Google Pixel 5 save your money!

Google Pixel 5 save your money!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Pixel 5 save your money!”.
Portion this video is sponsored by ivanki’s seven-in-one, usb type-c hub. That’S probably no surprise to you, but being a fan of technology gets expensive, it hits the wallet especially hard, so we’re talking a lot about the pixel 5, mostly just out of personal interest. I love to see what google can do year over year, how you can improve on hardware and software and ultimately give a better camera experience. So if you believe the rumors, the pixel 5 could be coming as soon as this month for an alleged price point of 699 dollars which we’re keeping track. It’S actually 100 less than the previous pixel 4 launch point. So we made a video about other ways. You could spend your money instead of buying an iphone 12 and other apple products, we’re looking at the android side of things and particularly the upcoming pixel 5.. What can you get from the android side for the alleged price of that pixel 5? That runs the full gamut of tech products, so we’re talking phone tablet headphones and even some more killer accessories. Let’S start using as a basis for this video essentially 700 can get you a lot of amazing tech, the ordinarily you would have spent for the latest flagship.

All right, so, let’s start with the phone. That’S like the big one here, the where the most of your money is going to go, and this should probably be no surprise. 350, bucks of our budget is going to go for the pixel 4a and we’re going to buy it directly from the google store you’re getting an amazing phone here, and i think google is leading the charge of redefining what a budget phone could and should be. First and foremost, you are getting an absolutely amazing camera amongst the best camera phones of any device out there, including flagships.

Google Pixel 5 save your money!

I like the build quality, despite it being plastic. I think the screen is really good. Despite being lower refresh rate, those are sort of sacrifices that i think most people are willing to make to get to that lower price point. It’S been a really enjoyable. Phone to use performance has been great. There is a 5g version coming, but for the sake of our budget, 349 bucks is going to get you an extremely capable, really good phone. That’S going to run the most cutting-edge version of android and it guarantees you software updates for at least three years, all right. So next, let’s roll with a new pair of headphones and we’re going to go with the pixel buds expensive at 180 and if we find them any cheaper, we’ll link to it down below, but we’re going to be buying these from the google store.

There’S a lot of really good options for headphones from other android manufacturers. Samsung, for example, just launched their galaxy buds live. Those beans are really good, but we’re opting for the pixel buds. Here i like, when possible, to match the headphone manufacturer with the phone manufacturer.

Pairing tends to be a lot easier. There tends to be just less issues, so 180 bucks – you are getting. Perhaps some of the best touch controls that are going you’re, getting a really small portable case, pretty decent battery life really good audio.

Google Pixel 5 save your money!

There are some issues with the pixel buzz, but i think most headphones have some issue there, but if you put all this package together with your 4a, i think you’ll be really happy for phone calls, music and ease of hearing alright. So, let’s get you a tablet too. Your new phone is great, but you want to do some tablet things uh.

I would have liked to have kept things in the google family, but their tablet side is not something i’m going to recommend. So we’re going to jump to samsung here and their tab a8. So 150 bucks. This is a total steal from best buy.

Google Pixel 5 save your money!

This is the perfect companion for media consumption you’re getting a super amoled display. So you know you’re gon na get awesome. Colors you’re gon na get really deep, blacks and made by samsung. So you know the quality is going to be really good for all of your video watching youtube tv streaming.

It is going to be an absolute perfect companion to take with you with your new phone and new headphones now i do want to give a caveat. We want to keep the budget under that 700, but if you do want to stretch a little bit more, this would be the area. I’D recommend spending more money. If you wanted a tablet that could do more than just media consumption, you’re going to want to look at something a bit more powerful, something like maybe the s7 plus that’s something that can be used, of course for media consumption, but also media creation and using a Tablet, like a pc that use case might not be for everybody. A lot of people use their tablets just to passively watch stuff, and if that’s you, the a8 is going to be perfect, but give it some thought here on what you’re going to use your tablet. For and you may want to stretch the budget a little bit more to go for the s7 plus and the pricing on that is on the expensive side.

It ranges anywhere from almost our whole budget, 649 bucks up to over a thousand depending on what size you’re gon na get, but if we do find any deals on that uh we’ll link to it down below as well. I think at this point it’s it’s good to call out sort of the beauty and diversity of android. When we did the apple video, we had to stick with just apple’s line of products. Here were able to sew some from google some from samsung. We could have picked other tablets, we could have picked other headphones different manufacturers, it’s sort of fun to have that versatility depending on the product that you want to ideally suit your needs. So i probably don’t have to tell you that things are going usb type c right, sky’s, blue you! You knew that but you’re also probably struggling in your bag or living that dongle life to get a bunch of different accessories to let your computer do what your old computer could do with all of its ports and that’s where you want a usb type-c hub and That’S where a guide like this comes in insanely handy.

