GIVEAWAY: Fastest Mac Mini in the World! [Closed]

GIVEAWAY: Fastest Mac Mini in the World! [Closed]

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “GIVEAWAY: Fastest Mac Mini in the World! [Closed]”.
Hey, what’s up guys mkbhd here and welcome to the fastest mac mini in the world? Giveaway, let’s go so for those of you who are new here at the beginning of the year. I did a four part, video series where i took the latest generation – 2012 mac mini and took it to the absolute max. In this article series we took the highest end available, mac mini and then took it even further by installing the fastest single ssd solution that the mac could handle and installing the most and fastest possible ddr3 ram 16 gigs of ram that the mac mini can handle. So the end result was a boss, just an absolutely ridiculously fast mac. So this is a collaboration giveaway with lou, as you probably already know him unbox therapy.

GIVEAWAY: Fastest Mac Mini in the World! [Closed]

He has uploaded a video similar to this, and all you need to do to get entered to win. This boss is to leave a comment right below the like button on this video commenting on this video is one entry, whether you leave one comment or 50. It gets your name into the pool same with the unbox therapy video. So if you want to double your chances of winning this machine, then you can leave a comment on this video and on the unbox therapy, video, which should be the first link in the description, and you have now two entries to win this mac mini so be Sure to go ahead and do that and once you do, you can just sit back, relax, you’ve entered and the winner will be announced in exactly one week.

GIVEAWAY: Fastest Mac Mini in the World! [Closed]

So on the next monday, we’ll be announcing the winner. The comments will close and it’ll be announced in a live stream, so hopefully that’ll be exciting for you guys and all the giveaway details and the entry details for what time that’s going to take place will be on twitter. So in case you’re wondering what’s been powering. My setup after the mac mini i’ve actually made a bit of an upgrade so i’ll be giving a full setup tour, as my next article so be sure to subscribe. If you want to see something like that and uh that’s about it. So thanks good luck! Best of luck for you guys, who are entering more than once and i’ll talk to you guys in the next article.

GIVEAWAY: Fastest Mac Mini in the World! [Closed]

Thanks for watching, see you around peace, you .