GIVEAWAY: iPhone 5 OR Galaxy Note 2!

GIVEAWAY: iPhone 5 OR Galaxy Note 2!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “GIVEAWAY: iPhone 5 OR Galaxy Note 2!”.
Hey, what’s up guys mkbhd here and welcome to the galaxy note 2 or iphone 5 giveaway, let’s go so! In my last video, we took an in-depth look and review of the galaxy note 2 and basically deemed that it’s one of the best smartphones around and, as you guys may already know, john from tld today in one of his more recent videos. He also reviewed the iphone 5 and he also deemed it one of the best smartphones available. So now the choice is all on you. The choice is yours, so this is a collaborative giveaway with john from tld today. So all you need to do to win is to be subscribed to both of our channels and to leave a comment which one of these super phones.

You would want. It’S that simple one lucky winner will get his or her comment wish to come. True iphone 5 or galaxy note 2.. That rhymed commenting on this video below is one entry.

GIVEAWAY: iPhone 5 OR Galaxy Note 2!

That gets your name into the pool. If you want to double your chances of winning. There is a video on the tld today channel where you can leave a comment and that will also get you an entry. One comment per video and you have two entries to win a galaxy note: 2 or an iphone 5., and just for you guys right below the thumbs up button on this video. There is a link to my galaxy note, 2 review and a link to john’s iphone. 5 review, so you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into before you pick. If you don’t want to pick right now, and winner also gets to choose the color. So if you pick an iphone black or white and if you pick a galaxy note 2, you get to pick white or marble gray, and this is an international giveaway. So anyone can win this unlocked device and if you happen to be in a country where the unlocked device, an iphone 5 or a note, 2 won’t float your boat. We can settle for a cash equivalent for the winner and that winner will be announced in exactly two weeks from today on october 30th on twitter, so the twitter links will be below you’re going to want to stay tuned to those probably want to follow those to Be first to be updated on these giveaways and to know if you won your pick so either way, that’s basically it best of luck for you guys who are commenting again, remember to comment on both and be subscribed to both channels. And if you haven’t already checked out tld today’s videos, they’re really good. So if you haven’t already subscribed to him, go, do that and check out the rest of his videos too.

GIVEAWAY: iPhone 5 OR Galaxy Note 2!

I watch them all the time either way, thanks for watching best of luck in winning your pick of an iphone 5 or a galaxy. Note. 2. Probably two of the best smartphones out there today i’ll talk to you guys in the next article peace you .