Going Full Elon Mode

Going Full Elon Mode

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Going Full Elon Mode”.
I want to talk about Elon Musk, demonstrating full self-driving, while filming himself without his hands on the wheel yeah. This is pretty wild um. Do you want to run through it or maybe nah go for it? Elon Musk live streamed. A demonstration of Tesla’s updated full self-driving beta the car was able to drive almost entirely independently, using only cameras and algorithmic intelligence. At one point, the car attempted to accelerate through a red light requiring musk to intervene, but it was otherwise without incident.

Going Full Elon Mode

You know running red light is no big deal, however. Musk spent the demonstration in the driver’s seat filming on his cell phone and interacting with commenters, which goes against Tesla’s own policies for using full self-driving software, and, I believe also the law. Palo Alto Police say there will not be issuing musk a ticket or fine, because the incident wasn’t directly witnessed by police. So here’s what I would like to understand. What are the Dynamics at play here because, from my understanding, whether you want to talk about like? Let’S take some significant events like let’s say the January 6 riot, I’m not going to get into the like politics of it.

Going Full Elon Mode

I was gon na just even way more basic things like if you see shoplifting on camera, but there were plenty of people who were absolutely prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law based on footage and not necessarily someone who actually like a law enforcement officer. Observing that individual committing a particular Act, there is massive precedent for catching people doing something on campus. Why does it matter that the person catching them on camera happened to be themselves? People are saying Federal instead of local all this other stuff.

I don’t know how the law works there, any chance of adding video. Oh, this is a buffalo um Federal versus state law yeah. This is this.

Is like America stuff that we don’t know, I think um but like? Is it like a self-incrimination thing, because you like can’t incriminate yourself yeah? Is it that simple? So as long as I film myself doing it and nobody else sees it, it’s not a crime, and something to remember is I. I am feigning ignorance a little bit here, because traffic code is not necessarily the same as criminal code. In some cases there are overlap, so you can commit a traffic violation.

That is also criminal, but not every traffic violation is Criminal if he had actually killed. Someone well that’s manslaughter now and that’s criminal code or maybe potentially actually running the red light yeah because, like think about red light cameras yeah, but that’s not his camera, that’s like their camera. I mean it’s different because of that I don’t know remember when one of his lawyers argued that anything that he said previously could be a deep fake. Therefore, we can’t hold him accountable for it. That’S pretty epic, I wonder if that would have been the defense here. Hey you don’t know, it’s real footage.

Going Full Elon Mode

Yeah I mean we faked so much about the capabilities of our vehicles. Why not this? Maybe what was outside the window was just green screens, and this is all filmed in a studio. I just got myself in trouble.

Nobody else. I didn’t even hear what he said, which is highly concerning to be completely honest, um, but I anyway, I was poking at the Tesla fan boys. Oh, that’s, fine, yeah, okay uh! I I feel like they have toned it down a lot like the remember how it used to be when you would point out anything, that’s not positive about it.

Okay to to defend that slightly, I think. That’S because people were getting very defensive about electric cars in general because they wanted electric cars to become a thing and Tesla was like its best chance of that happening. And now that has happened and now it’s like and now it’s like. Oh man producing all these batteries is like really hard and there’s downsides to things and stuff yeah generating power in certain places like here. It’S very easy power is very economical here and quite environmentally friendly because it’s all falling water.

I also think a big part of it downstairs to that. Whatever the cult of personality around that particular individual has eroded, did you see the what was it a valorant match? Do you see this Dan? There was some form of match that he was at recently some gaming event, Elon Musk uh yeah, and he was spotted in the Crowd by the by the camera people um and put on the big screens. And then everyone was booing while he was on camera.

Not everyone audibly, the crowd was booing. While he was on camera and then after he was off camera, they started um chanting like bring back Twitter or something like that. I don’t know what it was, but it was. It was pretty funny that that is impressive.

That’S got ta, be that’s, got ta suck um, but anyways yeah. You could try blocking them in real life. I got ta say I um. Having had the experience that I did recently, I I do feel for the guy. You know doing something that is actually bad and people being mad at you, for it is quite a thing, I’m not saying I I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve it. I’M just saying that I have some empathy due to recent events.

I feel empathetic for Elon. Musk is a genuinely hilarious statement. I I just I have to that is actually so funny. I don’t like yeah doing something catastrophically stupid and having people call you out, for it is uh, it’s not something I would recommend.

I bet lioness would have rebranded it to X as well foreign, oh yeah, there you go we’re renaming it l and when you install it on your phone you’re gon na. Take the L. Oh take my L wait that is actually better branding than what he’s done. Okay, at least it’s funnier uh, well, um, no, no, there’s more, there’s more uh in other Tesla news this week, uh! Oh no! This is not this week, um, so the way that he may have been doing this right. This is why this surfaced again is the Elon mode that exists for hands-free full self-driving. This was surfaced back in June of this year, but a Tesla software hacker found an Elon mode, driving feature that seems to allow Tesla vehicles with full self-driving to operate without any driver monitoring. So while he was paying attention, it’s possible that the way that he was able to so confidently film himself, while he was supposed to be operating a vehicle, was by using a not uh street legal version of the software, which very cool um, makes perfect sense and Should be a thing .