Getting Windows on the BLACK MARKET

Getting Windows on the BLACK MARKET

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Getting Windows on the BLACK MARKET”.
It used to be that you absolutely had to pay big money to use Windows even to just install it, but crazily enough these days anyone can download a completely free Windows, 10 disk image directly from Microsoft as part of the company’s push to get as many people On its latest operating system as possible and believe it or not, it’ll actually work just like a regular old copy of Windows. 10 that you pay for with a couple of exceptions. First personalization features like changing your wallpaper will be disabled and second you’ll get an annoying watermark in the corner of your screen, reminding you to cough up some dough and activate Windows. So let’s say that you’ve just finished building your system then – and you find these two annoyances just far too much to tolerate. So you ran up your browser to go, buy a Windows license only to find that most online retailers want a hundred bucks or even more just for an OEM product key. Remember, that’s the one that comes with no support and that can’t be transferred to a new machine.

Understandably, you feel like this is a massive ripoff and you begin your search for cheaper alternatives, and lo and behold, you find a few online marketplaces that are selling Windows Keys for less than 20 bucks. Great deal right, oh well, maybe not just like anything. That’S 80 % off deeply discounted Windows Keys do come with some question marks because for one thing it’s nearly impossible to know exactly where these keys came from oftentimes.

Getting Windows on the BLACK MARKET

The marketplaces that do actually say something about the source of these keys will tell you that they’re simply reselling extra keys from wholesalers. But what does that mean? I mean last time I went to Costco. The bin of extra Windows Keys was notably absent. So then, as it turns out, many of these keys are actually coming from volume licenses.

Getting Windows on the BLACK MARKET

This means that the key was one of many that were sold to a large business or organization at a lower bulk price. But the issue here is that Microsoft doesn’t officially allow these keys to be resold due to the significant discounts that they initially offered. Others might have originally been free or heavily discounted keys that are offered to university students or even simply keys that were purchased legitimately, but in a different part of the world for a lower price to reflect the lower earning power of the people who live there. So none of that stuff actually sounds that bad does it I’d, say it’s all kind of gray at best, but you can run into more serious issues as well many times these keys have actually been purchased with a stolen credit or debit card, then flipped at an Extraordinarily low price, before the original credit cards owner wises up because after all, if a thief originally got the key for free, then they’re gon na come out way ahead. Even if they’re only charging 15 bucks for it – and I don’t know about you but knowingly, accepting stolen goods, even if you did pay for them here in Canada anyway, is illegal. Anyway, though, let’s assume you don’t want to knowingly buy a stolen windows key and you just want to score a deal.

Are these cheap keys, a good idea? Really it just comes down to how much risk you’re willing to absorb and your own sense of personal ethics buying a key that was originally part of a volume or education package is a violation of Microsoft’s license agreement. But such a key might work just fine indefinitely. Microsoft does, in theory, anyway, revoke keys if they find out that they’re being used in an unauthorized manner, but enforcement is spotty at best and, quite frankly, at 1/5, the price, even if they did revoke a license, you could go, buy another one and you’d still be Up on the deal now, as for the ones that are purchased fraudulently on a stolen card, if the victim contacts, their credit card company or bank and the purchase gets marked as fraudulent Microsoft could easily find out and mark that key as invalid. My understanding is that this doesn’t happen very often, though so it’s more down to the issue of whether you want your money going to credit card thieves or Microsoft. You’Re gon na have to work that one out for yourself now. Some of these mark places offer buyer protection for additional peace of mind, but anecdotal evidence suggests that it might not be completely reliable.

So if your plan was to grab a cut-rate Windows key and spend the savings on a hyped up game pre-order, you may end up disappointed twice speaking of disappointment. Freshbooks, that’s not disappointing! It’S the super, simple to use invoicing tool that actually does a lot more than just help you create and send slick-looking invoices quickly. It helps you track your time with their timesheet function, manage your expenses and even keep track of who owes you what they’ve got this really cool feature too. That tells you, when your clients look at your invoice for the first time, so there’s no more back and forth. Oh yeah, I didn’t pay. Well, I’m sorry! I didn’t get it yet haha! Yes, you did. I have fresh books. The mobile app has all the functionality of the desktop version, so you can take fresh ebooks with you wherever you go, and if you have any questions you can just reach out to their support staff. You’Ll speak to a real human, with no phone tree, no escalations. Just answers so visit fresh books, comm slash tech wiki and enter tech wiki and the. How did you hear about us section when you sign up for your free trial? So thanks for watching guys like dislike check out our other videos, don’t forget to subscribe. Wait! No! Leave a comment: if you have a suggestion and also don’t forget to subscribe, I said it twice: it’s like a subliminal thing, don’t forget to subscribe and then I’m like I’m talking about.

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