Google Assistant vs Siri! (2016)

Google Assistant vs Siri! (2016)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Google Assistant vs Siri! (2016)”.
Hey, what’s up guys, I’m kitty HD here and if you remember way back in the earliest days of Android, we had on phones like the g1 and the Nexus one we had just the Google voice assistant, then 2011. We were introduced to our little friend on iPhones called Siri and on both phones, its advanced, so on Android phones. Now we’ve gone to having Google now where you have all these predictive cards information and then now we’ve gone to the point where we have Google assistant and on iPhones. It’S still advanced as well with software updates, but she’s still called Siri. So the question is where we are with these things, so this is the Battle of the personal assistants in your phone.

This is Google pixel, XL vs. iPhone 7 plus the latest and greatest. This is Android 7.1 versus iOS 1003. This is Google assistant vs.

Siri. I kind of feel like I already know how this one’s going to go, but let’s just do it anyway, alright, so here we go what’s the weather, ok, here’s, the weather, Arnie, it’s 70! In cloudy. There will be showers today with a forecasted high of 71. In a low of 65, so it’s pretty simple, moving on what’s 20 times: 15 minus 8.

The answer is 292. Now that math open Instagram, so you can see they both have the ability to open any app on your phone by name set a timer for two minutes. There Tyler two minutes and Counting starting. So there you go, you can see the Siri. One is like a split second ahead. Woke me up at 7:30.

Tomorrow morning, all right, you’re al are set for 2:30. Maybe let’s not do that remind me to water, the lawn when I get home? Ok, how do you want to change the arrived at home? Yes, ok, reminder saved, so geolocation tasks. Work really well, especially when both know where your home is. When is the post office close? I found Cherie business hours for the post office have the one you are looking for u.s. post office on West Side Avenue. Jersey City is open today, from 8:30 a.m.

to 4:00 p.m. what’s Tesla’s stock price, Kurtis Kessler’s discovery, it’s rated $ 200 today cents a share. Seven, okay, so this one, you can see Google’s she’s, giving me this price and a delta, which is all I asked for, but series actually giving me this little graph form Yahoo Finance.

Who is the President of the United States? Looking the president of the United States of America is Barack Obama. Okay, I found this on the web, for who is the President of the United States? Okay, so sometimes when Syria doesn’t know something it just googles it or bangs it or just searches the web and gives you that instead, how tall is he he’s 6 feet, 1 inch tall. Someone just asked me this.

The other day give me a sec. Here’S what I found on the web for how tall is United States awesome yeah, that’s great how tall yeah, so Google, as you can see, is more conversational. This is a big pro of it is that it can use context clues to talk about what you were previously talking about, where Siri might not remember. But if you just ask straight up, they can both tell you so how tall is Barack Obama? Let’S see six feet, one notch Obama is 6 feet, 0.8 inches tall, so you can see if you just reavoice the question Siri can give you the full answer who won the Super Bowl? The Super Dome answers were the driving pros in the Super Bowl on February. 7Th 2016.

The final score was 24 to 10. That time again, Siri gave me more than I asked for Google just said the Broncos won, but Siri gave me the date, the score who won and a box score who’s the quarterback Trevor. I can’t answer that. Paxton Lynch and others are quarterbacks for the Denver, Broncos. So same thing as last time.

If you just ask who’s, the quarterback Siri doesn’t know, but you’d have to ask who’s. The quarterback of the Denver Broncos did the Clippers win. The final score was 106 to 103. Play this is kind of funny because on the left, you’re actually getting preseason games, that Clippers just played the kings in the preseason.

So Yahoo Sports is really good, but Google’s still telling me the last regular-season game we played, which was losing to the Trailblazers in the playoffs last season. What song is this? Here’S an answer Felicity because that failed on Google assistant, but the funny part is if I actually go to Google now and ask what song is this actually works? Don’T you like, for sweatpants by Childish, Gambino seems, like assistant, is just a little half-baked, you’re listening to IV sweatpants by Childish Gambino. What is a mitochondria? Here’S some medication, an organelle found in large numbers in most cells in which the biochemical processes of raspberry right. Yet it’s the powerhouse of the cell Google likes to talk a lot.

What is the capital of Nepal, Khan mondo is the cab. Mildew is the capital of Nepal? Okay, what time is it there in durbar marginal the time Katmandu? Nepal is 27 a.m. on Friday. So far so good, what is the population? The population count, do Emilio? Are you really any 11? Okay? So Syriac Chua li was conversational that time, but for some reason we got different numbers from Google or Siri depends on you. Trust who is Mark Zuckerberg according to Wikipedia mark Elias Zuckerberg is an American. Well, Grammer is internet entrepreneur, executive and philanthropist.

