Giving Up My Smartphone…

Giving Up My Smartphone...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Giving Up My Smartphone…”.
Whats up guys Lew here back with another video, And today it’s going to be a hard video to make. In front of me. I have the “ Punkt Phone”. This has been in the studio for a while, and I have talked about it..

Giving Up My Smartphone...

I talked to Jack. I talked to Joe Rogan on his podcast about it. I talked to people in my personal life. I talked to … trusted individuals, spiritual leaders, Because what is in front of me is an intentionally dumb phone “. Why have they done this Lew? I am into technology. I want the latest., I thought we are talking about Android and Apple.”.

Giving Up My Smartphone...

I am going to give up my smartphone … This guy right here.. I’Ve got a Nexus 6P …. I love it Think of what is closer to you than your phone …, Exactly not much.. What am I going to do A week? I am going to use this phone for a week, …, Not that phone A dumb phone for a week Now is this going to mean that I am going to be completely disconnected No.

Giving Up My Smartphone...

Right? I am going to be on my laptop and and my computer and so on., But It’s just a way to see how it kinda curves my behavior When I’m out and about doing human things Being a human And It’s this phone right here. This phone right here was the inspiration to give up my smartphone and do this experiment., It’s a phone from the future … … With features from the past. What am I doing? I am going on a whole thing here. Maybe I’ll tell you that my life uh became rosy and sunshine and lollipops. Since I gave up my smartphone, I can breathe better and colors are brighter and… I found my humanity Or I’ll just go of the grid and you’ll. Never see me again.

Jack will probably love that. You’re, a sick man Jack. The box is nice on this Kinda nice.

Good luck, getting work, e-mails on here when you are chilling out on the week-end.. What have we got on here? Ok, so Volume is on the side over here looks like it has got a speakerphone on it, Nice little buttons, Sim card tray, This interesting shape and texture on the back. Micro-Usb. Alright, easy enough have lots of those Tiny little power, brick here, It’s a 1000 mAh battery, Which will give you almost 300 minutes of talk time or 3 weeks of standby. Oh cool, an adapter! If you don’t have one of these, you need one When you switch phones a lot.

Essentially this lets you take a nano-Sim and turn it into a temporary micro-Sim. Now I’m ( I’ll ) legitimately do this.. A week, Guys, I’m telling you. I know It’s scary.

Let’S just to it right now: Let’s bite the bullet and do it. I am so stressed out …. We did it And look my phone. My phones screen is right. There. One last gasp Umm. How do I even turn th.. [ beeping ] battery low? Oh, we have an earpiece, So you can still-. You got a headset, An audio Adapter. If you want to use a different set of headphones, [ Beep ]”, Hey man, relax, …, Dude” [ to the phone ]. I have no contacts, no anything.. Do you understand this level of sacrifice.? It’S like I am getting gorunded. I am grounding myself. My whole business like uploading videos, communicating with you guys, …

the whole process. It happens online. It happens in apps, it happens in e-mail.. A lot of people are going to be hitting up my inbox Expecting replies and if I am not sitting at a computer, It ain’t gon na happen.. Wish me luck, my friends. I will report back to you.

It’S a wild world out there, … …, full of cell towers And data connections, … … that I can’t use .