Games Now Have Expiry Dates (And That’s Stupid)

Games Now Have Expiry Dates (And That’s Stupid)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Games Now Have Expiry Dates (And That’s Stupid)”.
Game Publishers refusing to sell older games and meanwhile valve releases a massive Counter-Strike update. Oh the update yeah, I guess yeah sort of okay, so Nintendo is shutting down the eshops on the Wii. U and the 3DS next week. By the way, did you see the video from the completionist buying everything from them? That’S in here yeah. This is great uh, okay, as well as sun, setting it’s Virtual Console service. Now the only legal way to acquire retro Nintendo games will be through the switch online expansion pack, which is you guessed it a subscription service 50 bucks a year. You will owe nothing and you will like it Gerard.

Games Now Have Expiry Dates (And That’s Stupid)

The completionist then spent over twenty two thousand dollars. I don’t know that I would actually encourage giving Nintendo money um in response to their anti-consumer practices, but, okay, I do have a very weird theory on this yeah by the way. Oh sorry, I’ll finish this off just I know, you’ve talked a lot: twenty two thousand dollars by nearly 866 Wii.

U games and 1 357 3DS games nearly 1.5 terabytes worth. That was by the way, the most polite way anyone’s ever ever told me to shut up due to the limitations up where only one game can be purchased. At a time, this project took 328 days to complete Gerard and his team will be donating.

The games to the video game, history, okay, cool video game history, foundation for preservation. What I was going to say is, I guess not now, but I bet you. Those systems would be worth a lot later on, oh to collector people, but donating it to video game. History Foundation is like way cooler of a move, so I respect that a ton.

I didn’t even think about that as like a path, probably because I’m uh extremely tired, but that’s super super cool, big respect for that, and just a very interesting project in general ryuka says Microsoft, driven fud. They do the same thing in the Press. Help them not get hate Game Pass hello, it’s not the same thing you can buy those games. However, let’s move into our next topic.

Games Now Have Expiry Dates (And That’s Stupid)

Meanwhile, EA is de-listing Battlefield 1943 and both bad companies from digital storefronts in advance of their online services. Shutting down in December, current owners will still be able to play the single player campaigns following the server closure, but this is something Luke and I have been talking about for years. At this point, the multiplayer experiences of these games, which, by the way is the game, are gone and I’m actually pretty sure people still play those well yeah. Why wouldn’t they they’re Battlefield games and like Battlefield kind of got a lot worse over time? So, like bad company had a lot of Destruction, elements and stuff that was actually like, really cool, so I I know people are still really into Bad Company. This sucks I mean if there was a single gamer in government. Yeah, like you got ta, feel like they would, they would kind of go hey. This is a big problem. We need to actually make it illegal to sell this thing to someone based on a box right, like these are old enough games, that they had boxes all right. So there’s this thing on the box that says multiplayer up to whatever players you can’t. Why are we allowed to sell someone this this even a license to this thing? I know they’re, not selling them the software they’re selling them a license to it, but that license has an agreed upon experience. Okay and then it just goes away later. That was not the deal yeah. I I think, having some type of minimum agreement for how long it has to be accessible.

That’S the bare minimum. I don’t think it necessarily has to be forever. I think that’s a lot to ask from companies, but what it has to be is there has to be a sunset procedure yeah, so that okay, that’s what I was going to say is once that time period ends you should, if you don’t want to maintain it, It should now be maintainable by someone else, and you can set terms – and we’ve talked about this before, where, like you, have to purchase a copy of the game to be able to play it on the newly maintained system.

The newly maintained system cannot be monetized things like that. I don’t don’t care, but it should be possible for historical reasons, for people to be able to set it up. What has happened with SubCom Supreme Commander? That’S so cool we’ve commented on this.

Games Now Have Expiry Dates (And That’s Stupid)

A bunch of times on the show is like perfect. In my opinion, yeah the community have set up a genuinely amazing Community server Community, actually just genuine Community around it. There’S like events that they have there’s custom maps. There’S mods. There’S like everything you can imagine, they have a custom launcher.

It requires you to have purchased a real. The rights holders still get paid. Yeah like it’s. It’S it’s win-win literally great for everyone, and then that game gets to survive because sure you know what it might be 10 years down the load down the road.

There might not be that many players anymore, it might be far from profitable for you to maintain this thing, and it’s like you know what it’s really time to Sunset this. It takes a lot of our Dev time, whatever we do fine sure, but you have to hand it off a small distraction in float plane chat says we need more government Linus Sebastian. No, what we need is the government to actually do its job. Its job is supposed to be acting as a a protector for its citizens in a sense right like if, if someone breaks into your house and steals your stuff, the government is supposed to do something about it.

Right, you’re not supposed to just round up a posse and just what like go, wandering the streets looking for the guy. What we need is for someone to step in and say no, you may not actually sell something based on some representation of it and then change it after the fact, I would like to think that people could deal with this themselves by not supporting companies who are Going to behave in this way, but clearly that ship has sailed, yeah people are going to keep buying games from EA. Yeah regulation is a good thing because otherwise it’s it’s Anarchy like there’s, there’s like things you can use when manufacturing products that will like actually end us all yeah, and we need someone to prevent people from doing it, because otherwise, they’ve shown time and time again that They will yeah the giant holes that were forming in the ozone and stuff which, like government came in and fixed it are either us are either of us, the biggest fans of like over regulation.

No, no are either of us, the biggest fans of like over governance. All these other types of things, no, but certain regulations should should be in place. A bunch of people are attacking me, be like stop him. This is hot. Take territory.

I’M like I agree. What do you want me to tell it’s not? It is a good thing that asbestos isn’t everywhere, yeah, that’s great and that’s that sure, as heck wasn’t private companies dealing with it yeah and you might say, hey: no, they totally did because it was a liability concern. Well, guess: who creates the framework of laws that give companies liability like we actually do? I need some of it, need it a little bit. Otherwise, it’s just it’s it! It’S it’s open season for the people with money and power at the top, and yes, I’m quite wealthy before you have to say it, but I’m not at the top.

I am a lot closer to you. The viewer than I am to a billionaire a lot closer yeah like there’s, actually like a huge difference like the kind of the kind of influence that people can wield. It is unfathomable to me, even with my small army of of team members here right like it’s. I’M not, I don’t get too far into you, know, conspiracy theories or whatever, but there’s real stuff.

That is not conspiracy, theory that has actually happened. That just blows my mind and I go okay. So I’m sorry like this, this person or this cabal of people got together and did what .