen in the tech space in a long time. I’M here, for it, the pixel name just became the pixel ecosystem and google’s about to release products that directly compete with not only companies like samsung but are now going head-to-head, even more categories against apple and whatever side of that fence you are on. That is amazing.

Google Pixel Box

For the consumers, and as good as that is, i think google can actually do more in order to make the pixel ecosystem that it can be. There’S a few suggestions that humble suggestions, uh, that i’ve got and if google does this right, they might make the pixel the phone and the ecosystem to have so reversing a little bit. Google.

Google Pixel Box

I o just took place a few weeks ago, aside from announcing a new software with android 13. go also took the wraps off a metric ton of hardware, and honestly, all of it seems really compelling. So the big one was the pixel 6a, which is obviously the more affordable version of the pixel 6 and the 6 pro and i’ve been saying for a while. The a line of phones should be one of the main things that google is focusing on and even though the pixel 6 line was a gigantic step, making the entire pixel line great, i think the a-line is going to be the best option for most people, especially This year, so you get a lot of awesome things with the 6a, but the biggest one. It’S rockin google’s tensor chip. It’S the exact same chip that you get in the top end 6 pro, and with that you get all the ai and processing from google, which should lead to really amazing camera performance, solid battery life.

And, of course, you know great software. We know and love from the pixel, and all of that is 150 bucks less than the pixel six. I think it’s going to be the phone to beat, especially on the android side and obviously the phones got better year over year, but it’s still the same price as the pixel 5a was now.

The screen is still 60hz. I wish certainly wish it was a high refresh rate and the main camera sensor is different than we’ve got on the pixel 6 line, but with google’s machine learning. These photos still look absolutely amazing.

Google Pixel Box

This is not only an android phone for everybody in a lot of senses, if you don’t have an os allegiance, it’s kind of the perfect phone for most everybody. Aside from that, google also finally announced the pixel watch. This one’s been rumored.

For now it seems like better part of half a decade, so finally, we’ve got legit competitors for samsung and apple, especially here in the us. I know other companies make wearables, but those are the main options here in the us, and i am here for it. It’S circular looks, awesome, obviously has fitbit integration and, of course, uses a google assistant, and that is great, i think one of the biggest knocks on this guy.

The apple watch is that relies on siri for a lot of things that go on with voice the design. It’S getting a little long in the tooth. I love the round looks getting notifications on.

Your watch are incredibly useful. All the fitness things you’d expect having fitbit built in this looks like an not only an awesome watch aesthetically, but an awesome piece of kit. It actually is really useful now and as if that wasn’t enough, we also got a peek at the new pixel buds pro pixel, seven, which google just decided to leak themselves even got a look at the pixel tablet that should be coming sometime next year and just As a side note, i love that google’s, like here’s, the pixel, seven we’re gon na they’re gon na leak in anyway.

Take a look at it. We’Ll tell you more about it later. I thought that was kind of a kind of baller move, but anyway you slice. It google looks to be super serious about the hardware game and it’s really a compelling package. Now one thing you are going to need, no matter what ecosystem you are in is a way to expand your ports. Usbc is awesome, thunderbolt 4 are awesome, but you don’t get a lot of them on any computer or any device.

Unfortunately, if you’re lucky on the best one, maybe you’ll get three and that’s not enough for all your things to plug into so this is the bridge stone pro tb4 uh, you probably know bridge they make, i think, probably the best ipad keyboard docks going. They’Ve got a hub with 12 ports that, if you can think of a port, this thing has it so. You’Ve got four thunderbolt 4 ports, one usba 2.0, three usba 3.2, an sd card reader, one gigabit, ethernet port, a 3.5 millimeter audio port and then one dock power, port, thing’s.

Obviously a powerful beast uh. It’S got 90 watts of power to charge whatever you want crazy. Fast transfer speeds 40 gigabits per second.

This thing does absolutely anything that you could want. You can sort of. Have it standing up.

You can put it flat. It’S going to give you all of the ports and sort of my favorite thing about it is that it’s just going to connect using one thunderbolt 4 port, and that’s it. The other ports on your laptop or desktop are free and open, and you’ve got one port that it can sort of split out into absolutely everything.

