Google Pixel 6 Fold

Google Pixel 6 Fold

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Pixel 6 Fold”.
Portion of this video is sponsored by yieldstream. So how can google take the pixel to its next logical level? Make it stand out from the pack finally compete with the likes of samsung and apple? Look at this hotness. Look at this beauty that is, does not exist. Right now, ladies and gentlemen, meet the absolutely fake pixel fold, but, like everything that’s soon to exist at some point, it’s got: ta come out of the imagination and the rumors are growing.

The smoke is filling a room and i think the fire of the pixel fold will be coming very soon, allegedly as soon as later on this year. Imagine google getting back in the game not just with better cameras, not just with better screens, not just with new software, but with an all new form factor for the pixel line that gets phone enthusiasts excited and pumped and personally gives me advice that i cannot wait To get back in my pocket, let’s talk about it, so obviously i’m excited. I love everything that folds i am such a homer for the z-fold too.

I got a hard time even evaluating the device, so i’m obviously very excited, but these these rumors are all fine and fun, but, like reality eventually like sets in what are we actually going to see from google? So a few things i think we know so far is that google is at least testing it they’re working on it and that is in some form a real product and it’s likely to be a foldable very similar to my sweet baby, z, full 2 from samsung. So meaning there’s going to be a large screen inside it’s going to fold in half to become kind of a really long, typical phone with a screen on the outside. So as of now, it seems like the size of that screen is 7.6 inches and that’s, coincidentally, the same size as the current fold from samsung. So to add to those similarities, google has also reportedly tasked samsung, unsurprisingly, with making the display on the inside. Why go and do it yourself when samsung’s doing a pretty good job of it right now? So from that, you can guess the screen will likely be more or less the exact same, that we’ve got on the z full two um, which means high refresh rate high resolution and actually fold, which is very cool with samsung’s ultra thin glass. On top on the flip side of that does mean we will have a crease in the middle and folks that are kind of anti-fold have sort of always zeroed in on that crease being an eyesore, and it’s not pretty uh, but to have a device that folds It doesn’t bother me in the slightest this portion of the video is sponsored by yield street.

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Google Pixel 6 Fold

So the other thing that we could expect. That is somewhat backed up. Uh is the time frame. It is where the excitement starts to come back.

The phone is expected later in the year or 2022 according to friend of the channel, and no eyebrows guy uh john prosser, so not too far away. So listen really, though, that’s all we have of a confirmation at this point and john’s got a really good track record, but even with his leaks, it’s there’s not much tangible to go on, but there is a lot we can extrapolate from what google is currently doing And what i think would make perfect sense for any new foldable, so i think it’s pretty likely that we’re going to keep a very familiar pixel design, it’ll carry the pixel name, it should carry the pixel look and feel, and for years the pixel has been. Let’S say utilitarian super like not flashy uh and not overly high end. I expect that to stay.

Google Pixel 6 Fold

In fact, i would totally welcome it. I think it’d be awesome to have a foldable that feels like a tool rather than an art piece and, if i’m honest as much as i love using the z full 2 from samsung, i always feel like. I am like one trip away from breaking this thing. It feels really fragile again, like a art installation in my hand, so if google implemented the design of – let’s say the pixel 5 on a larger scale, i i for one would be very, very okay with that. So, on the inside of this thing, i think what we’re gon na see is a departure from what google did with the pixel 5.. So, instead of a mid-range processor, they’re going to go back to the top end from qualcomm snapdragon line and that’s going to be the 888 assuming that comes this year.

But i think going back to snapdragon’s flagship line might be the easy answer. So let me explain a little bit. This phone is the perfect vessel opportunity for the big g to introduce the rumored white chapel, and that is their in-house silicon that they are working on and what a better way to show off their beasts, their chops and to flex on the rest of the world. Introducing their own chip in their flagship, foldable device, look at apple, be like m1. What drop kick it like? A white chapel benchmarks, it do what apple does show the charts and how much faster the silicon is, and a new innovative design that be all accounts apple is years away from introducing on their own. That will put google on top of mind absolutely everybody um, but still a pixel.

So i think we are going to see the best camera google has ever made on a phone, and that says a lot from a phone camera that is already amongst the best we’ve ever seen. So this could be the first true update we’ve seen in years with the pixel. We actually did a video talking about the pixel cameras they’re using essentially the same hardware for years, relying on software to make it better. Budget of google went for new hardware and then new software on top of it. That could be absolutely amazing.

We could see true, 8k and finally, really good video multi-sensors. We don’t have to pick between wide angle or telephoto. We could have both maybe a crazy amount of zoom, similar to what samsung’s got 5 10 15 even a 50 times space zoom inside of this i’m just you can tell i’m just excited.

This is what we talk about here in the studio things that we love to see, and this is top of my list, so i want to make a video just to share my excitement so keeping this going, those three big things aside. I also expect that it’ll have all the usual stuff that a flagship phone should have so 5g wireless charging, fingerprint sensor and i’m crossing my fingers just a hope, uh. They will bring back face unlock and i do think we will see a big baller massive battery.

Google Pixel 6 Fold

Probably two on each side of the folds to really give this device all-day battery life and also probably justify what i imagine is going to be a premium price of well over a thousand dollars. Okay, so all those features at least to me – uh, sound great, but leaves a question as to like why? Why should this phone exist and why would it help google in the smartphone space and does i guess google even need help? So if you look at all the other competitors here, uh folding phones at least appear to be the future. Uh apple is working on a foldable phone we’ve certainly seen samsung get in the game. We’Ve seen dual screens from microsoft, every smartphone manufacturer that has a future at that very least trying and exploring some sort of foldable device, and i think the answer to why google want to do. This is simple. Look at the pixel model that google’s created it’s solid hardware, great camera and great software. That is always up to date. Those three things to me at least, are what make a pixel a pixel. It’S a phone that lives in the google ecosystem and can be really reliable, utilitarian and work as advertised.

But what’s missing is the excitement factor something that gets the customer? Maybe it’s just me talking in the door. So now, though, we thought that the price point of the pixel 5 would be that solution that gets people excited again, but pixel 5 price cut from a thousand bucks to 700 from generation generation. That was a really big deal at this point. It’S clear: it didn’t solve the excitement problem now.

The pixel is still a great phone in its current form, but it still sits on the back burner of most people’s minds. So, taking the great things that the pixel has implemented into a cutting-edge device, almost forces people to pay attention – and, i think, seems like a great idea and there’s a company that has the money and the resources to only take the risk, but also pull it off. It’S google .