Google Pixel 8 Leaks! EVERYTHING CHANGES

Google Pixel 8 Leaks! EVERYTHING CHANGES

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Pixel 8 Leaks! EVERYTHING CHANGES”.
You’Ve got to come back with me where here’s a first look at the pixel 7 and pixel 7 Pro. Let’S talk, pixel 8. pixelate get it just did their whole marketing campaign for them. So, while the tech world is going nuts, analyzing buttons lack of buttons and what buttons might happen or not happen, and getting insanely hyped over USB type c, Google’s doing Google things and it’s like kind of leaking their own new phones way too early uh the phone World in general, I think, is pretty nuts six months with the phone’s life cycle, and already there are legit rumors about what’s coming next and the pixel 8 line Looks to build off everything that pixel 7 did, but obviously you know make it better. So, if you’re in the market for a new phone by October, here’s what you need to know so the pixel 7, I think, was a big step for Google.

It was the first time getting to revise uh their first gen tensor processor and somehow delivered a phone. I think is one of the best phones rocking any operating system on the market, uh also somehow undercutting uh everyone on price. It is a pretty close to perfect phone this year, though, presumably in October, we’ll get the pixel 8 and the pixel 8 Pro and weirdly things they’re getting smaller, as most phones tend to get larger. So let’s get uh secret agent style first, the 8 and a pro are codenamed Husky and sheba tells us nothing but leaked display. Information for both phones has come out.

Uh husky looks to be the pixel a pro with a 28 22 by 1344p resolution, while a smaller pixel 8. use. My Keen deducting sense say that Sheba Sports, a 2268 by 1080p resolution, so both are smaller than the current pixel 7 phones.

Uh 6.2 inch screen is coming for the pixel 8., that is slightly smaller than the pixel 7 at 6.3 inches, so 0.1 inches to be exact screen size is whatever, but what about design? So if you like the Mandalorian style, visor design, we got to pixel 6 you’re in look, if not, I don’t know, kick rocks muff Gideon uh. So back in March we got a glimpse with the pixel. A pro will look like thanks to on leaks, hold on to your chairs, but it looks like a modified pixel 7 Pro um. If you get like surgical, though uh, there are three big differences to spot the most notable one as a change to the camera bar.

Google Pixel 8 Leaks! EVERYTHING CHANGES

So, unlike previous models, the camera lenses are spread out more across the device, giving each sensor a bit more like breathing room. I think that should help some of the weird shattering issues that we saw on last year’s phone, so the corners uh meanwhile seem to be a bit more rounded kind of more in line with what we have with the Galaxy s23 plus then sort of squared off Corners of say, the s23 ultra and Google just want to say some love for this. One has given the pro a flat display, which has been long overdue. I just want to send some love to Flat displays out there um.

Google Pixel 8 Leaks! EVERYTHING CHANGES

As far as specs go. We can assume first year we had the tensor G1 second year, tensor G2. Surprise we’re gon na be getting the tensor G3 uh. This guy is code named Zuma.

I just like knowing the code names here. It’S rumored to be based on Samsung’s, unannounced, uh, Samsung, exynos 2300 processor, which is based on Samsung’s three nanometer processor, which allegedly should be very comparable to compare, I think pretty favorably to tsmc and The Foundry sort of being used and utilized by Qualcomm and apple uh. The current Google tensor G2 is a five nanometer chipset. I think this overall should improve processor efficiency and power for more images on leaks, also teamed up with my smart price to give us renders of the regular pixel 8. Gander at it uh. It mostly looks right in line on the design introduced with the pixel 6 and then refined with the seven, although it’s obvious that everything looks little smaller eyes. Um. The renders here, though, are showing the same dual camera setup on the back, the same sort of visor style array that we’ve had before.