This is ivanki 7-1 usb type-c hub. So the highlight for me is the hdmi port. It can support 4k resolution with hdr all sort of goodies. You’D expect for a modern monitor.

My computer at home is hardwired in so this has gigabit ethernet already included on the end. You’Ve got two usb 3 ports. Those are usb. A you’ve got a insanely awesome, usb c port. That’S power delivery. 3.0, so it can charge whatever you want up to a hundred watts.

It also has sd card slot micro sd card slot here, so whatever you’re going to need to plug in, for i o or to charge uh the ivanke dock’s got you covered. If you decide that you want something like this and you buy it, for amazon, of course, link to it down below uh you’re, going to get a 54 month, warranty, that’s four and a half years. I would imagine that you’ll already be on your next laptop uh by the time the warranty on this dock runs out.

So if you want to pick it up on amazon again, we’ll link to it down below but save some money is always good. So we’ll have a code down there, but also use this save some money and keep it in your pocket all right. So if you are keeping track, we are now at about 677 pre-tax, so 22 dollars below our 699 dollar price point: you’re, getting killer phone awesome, headphones and solid tablet. All for what the price of your pixel 5 allegedly could be, but our caveat that we gave was google lowering the price a hundred dollars. Let’S say, hypothetically that the pixel 5 comes in at the same price as the pixel 4 and we’re now from 699 to 799, and you friend have now a hundred dollars extra of budget. What you do with it with extra hundred bucks – maybe you want to pay for more storage on a phone or tablet.

You can do that. But let’s say you want to diversify your portfolio a little bit and get some new tech. This is a solid recommendation.

This actually came from my house. This is my wife’s alarm clock that she uses it’s lenovo, smart alarm clock. Essentially it’s a tiny screen with google assistant built in it has worked flawlessly.

Usually it’s about 80 bucks best buy now. Has it on sale for about 50 and i think it is worth every penny, so google assistant stuff, you can talk to it. It’S not necessarily going to play videos for you, but it’ll show you information like weather, for example, it gets dark at night.

So it’s not going to shine a lot of light on, which is a big consideration: she’s loved it. It’S a perfect size, the usb port, in the back. If you want to charge something else, it has been an absolutely awesome addition to our house and at 50 bucks. It is a total steal. So now we’re like 50-ish bucks below our 799 price point. So save the money.

Take yourself out to dinner upgrade the storage options on one of your phones for the price of a pixel 5., regardless whether it comes out at 699 or 7.99. You’Ve got yourself a rockin phone, great headphones, a tablet and maybe even a smart alarm clock by the side of your bed. That seems like a really good deal to me now with all this awesome stuff.

There are gon na be some sacrifices things you’re not gon na get, presumably with that pixel 5., not quite sure, what’s happening with them in 5g, if it’s gon na launch or which version but you’re not going to get the faster refresh rate that you presumably will Get on the 5. rumors are it’s going to be 90 hertz versus the 60 on the pixel 4a you’re not going to get wireless charging now any sort of ip rating and those kind of things, that’s a fair trade-off. I am willing to live with those small trade-offs for a still really capable pixel 4a, but that’s gon na be a personal decision where you want to spend your money, but if you’re looking to save some bucks, go down the path that we set, i think you’ll End up really happy at the end i mean so.

2020 has been just like a dumpster fire of a year. But if there’s like one nugget of positivity, it has been a really good year for tech and i think 2020 go down as the year of sort of the budget-ish phones becoming mainstream and becoming really really good. Any stigma that used to go along with them being gone, the pixel 4a is blazing a new path.

The oneplus nord is here to sort of push the flagships around. You can get awesome things without breaking your bank sort of the thought that if you want to have something new, you have to spend every sense. You have it’s false and inaccurate and i think maybe i am guilty of propagating that of showing the latest technology and make people think they need to spend their money to get it. That is not always the case for every pixel, 5 there’s a 4a for every iphone, 11 or 12 pro there’s an iphone se, there’s a really good option and alternative. Now, with almost any product you want to get, and i challenge most people to think about how you’re going to use whatever you’re about to buy see if that lower price option can work for you that was sort of the impetus behind the series of videos was That, maybe you don’t need a face id and face scanning, maybe a rear fingerprint reader is good enough and you can save that money for something else. So i challenge you guys to look at where you’re spending your money on tech, if you’re making that choice to spend it and see if it’s worth it to you, is there a lower cost option? I think for a lot of people, they’ll find that lower cost option provides the same use case and utility as a more expensive one. It’S worked for me.

I think, for a lot of people could work for you as well. .