Gaming at 1440p Ultra in 2023 — Do You Need a New PC? — Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

Gaming at 1440p Ultra in 2023 — Do You Need a New PC? — Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Gaming at 1440p Ultra in 2023 — Do You Need a New PC? — Assassin’s Creed Syndicate”.
Hello and welcome to Tech deals. This is Assassin’s Creed Syndicate being played on a nine-year-old CPU and a five-year-old graphics card. Now, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate came out in 2015, so of course it runs on an i7 4790k right. Well, yes, and no, this game was very difficult to run when it first came out and the graphics cards available at the time in 2015 really would have struggled to do what you’re watching right now.

This is as much a test of the graphics card and demonstration of what’s possible. If you don’t have ultimate Hardware now, I9 13900k is an RTX. 4090S may be cool, but they are expensive. Whole new platforms, motherboards Ram video cards, that’s a lot of money and I fully recognize not everybody has that kind of coin Assassin’s. Creed Valhalla is very pretty, and it’s interesting and some people like playing it, which is awesome, but I would argue that this, for the most part, looks just as nice as the newer games does. Maybe in a few places it’s not quite up to the latest games.

But for a 2015 game, which is eight years ago, I don’t know about you, but this is very nice. Now I’m making this video not so much to say well, can you run this game on this Hardware? Yes, you can that’s the tldr, but rather I want to say you can run this at 1440p ultimate detail at very playable frame rates and that’s what you’re watching right here 1440p with the details cranked all the way up to the Max and we are getting very Smooth gameplay, I tested this game years ago on lesser hardware, and there was always a compromise. If you tried to run in these settings on a GTX 1050, for example, with an i5 6400, you would not be getting this level of performance.

Gaming at 1440p Ultra in 2023 — Do You Need a New PC? — Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Take a look at the CPU usage now we’re not running in hundreds of frames per second, but our CPU is 100 utilized in cores and it’s deep into the hyper threading. So if you had a four core four thread chip from this era, it certainly wouldn’t be. This smooth the average wouldn’t be too much slower, but the one percent low in the overall playability would be much worse before we continue.

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Tech deals more details at the end of the video. There seems to be a disconnect between PC Gamers. At the moment anytime, I post something like an RX 6700xt is all a gamer needs to play a 1440p. Inevitably somebody says: what are you talking about that can barely do 1080p.

These days, have you seen the vram requirements of The Last of Us Part, One Hogwarts Legacy and others? Yes, I have, and then, if I say well, if you want to play everything at Ultra detail at 14, 40 P, you absolutely need an RTX 4090, nothing less than the best will do to which then somebody says. What are you talking about man? The RX 6700 XT is an amazing deal and nobody needs more than that. It’S like there’s two different movies playing and the story changes depending upon the perspective of the viewer.

Well, that’s true. Actually, because both statements are correct. I get a lot of feedback in both directions. One, you don’t need Ultra Hardware to play amazing games and then you need Ultra Hardware to play all the games. Both statements can be true.

Gaming at 1440p Ultra in 2023 — Do You Need a New PC? — Assassin's Creed Syndicate

There are a ton of games you can play and there’s a lot of detail settings that you can set to find a wide variety of playable settings on different Hardware. The RTX 2080 TI very similar in performance to the RTX 3070 and probably the upcoming RTX 4060, which gasp will still only have eight gigabytes of vram, but it is what it is, is a reasonably priced option. Now I wouldn’t be dying to go out and seek out a RTX 2080 TI today, but if you have one unless you’re at 4K, you don’t actually need to upgrade unless of course, you want to play every new game the day it comes out before patches and Optimizations and I think, patches and optimizations conversation our industry needs to have more of, but that’s a story for another time and, if you’re willing to say run at high detail instead of ultra, I made a video a couple years back where I said Ultra is for Screenshots High detailers for gaming, I still stand by that video. I think, for the most part, that’s true Ultra is nice, there’s nothing wrong with ultra and, of course, if you’ve got games like cyberpunk or control, where Ultra Ray tracing detail are just stunningly beautiful, fair enough, however, you can play those games on high detail without Ray Tracing on and they’re still a lot of fun.

It’S you know. If you don’t have the latest high-end Hardware, those games can be very hard to run with everything cranked up, but you can absolutely enjoy yourself without needing to spend bouku dollars. But if you have buku dollars, then man – oh man, oh man – are you in for a treat. Another aspect.

That’S often not considered is the longevity of cards. Yes, an RX 6700 XT will play all current games at 1440 P at some reasonable level of detail. But for how long that card came out a couple years ago, it’s a mid-level card to begin with it’s going to age, it’s going to turn into a 1080p card and then eventually it’ll just be like time to replace. If you buy a 40 90 today or to be honest, the better deal is the RX 7900 XT. You can currently get those for about 780 if you buy one of those. Is that overkill for 1440p gaming a little bit? Yes, it lets.

Gaming at 1440p Ultra in 2023 — Do You Need a New PC? — Assassin's Creed Syndicate

You do ultra everything, but it is a little bit Overkill being honest in most games, the difference between a 6700 XT and a 4090 is not actually as much as you think. It’S at 4K, it’s in the ray Trace games. Where you see the big difference. However, two years from now, four years from now, that’s when you’re gon na go. Oh, I could just keep using my video card and don’t have to replace it. It is less expensive in the long run, to replace your cart every two years, mid-level card to mid-level card, but that requires you, sell your card or have a machine to move it down.

That requires. You have somebody to give your card to. If you just buy a high-end card well, what you’re watching right here is a great example. The RTX 2080 TI was a 1000 hour graphics card in 2018.. It is now 2023.. This game is beautiful.

This card is five years old. This card has years of life left in it, maybe not playing cyberpunk at 4K with Ray tracing on, but you should know that already. However, outside of those Corner cases, this card has years of useful life. If you bought this back in 2018 paid full price five years ago, you might very well get seven years out of it.

Now I don’t know about you, but despite the price of the card, I would call that a tech deal. E-Win racing has a wide selection of chairs to fit all shapes and sizes of Gamers, ranging from petite to cuddly. They have something for every type of gamer, not just sizes, but colors and material options as well, including red, blue purple, pink orange and more plus cloth and leather choices. We have over half a dozen chair and desk videos in a playlist down in the video description below. We also have a very special offer. Just for Tech deals, viewers save 30 percent off of everything using discount code Tech deals using our Link in the video description. We have used e-win gaming chairs for three years in our office sitting on them for up to eight hour Marathon live streams. They are very comfortable and we are happy to work with ewin to bring you this special discount and recommend ewin for all of your gaming. Chair and desk needs. Thank you, foreign .