Geeks in Line Getting Coffee: Arduino’s Massimo Banzi at CES 2014

Geeks in Line Getting Coffee: Arduino's Massimo Banzi at CES 2014

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Geeks in Line Getting Coffee: Arduino’s Massimo Banzi at CES 2014”.
Is Mike sinisa, I’m with massimo banzi here at CES 2014 and call the first episode of geeks in line to get coffee we’re waiting to get a couple cappuccinos, so Massimo house how CES been so far? Oh, it’s being pretty cool its first time. I come to see us first time, I’m in Vegas it’s crazy. It’S really crazy! Also, I didn’t realize they were like 15 different version of Fitbit or, like 20 different cloud platforms. So it’s amazing to see all of this stuff in the same place. Yeah there’s. Definitely some trends that I think on the consumer side, a lot of curved TVs keep hearing about how many vacuum cleaning robots there are yes, so, but one of the things we’re looking at mo we’re here running around is the concept of is making going mainstream and I think you know your presence here is an example of how that is true. But what’s what are you seeing that data shows that that’s the case? Well, I think it’s quite interesting that you see people around here that maybe have gone through a Kickstarter so or an IndieGoGo campaign.

Geeks in Line Getting Coffee: Arduino's Massimo Banzi at CES 2014

So they went from an idea to a small sort of the beginning of a company, and then they found themselves doing an actual company and now they’re here you know trying to shift to the next level. So I think it’s quite interesting to see this process. You know, maybe these people two years ago, were just hacking away in their basement and now they’re here. So when you found it arduino did you ever imagine that you’d be at a gigantic convention center in las vegas? No, actually, no, we never thought that are the. We know is going to be something that would be interesting for people to consumer electronics, but in the end, there’s a number of consumer electronic products. There have been at least prototype with arduino so its way, I didn’t imagine one of the things that we talked about.

Geeks in Line Getting Coffee: Arduino's Massimo Banzi at CES 2014

A little bit on the site is that at Mel booth, they’ve got atmel makers are showing off all of the different microcontrollers got a great tool wall pegboard, it’s a really great presence. It’S and that’s. It seems like it’s been a great partnership for you, guys, yeah. We’Ve been working with admin processors for years, so you know we have an established relationship. They invite us whether this kind of event. So it’s quite it’s quite nice.

Geeks in Line Getting Coffee: Arduino's Massimo Banzi at CES 2014

The fact that they’re embracing they maker that make it a movement so much it is cool. So if you had a chance to run around Southall seems like it’s got a lot of the the maker focused creations, but I don’t think people realize we’re in line here. People keep jumping in go ahead. Squeeze on through this is the challenge of being in line and doing an interview at the same time, um but uh have you had a chance to run through Southall and see some of the some of the things yet know very much of being stuck in meetings For now, but I’ve been, I’ve seemed a lot of the healthcare stuff and I’ve been at the 3d printing area, which is like lots of more and more three printers. All the time like, as now, another company was making a five-hundred-dollar 3d printers of right. Let’S go in both directions: you got the the five-hundred-dollar printers and then you’ve got the twenty three thousand dollar printers that can do.

Injection molded quality prints go ahead, um. So beyond you know the stuff that you’ve seen one of the things that you know. We were just talking about, i think is really interesting. Is is the concept of kickstarter and how Kickstarter’s really transformed consumer, electronics and hardware, and and and it’s it’s already mentioned – that you’re seeing kickstarter your kick-started companies here.

So how do you? How do you think crowdfunding is going to continue pushing some of these things forward? Yeah? We we see more and more people doing Kickstarter or IndieGoGo campaign to the crowdfunding their products. We might see at some point some established company doing it. I mean that is this issue that established company is probably a little bit worried about it, because if it doesn’t work out it’s a bit of a PR disaster, but I think at some point for maybe some new product lines they are. They want to get some early feedback me.

Some companies are maybe not going through Kickstarter but they’re. You know announcing products and say you know, give us pre-orders, and will you know and we’ll what they’re trying to get pre orders in a way as a way to so. I think we probably have to let’s take a break from these lies we’re gon na hook. This line is gon na, be a slow one.

Yeah all right, we’ll be back in a little bit. Well, we made it to the front of the line. We ordered our coffee and now we’re just waiting for Massimo’s cappuccino. My soy lattes right here, but uh yeah.

So its up its it’s going to be another crazy day, and then after this, where do you head to next? I go back home because i have to go back to my students we’re waiting for me. We have to close this class on teaching on connected objects. This week, so i’m going to go and play with their projects and scrappy fun. That’S great! That’S super fun and then uh Maker Faire Rome you’re working on that again: yeah 2014, bigger and better than then then all than last year, which was a great show, i’m hoping to get 50,000 people this year.

That’S when we’re looking at making maker week so the whole week, not just 34 days like last year, so it’s going to be huge is becoming a point of reference for makers in europe because we did spend a lot of time last year going around the different Spaces in europe to gather people to get them to come over, and now we can build upon that yeah awesome, i’m excited about it. I definitely will be there, no matter what I’m gon na I’m gon na go no matter what anyone says, because that’s your is a great show, um and and and then yeah. So I think we’ve your should be out in a minute, but I’m that cheers caramel macchiato, that’s yours! All right! We may be yeah Cheers. Okay, choose and uh.

See you next time with your next week’s inlined, getting coffee cool have fun. You know I’ll see you out there .