If there is anything interesting here, I thought Google is seemingly switching to a polished metal frame rather than a brushed one. Reading the pixel 8 looked more similar to the pixel 8 Pro or, I guess, 7, Pro too um – probably just design decisions, though, for these renders, and since, like I said, the beginning, power buttons are all the hype. Uh volume rocker remains in the same position. Um and Google is one of the really only companies out there. That puts a power button above volume, which I was hoping they were going to switch this year, but no dice they’re going to stick around for the eight. We don’t know much more about like the pixel, 8 and pixelate Pros Hardware might entail. There were some rumors over the summer after zested Google’s experiencing with a ceramic phone, so we don’t know what model that could be the coding associated with it was It ultimately is going to come out of the pixel 7A, which doesn’t make sense for that to be Ceramic, I assume if we do see a ceramic phone uh, it would probably be the pixel 8 Pro, but nothing substantiating that at all. If you like me and you loved the face unlock on the pixel 4 every new Time, pixel comes out, I get pretty hyped like this.

Google Pixel 8 Leaks! EVERYTHING CHANGES

Is the one that’s going to bring it back um? I guess not uh. The pixelate lineup is going to support ultrasonic fingerprint sensor. It’S still under the display like before. Presumably it should be faster than pixel 7’s Optical sensor, so switching from Optical to ultrasonic should hopefully just make it quicker, more responsive and just generally work better. I imagine it’ll be on Pace what we have on the Galaxy s23 Ultra, which I think is amongst the best of the ultrasonic sensors and if you’re talking about pixel series, I would be remiss and not do my job uh fighting top cameras, so Google built its Successor to the whole Nexus program based just on photos and how good it could do with the single lens and older hardware and they’ve done a really good job, combining sort of the hardware with Cutting Edge software and sort of AI.

To sort of give. You incredible! Processing in the past we’ve seen Google stick with camera sensors for long time, actually wasn’t until a pixel 6. We finally ditched the sensor that it had back from the pixel 3.

uh, but with this year’s lineup um looks like I might change a little bit. I’M going to Massacre this developer’s name, but I’m gon na try, uh, developer Kuba, wajachowski, uh, spotted support for Husky and sheba and Google’s camera Go app specifically referencing staggered HDR support, which is a new approach. Hdr photography, what it does it simultaneously captures short and long exposures to improve capture time. However, the G1 sensor currently used in the pixel 7 and pixel 6 before it doesn’t support it on a hardware level, which will lead me to believe that that is, for the hardware Tech on the pixel 8 or pixel 8 Pro.

So for a lot of filmmakers. Switching camera systems after a couple Generations is not unheard of for Google, though it is so I’m taking this rumor with a gigantic uh grain of salt. Google is also working pretty hard.

At least it appears to improve night sight. So there were some code changes that were found in the latest Google cameras, app sort of reference code, changes that which allegedly be used for the pixel 8. To give you a better low light photography when using a super resume uh. If you remember, maybe you had a pixel 7 Google’s, really impressive digital Zoom tool. Only works in really good lighting.

Try to use it at night. It just didn’t work at all. So this looks to fix that it also looks like Google is planning to expand night sight to super red Zoom shots, so capture, better images through some computational Wizardry happening. One of the coolest features.

I think that we saw on the pixel 8 on the photo side was sort of its photo unblur. It’S going to be coming to the video side as well, so it’s a nice tool to actually have, and we speaking of software should be no surprise. This will launch and be the first phone to launch with Android 14.. So we know a lot about the pixel 8 and pixelate probe. We still don’t know a lot uh, we don’t know colors. We have a pretty good sense of design everybody’s favorite.

We know what the power buttons are going to look like. You know what port it’s going to have on the bottom. I think Google still has a lot of surprises to unveil. I think we’ll see a lot more and we learn more about Android 14 at Google.

I O coming up, but the pixel line is always exciting: Google’s taken the exact opposite approach of most phone manufacturers and just shares information kind of throughout the year about the next generation of phones. I think the pixel 7 and 7 Pro and ultimately the 7A, are really good devices for a lot of people. I think it’s those out there that don’t care about operating system. The pixel 7 has been a really awesome choice for a lot of people on Pixel 8.

Looks you build off of that? No matter how good the pixelate is, I’m still holding a hope for a pixel fold, but either way about six more months and we’ll know what the future the pixel line is going to be. .