Google Nexus 9 Unboxing + Hands On!

Google Nexus 9 Unboxing + Hands On!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Nexus 9 Unboxing + Hands On!”.
Hey, what is up guys, I’m Kim PhD here and welcome to the unboxing of the Nexus 6 plus just kidding it’s the Nexus 9. So there’s no more Nexus 7 and there’s no more Nexus 10. But there’s this new 9 inch tablet somewhere in the middle. Now people have seen this already, I’m actually going to be showing you guys the white one instead of the dark one, everyone’s seen the dark one, if you like.

So I’m going to giving my first impressions of it and as a least a slightly more interesting box and the Nexus 6 did the Nexus 6. Had this all blank box, like the printer, ran out of ink a little bit of an interesting look same as the iPhone 6, but we actually do need a knife to cut this box for the first time. Basically, there are opinions about this device out there. Already there are a lot of mixed opinions and there are some reviews out already. People have already seen this device in the wild and it’s got some really interesting critiques because well, first of all there was a software update recently that came out for it and a lot of those reviews went out. I guess before the software update because they had review units, but this is going to be my honest first impressions of using this little tablet for the first time and I’m someone who’s used, similar tablets like that. So this is it. This is the white Nexus 9, but I’m going to first of all, let’s just take this a plastic off as we do in all our reviews, and it does look again very similar to that Nexus. 5.

So if you’ve seen my Nexus 5 videos, you see the little protruding flash up here in the camera and that white look. It says Nexus sideways, but overall I think it looks pretty cool. But let’s place this aside just for one second, while we get to whatever else is in the packaging, so blue Nexus packaging. This time Nexus! 6! If you saw that video yesterday was red and we get of course a little bit of warranty – information no sim, since this is a Wi-Fi – only tablet. But if you get the LTE version, I wonder if you get a SIM card ejector tool and then since this is made by HTC, you have your HTC made accessories. So that would be your charging brick and your power adapter pretty simple stuff. But I’m going to put that right back away, because I want to take a look at the tablet again. There has been a lot of talk about the way this thing is built, so it’s now a 4 by 3 tablet. First of all, reminding me a lot of the iPad Mini and it’s a lot bigger because it has much larger display but again very different between these two devices.

Same camera placement similar button placement, but a little bit different than that also. I said this is going to be the white version, but I might as well show you guys the dark version of the nexus 9 to the both feel very similar. They have.

This soft touch feel, but it’s very similar again to the nexus 5 of last year, where the dark is a little bit softer touch than a light. Because if the light was made of the same soft touch material as a dark, it would stain more easily, and even though you aren’t necessarily putting this thing in your pocket, you will notice a difference in color. So it’s a little bit of a different feel. I know only notice that if you have the two side-by-side, but I’m going to go ahead and boot, this thing up. Yes, you do have a metal band around the side, which is pretty cool and that definitely influences the way it feels in the hand and I’d say even feels more premium than it did before, and it’s running Android 5.0 lollipop. So this is my first look at lollipop on a tablet, at least because I haven’t gotten the update yet on my Nexus 10.

So I’m going to go to change angles here and get this thing set up and take a deep dive into what looks like a new OS for me all right, two things. I’Ve already noticed since startup number one when I was putting in my Wi-Fi password and just using the keyboard. The tactile feedback just from the vibration motor in here felt really chill really nice and probably a lot better than any other tablet. I’Ve ever used period and number two here’s our update.

Google Nexus 9 Unboxing + Hands On!

This is a 297 point. 2 megabyte update right off the bat from taking it out the box. So let’s do it so here we have it. This is our first look at Android 5.0 on the Nexus 9. Now again, while I was setting it up, I was just messing around with it, seeing how it feels in the hand. It’S obviously not going to be a one-handed tablet with a 9 inch screen, but if you have big enough hands, I mean this is a lightweight thing anyway. So it’s not that unwieldly to hold and flail around. I guess high resolution display it’s it’s a little bit. Squishy on the back, maybe not squishy, but it does have a little bit of give and some other people have shown this before. Maybe not talked about it in depth that much in their reviews.

Google Nexus 9 Unboxing + Hands On!

But it’s definitely a little bit there as its built really different from any metal tablet. You’Ve seen and these buttons are very shallow. I wish they were a little more tactile, but I clicked that power button you swipe right in, of course, these big front-facing speakers are going to give me some awesome, audio I’ll, let you know how they sound compared to other things, like the boomsound speakers of the One m8 and others, but essentially we’re going to see how this compares to the Nexus 6 and other tablets. I’M going to open up a couple of apps here, because I didn’t actually do that on the Nexus 6 video which, if you haven’t seen that yet you can check that out.

Google Nexus 9 Unboxing + Hands On!

The calendar looks pretty well. It looks different from the previous generation app open, gmail 5.0, because that’s also different. You can see. This looks super different from the way it looked before.

I do have inbox, but I feel like I’ve started using Gmail again more just because I like having a little bit more control. You have Google Play Music again, you have all these new icons. A lot of people have talked about this being a sort of a blown-up version of the phone interface, and a lot of the things you do see here will remind you of the Android 5.0 experience on your phone, except for one. They use multiple columns, but overall here I’m enjoying the experience because I happen to be a fan of the way stock. Android looks and feels other than that.

I am game to talk about just about anything that people have seen in other review videos. You might have watched other videos and reviews about that. If you have any clarifications, you want to ask about there I’m game to talk about that.

If you have any other curiosities about other things with this tablet, I’m game to talk about that too I’ll check out the calendar just so we can see that color-changing background again pretty neat, even though it’s not exactly a late hour. What else Google fit a lot of the stuff is going to ask me to sign in because this is a brand-new account, but yeah you’ll see this is this is very lollipop. — is — with all the animations and things all over the place. Multitasking, google.

Now it’s all here, it’s all going to be reviewed and it’s just my first impressions of the device. So, if you’re free to leave a thumbs up, if you enjoyed again lots more videos coming in November, hope you enjoyed this one and I’ll talk to you guys in the next one peace. .