Galaxy S23 Ultra – REAL Day in the Life Review!

Galaxy S23 Ultra - REAL Day in the Life Review!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy S23 Ultra – REAL Day in the Life Review!”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer, and today we are spending a real Day in the Life with the new Samsung Galaxy s23 Ultra, and you know how we do in these videos I’ll be taking you through a full day with the phone. So we can test out everything you want to know like the battery camera performance, so we can see how it works in the real world. So, let’s see how it does all right guys so reeled in a lifetime, obviously, but I’m in a bit of a predicament, as you can see, I’m only at 43 to start the day. So I need to go ahead and charge this up. Luckily, we got anchors news Chargers, 45, Watts right in this tiny, bad boy. Hopefully this can help me get this thing charged up quickly, so we can get the rest of the day started. Now. If you want to pick this phone up, you should know it doesn’t. Come with a charger, but that’s where anchor comes in.

Not only do they sponsor today’s video, but they make some of the best power accessories in the game, including their new 313 and 312 Chargers. The 313 is a 45 watt charger with super fast charging, 2.0. Meaning you get Peak charging performance, so you can get a full charge on the s23 ultra in less than an hour. You get that kind of performance while keeping a low profile thanks to their Nan technology, giving it higher Energy Efficiency, upgraded heat, dissipation and that compact size.

And if you plan on going the compact route with your phone and you pick up something like the standard s23, you might want to look at their 312 charger. That hits you with 25 watts of peak charging for that phone. If you plan on picking one of these phones up – and you want the best charger for it, you know I’ll have links Down Below in the description description, so you know where to grab them all right, you guys so about 20 minutes later we are at 78.

Galaxy S23 Ultra - REAL Day in the Life Review!

I can live with that. If I have 29 more minutes I would have been full but I’ll take it now I got ta wrestle. I got ta wrestle this guy and take him to school.

You ready, Austin, you don’t have to that’s great all right all right. So now we’re gon na take a quick pick of the fit, don’t mind his hair. It’S getting done today, we’ll take a before and after picture all right.

Galaxy S23 Ultra - REAL Day in the Life Review!

Buddy you ready teeth. Look at the camera, say cheese. There we go.

Galaxy S23 Ultra - REAL Day in the Life Review!

Give me a thumbs up. Huh turn. One around okay, you wan na turn the camera around. You want to take a selfie.

Come here, buddy cheese. They tell me the things say: cheese man are you the boss? Now all right bud you ready to go to school, whose car we going in that one? What about my car, mama’s car, you’re, a traitor, bro all right, bud you ready to go to school! You got ta, stop saying that all right, let’s drop you off all right, y’all, so Austin’s! Finally, at school uh, this phone isn’t at Mac’s charge. Yet you know I like to start my day off with a full charge uh, so I’m gon na go ahead and put this thing on the charger uh. So we can get it to 100, it’s a little bit later in the morning, but I’d rather start off with a full battery and because we’re using that 45 watt charger we’re getting the max speeds here.

So in about 29 minutes we should be all good to go. That’S not too bad! Your phone’s on 20 get your life together, bro, so the real work they started. While I let the phone charge up to 100 – and I had a few things to script out – one I was super excited about – was this Apex Legends collab believe in manifestation y’all. But of course I couldn’t control myself and I wasn’t able to stay off social media for too long. Okay, so I’ve been browsing social media for a little bit and it kind of leads me to my first point about this phone. I love the direction. Samsung is going with these. I don’t know how many of you will notice, but the edges are now a bit flatter than they used to be with the s22 ultra.

We have very rounded edges uh. These are a bit flatter, so I actually find them a bit easier to hold in the hand telling you guys I am waiting for the day when they decide to just go all flat like they have with the regular s23 and s23 plus. I don’t feel like it’s a hindrance when watching content like I was just on dave2d’s, video and because of the bezels I feel like, there’s not really any content spilling over. So the edges are starting to go down more and more. It feels like at least especially with the sides, so I am all for that. So using this to do everyday stuff, of course, feels very comfortable, uh, still a big phone. So when you you know you got thrown in your pocket, it’s not a big deal. I think most of us are used to big phones at this point, so we are seeing a radical redesign by any means.

It honestly almost looks exactly like the s22 ultra aside from those sides. Although there’s another slight difference and that’s what the camera bumps, you might notice on the s23 ultra, they look a good bit bigger than last year’s and that’s because they beefed up some of the cameras here, including a 200 megapixel camera. But we’re going to talk about that a little bit more later and for some of the changes you can’t see.

The Galaxy s23 Ultra now has the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, and this one is customized, particularly for this phone and it’s what you’d expect in 2023. You guys it is fast, you can game, you can do pretty much. Anything on this honestly performance to me has to be the most boring part of any smartphone review these days because they are so powerful, there’s not much that you can do in a normal day. That’S really going to make them not perform, that’s not to say that the chipset doesn’t unlock a lot of cool new features because they always do but from a performance perspective. After about a week, this phone is still going to do everything you wanted to do.

The real test is always going to be like a year later or so, alright fellas, so I just got in touch with the contractor the studio uh. We got some decisions to make about the a-roll set, so let’s head on over there and uh check it out. So we can make some choices and maybe give these guys a sneak peek of where we’re going to be shooting from that one. What is this? Oh, this? These are weather maps for Ari’s car.

I had to buy some like off-brand one wait hold on that’s uh. I just saw this the first time: yeah we got her car wrapped up man. You know she copied me a little bit with the you know and uh. You also put it back, so the trim goes all around the entire car and up here.

Oh this is nice. It Rivals mine just a little bit yeah and what I like about it is that I guess it’s really low-key, like you, don’t notice it. Unless you get kind of close, it’s not super flashy. She didn’t want to be flashy with it.

So, let’s go to the studio. Oh, what did I do nothing? I just pressed the button want to come back. Oh yeah, yeah, ready foreign, so we’re at the new studio, don’t mind the mess. It’S really crazy! That’S the new texture! This look get out of here.

We’Re actually what we want to put up on that wall is actually in here, but this looks so long, so we got ta peek into here and make sure we got the right stuff interesting. So now that we have an idea of what this is uh, let’s actually take a picture of this so that we can find a stain to match. So we can worry about these sides and get it all cohesive. Now.

This is something I didn’t notice. It does kind of boost the shadows and the darker areas quite a bit like and just like the photos I took of Austin this morning they looked like they really pushed up the brightness quite a bit, we’ll continue taking samples. Maybe it just doesn’t work with brown that well, I don’t know we’ll see now. Jay actually mentioned using the pro mode to take a photo of this, since it allows the camera to do a little bit less interfering and looks like this might be the answer.

So we take a picture. Oh that’s much better, that’s way better! Oh it did. It did still brighten it quite a bit. Yeah I mean take a look at the difference here.

We got this versus this. I guess I can see it on camera. Yeah see how bright the wood is here now get it. It makes sense. Brighter pictures are usually liked a bit more uh, but if you’re looking for that, you know more realistic. Look then you might want to mess around with, like the pro side of the camera.

Now we all know Samsung’s camera system is one of the most capable out there. What you get here are some really detailed shots, especially if you tap into that 200 megapixel. