Getting Started with Arduino III

Getting Started with Arduino III

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Getting Started with Arduino III”.
Welcome to a world the second beautiful day at world maker faire hope everybody’s, getting ready to have a good time. This is getting started with arduino. My name is andrew terra nova with make. Let me just ask by show of hands who would consider themselves an expert on arduino good, because you’d be totally bored who said who would consider themselves basically a complete beginner at arduino. Okay, you are in the right place, who would say that there’s sort of a little bit dangerous intermediate arduino, okay, good.

So what can you do with our do? We know what is it? Ok, so in Arduino is just a little computer on a board. It’S a little microcontroller or microprocessor and it has inputs and it has outputs. So what can you do with it? Almost anything you want right, so you can put a type of cool circuit. You can take some cool old toy and hack it and make it through something that it was never intended to do and I think, most importantly, you can learn with it, because, if you’re trying to learn programming, many of you may already be experienced programmers. But it’s also a cool way to learn programming, because it’s a lot of fun to like have a project that you build and then have a programming aspect to it. So, let’s just talk it a little bit about what some examples. This is the monkey couch Guardian and I’m going to talk about inputs, processing and programming and outputs quite a bit. So the monkey couch Guardian has a processor that adel answer to know when somebody’s in front of it right.

Getting Started with Arduino III

So that’s the input and then it has a program running looking for something from that sensor. When it sees it, it knows to do something with the output. The output will run the motors to make it clap in a kind of creepy, scary fashion right.

Getting Started with Arduino III

So there’s input, programming, output, same thing here: secret knock gumball machine right. Instead of putting in a coin, you have a secret knock. It knows to listen to that pattern and knocks that’s its input, a sensor.

Getting Started with Arduino III

Then it’s it’s waiting for that at process. It says: okay, you got the right, knock, I’m going to fire off a little control to run a solenoid, a little electronic electric solenoid, and then it opens and spits out a gumball for you right input, program, output, okay, another example. Okay, you can have a son lager right, so you can be sitting out there with little photo sensor and telling you if it’s dark or light outside all right and logging. The data okay, now interesting thing about I’m going to talk about a little bit more about inputs. There are different kinds of inputs on an Arduino there’s: digital input and output. There’S also analog input, okay, so the difference on inputs, a digital is like on or off one or zero right.

Analog is like a range of values, so, for example, with the Sun lager, if you just want to know, is it darker? Is it light, that’s digital? If you want to know how bright it is, that’s analog. Okay, now, there’s not exact, there’s, not really an analog output, but there’s sort of a cheap for that. It’S called pulse width modulation. So let’s say you want to turn an LED on that’s digital.

You just turn it on it’s on. If you want to turn it on to a certain level of brightness, since you can’t do like less voltage, what you do is you can pulse it so, instead of being on all the time for a given period of time, it’s on impulses. So if it’s on fifty percent or half the time, then your LED is it like half brightness, less less percent time, then it’s less pride, more percent, it’s more bright right. So that’s called pulse width, modulation, em and I’ll you’ll see a little bit more about about that intimate okay. Where can you learn about Arduino? I would say the best place to start is just go to our drina’s website. Arduino CC they’ve got resources to learn there. There’S also many online tutorials that you can find that are really really helpful. I go back to our doing this webpage all the time when I need to look up how a command works. Also, there are some good books and resources. Actually at the maker shed. You can pick up getting started with arduino there’s also a kit that comes that’s a good place to start, and if you like, robots, I love robots. If you like robots, you can get making Arduino controlled robot, which is a pretty cool book.

Alright, let me introduce you to the basic Arduino family. Okay, there are actually a lot of Arduino boards, but here are some of the four basic ones. The uno is a great place to start. If you just want to learn arduino for the first time, the uno is a great board.

I’M going to talk of it about those inputs and outputs, because some of the ways, while you might choose one or the other, are the inputs and outputs. The uno has 14 digital input/output pins. Six of those pins can be used for that pulse width, modulation, where you can make the LED or whatever not full on right. It also has six analog inputs.

Okay, that’s opposed to. Let’S say you had a specific project in mind, he’s like well, I need a lot more pins. I got a sense, a lot more things. I have to control a lot more things.

The mega is kind of like the uno, but it’s got 54 digital input/output pins. 15 of which can be pulse width modulation, so it’s a really good choice to end 16 analog input. So if you have a lot at i/o input/output, then that’s a good choice. The Leonardo has a different processor.

It’S got some built-in USB capability, which is is new. It doesn’t work with all the shields I’ll to explain shields in a second, but it doesn’t work with all the shields that the owner will work with that are sort of standard. If you’re using something called spi, I’m not going to go into it. It might not work so just be aware of that, if you choose to Leonardo, but it has 20 digital i/o 47, which are pwm 12, which are analog.

The Douay is a different process. It’S a faster processor, 84 megahertz verses 16 for the others, 54 digital i/o. 12 p do pwm 16 analog input so learn I Oh sighs to the mega.

The important thing about this is the other three boards work at five volts. The Douay works at 3.3 volts. There are some sensors out there that operated 3.3 volts.

If you are running a processor that uses 3.3 volt input and you plug 5 volts into its input, you will probably blow up the pin and maybe the whole board. So that’s something to be aware of when you’re trying to pick a board. Maybe you have a sensor in mind and you’ll see that it runs at 3.3 volts. The do way might be a really good choice for you. Otherwise, maybe the others are a good choice. Ok, shields gon na tell you about shields. When you hear the word shielding the world of Arduino, it’s just means expansion board that snaps right on top. It’S got the form factor the snap right on on top and plug right in, and it passes like power and common pins right through.

That’S all she’ll. This ok, ok, there are some new family members to Arduino. There is an Arduino robots. Again I love robots.

So it’s a it’s got the processor motor drivers motor wheels everything right in the kit and it’s basically two boards of Arduino. I think there’s actually a one to run those sensors and one to run motors and things so actually to Arduino is on there another cool new product that was just add lat announced in May at maker faire Bay Area and it’s available for sale. For the first time in the u.s. here at the maker shed is the Union.

This adds Wi-Fi capability and most interesting. Also, interestingly, it’s got another chip running like Linux, UNIX on it and there’s like a special little bridge library in between that I’m not going to go into depth about it, but if you’re interested in Wi-Fi and Linux and bridging those worlds, that’s a good board to Look at ok, there are just a couple of other boards. You might hear about briefly: it’s the explora, the Arduino Ethernet, the lilypad, the micro them nano, the mini the pro the pro mini and the Pheo. Everybody got that no, of course you don’t.

Ok. The only reason you might choose one of these boards is because it fits your project or what you want to do. The explora is like the Leonardo, but it’s got built-in sensors, like maybe you want to make a little game controller. It’S got like pads built-in, the, even if you have a project where you want built-in ethernet, and you know you want that you might go for the Arduino Ethernet.

Although you can get a shield for the you know, that’s got Ethernet the lily pad. Is that little round form factor? It’S really cool. It’S only about this big great for wearables.

You want to make a controlled blinky badge or build something into an article of clothing or a stuffed animal. It’S great. It’S got holes.

You can sew right in its really cool and there’s various versions of that: the micro, the Nano they work on different voltages, they’re, very small they’re, minimalistic they’re good, for embedding I’m not going to go into the details. The only other one I’ll mentioned something about is the Theo. Has a wireless protocol called X be built into it? So if you want to work with wireless communications, the Pheo is a good choice.

Ok, that’s it! Ok, there’s one! The basic Arduino areas are going to just show you around the board the there’s a reset button along the top you’ll there’s a header of pins. That’S called those are the digital i/o pins we’ve been talking about on the in the middle there that long chip – that’s the brain, that’s the processor along the bottom are the power and analog input, pins and and then on the side. There are as a USB power as well as programming jack and also like.

If you want to let x, be programming it you power it right off your computer and then you can plug it into a wall or run it off batteries off the jack. Okay. What do you need? We talked about shields, lots and lots of different shields.

If you have a project in mind, Google, like Arduino shield whatever and you might find somebody’s already done it or you can get one with a breadboard or just a prototyping space to build your own circuit. That’S a shield! What you need is your computer, a cable, your Arduino and the software, which is downloadable free from arduino CC. It runs on multiple platforms, you install the software and then you start your arduino. You can run a program. You can load all sorts of example, programs.

There’S a program called blink that comes with it. It blinks the little onboard led it’s like the hello world of the Arduino. If you know programming, that’s like the first thing, you’re supposed to learn hello world. It’S kind of like that. You just down! You push the example out and your Arduino resets and starts blinking, and then, if you’re new, to programming change the rate it blinks at use PWM and make it like fade and dim right, you can do some things or attach a sensor and make it react right. This is how you can get started.

Lots of example, sketches and lots of examples on the internet of different things. You can do. That is my entire talk. Do we have time for any questions? Yeah.

We have time for a couple questions. Anybody has a question. No, you sure so they’ll run off, though they’ll run off like a range of voltage. I think it’s up to like nine or 15 volts, even yeah, it’s low power, but if you’re running things off your project like motors, like our motor driver shield, then you’re going to want yeah, the board is 5 volts and there’s most of them have a some Of the boards have a built in voltage controller, if you get a board that doesn’t have that, then you have to feed it the right voltage, so it varies by the board anything else in the back.

Not really, I think you can that you can add like a data logger, so you can like sort of a memory that way but you’re not really expanding the memory of the processing itself. You like it’s more like data storage, we’re out like an SD card. There’S SD card snap-ins anything else, the red shirt. How do you power to the other nano there’s pins right on it? You just kind of plug it in. I actually have never worked with the Nano, so i’m not sure much, i’m not sure, are actually arduino web page one. Second, it’s go to arduino CC and you click on products there’s a detailed description of each one, including the power inputs required. So that’s a great resource for you to use yes, sir. Oh the programming language is c like okay.

So if you’re familiar with programming in c it’ll be very familiar, if you’re, not it’s not that hard and they’ve made an effort to sort of like hide. Some of the deep ugly guts of C in libraries that you don’t have to look at, but you can look at right. So if you want to run a servo, you can there’s library for that.

If you want to learn how it works or write your own library or modify a library, you can do that too. Okay hold on just want to do have anymore time. When we’re done we’re done.

I’M sorry! So look us up or that, like I said, there’s a lot of online reproof. Thank you all very much enjoy maker faire .