There are a lot of options when it comes to docs, but if you want one that is going to work well last you and give you every port option that you need the bridge stone pro tb4 is an awesome way to go. If you want to learn more check it out, we will link to them down below uh. Google is finally sort of filling the gaps they had in their hardware product strategy, but really got me thinking about what else google could do to make the google ecosystem what it can be. What if google bundled all their products together into like the ultimate googs starter pack? This is a concept i’ve talked about before with other companies, but i think with google.

It makes a ton of sense for a few reasons, so you have to remember what google’s business model is. They are making hardware, but it’s not really a profit play at least not directly sure they’re phones and hubs and wi-fi and nest and everything else they make. Are generally pretty great, but google isn’t selling it to you to be a one-and-done transaction, they are selling it to you to get into the google world. So i can learn more about you and serve you what google does best, and that is ads. Even all these years later, the google business model is still ads, whether that’s a good or bad thing doesn’t take away from the fact that it is very, very true.

That means google’s product decisions are vastly different from other companies. The best place to see this in action is with the pixel six like for years. Pixel fans were begging, google to make a high-end pixel that was affordable, so google, finally, did it.

The six and six pro come in hundreds less than top competitors, even if the margins on the pixel six aren’t as high google make up that difference, sort of as the user lives in the google world. So with that in mind, what if google offered a package that gave you the entire google ecosystem for, say, 70 bucks a month? This could be made up of new pixel 6a pixel watch, pixel buds, even nest, wi-fi uh, so customer gets a phone and like a really good one. Like i mentioned pixel 6a shaping up to be, i think, a killer phone, a lot of the same features and more expensive pixels.

That’S awesome! You also get the watch which i think is a integral part of the ecosystem. Plus you know it just looks. Awesome. Pixel buds are a great seamless option, listening to your favorite, music or videos on your phone and honestly, the price. This is a no-brainer to include, especially since the pixel does not come with any headphones last. I think it’d be really smart for google to bundle its nest wi-fi.

This is their latest sort of router setup and offers a lot and, of course it would be a great wi-fi router for most people. It also acts as a nest menu at the speaker. So you can ask google assistant questions and again going back to google’s business model.

Having the google assistant ready in your home makes a lot of sense and just maybe live in a supported area. Google could even bundle in uh google fiber at home, so for from a to z, you’re being served. Google if we’re gon na go a step further, maybe even a google five phone plan thrown in there.

I know this might sound crazy, but also might be the best way to get customers inside of the google ecosystem so and it would cover pretty much every digital part of a person’s life, and let google gain that info. That would make it worth the price, even if google would be sort of losing money on the short term. On the flip side, though, this would be a killer deal for the customer.

Not only do you get a brand spanking new phone, you also get all the other sort of awesome stuff to go along with it and sort of now. You are wanting to join the pixel family. So now i don’t think google’s actually going to bundle all these products together at all. If you want to, though, how about i don’t have to give me credit, but i think it is a pretty good idea, but the reason i’m even suggesting google do. This is because there’s still a fundamental problem with the pixel line that google has yet to solve, and that’s the simple one of adoption and listen i’ll admit it’s hard to sell someone sort of from the apple side to switch over to the android side. I’M not even going to focus on that at all, but google should in theory have a much easier time, converting other android users to the pixel line, but just isn’t happening as fast as i’m sure google uh thinks it should.

And that being said, i think the pixel 6 was a gigantic step in the right direction and sure that google was absolutely serious about the line, especially after the pixel 4 and pixel 5 that came before it and to me there’s no doubt the pixel 6 hardware Is great and from that little sneak, peek pixel 7 looks to be awesome as well, and at least for one more year. You know that pixel line least of the phones going to be staying around from a sales perspective. It certainly seemed to have helped in a year with craziest supply constraints, economic issues.

Google said the pixel 6 sold more than the four and five combined now granted. It’S still only a few million units, but it is definitely a step in the right direction. I think offering other high quality products and same ecosystem going to drive that even further with apple, i can have my phone.

My watch, my earbuds tablet. Even a computer with samsung, i can say the same about with google. The gaps still exist so now that google is filling those in the only reason, sort of not go with. Google would be the experience of those products, and luckily google is really good at making solid software and solid hardware, especially it all comes together with ai .