Okay, I don’t know if it’s just because it’s by Apple but multiple times, I’ve tried this. It’S asked me who is Mark Zuckerberg. I think that’s hilarious, who is Mark Zuckerberg, here’s some information there we go, let’s trust more conversation. How old is he mark 7? 32 years old and then who is his wife, Priscilla Jim says, 22 other wife of Mark Zuckerberg is Priscilla Chan.

So Google read at that time. How tall is she she’s five feet: five inches tall and anything on how tallest series tapping out on this one? When does guardians of the galaxy to come out which one guardians of the galaxy vol T, re-released, Allegheny Valley of America, on lead with twenty seven thousand seventeen? What about Tim? What’S the rating? I don’t know it really is at the galaxy vol T. So this is another one: both assistants don’t really know so Google’s just going to give me a Google web search, pretty classic so he’s just gon na tell me more things that she knows. Show me pictures of German shepherds here are some images of German shepherds. I found on the web so I’m not sure what happened at Google there, but yes, I’m getting some pictures of German Shepherds via Bing on Siri show me pictures of cats. This is fun.

Google Assistant vs Siri! (2016)

You can actually get pictures that I’ve taken of cats from my google photos in the search assistant. Well again, I’m getting a Bing search on the iPhone, but if I just want to search the web again with the Google assistant, I can of course do that show my photos from yesterday. This is what I found in your google photos. There you go.

That’S all the photos, I’ve taken with each camera in the last like 24 hours, but if we really want to get conversational, we can do something like I don’t know. How are you today I’m doing great mark thanks for asking anything I can help with. What’S going on just checking out see what I can find can tell your scores if here’s what’s trending on Twitter? Okay, so if I ask what’s going on, Siri will tell me what’s trending on Twitter, most of which looks like it’s not English, and the Google’s going to give me a bunch of like search suggestions for other things I can search for that are going on. So that’s cool, hey yeah, make me a sandwich with food you’re a sandwich.

Oh my Gap. Tell me a joke Marcus. I don’t really know eating a Monster eats after he’s.

Google Assistant vs Siri! (2016)

Had his teeth checked the dentist. Oh, my god, it’s brutal! I need a good pun. Here’S! What I’ll, either so straight, a good pun! They have to go by the book, she’s kind of used to be serious, Forte of being like funny and being like a thing to talk to you.

Google Assistant vs Siri! (2016)

While Google is more robotic now, I’m getting web search results from Syrian Google seems to be excelling at just talking. What do you think of Siri? She has a lovely name. What do you think of Google? I think, therefore I am, but let’s not put the cart before the horse. Oh now, you come with the joke, all right, so long story short.

There are two main things that I’ve learned and that I’ve noticed from on my testing. I’Ve been using these both of these assistants on and off for the better part of the last couple years, but this is what I’ve noticed one. As far as talking goes, Google tends to read out the answer.

A lot more wal, Siri will just say here you go and then display the information often a little bit more beautifully. But I feel like when I’m using the voice assistant when I’m talking it’s, because I can’t like go to my phone and use it or look at it. Maybe I’m driving, maybe I’m away from it. So I kind of like when it reads it out more and then Google is a bit more capable and conversational now, especially compared to Siri in the past. So when I say capable, I mean you know, both assistants can make a call, send a message.

Send a tweet turn on and off Wi-Fi Bluetooth stuff like that, but Google, because of this AI learning has gotten to the point. Where can say show me pictures of a cat that I took at my house last week and it will show you that it kind of knows a lot about you and I’m it’s just more general conversational flow with Google assistant. So you can ask about previous answers and clarify stuff, just feels more like a talking to another person and that actually used to be series strength compared to Google.

Now, where Google didn’t really have any jokes or any funny answers to questions and don’t get me wrong. Serious still does that, but now it feels like here. The thing is the way I judge these voice.

Assistants is how much like a robot. You have to talk to it to get it to understand you, and I think Google has passed Siri in that department. You don’t have to ask the same question three different ways to get your answer.

You can just ask about a previous question. You get the idea, I think that’s where it’s passed, so they have it. The 2016 version of this comparison kind of interesting to see it now versus the way it was in 2012 and I’ll be interested to see the way it looks in 2020.

But let me know which one you guys are more of a fan of a Siri person or a Google assistant person. Let me know in the comments section: that’s pretty much been it thanks for watching I’ll talk to you guys, the next one peace games, Showtime, okay, okay, I’m gon na psych myself up now stay calm! Sorry, not you! I’M talking to myself! .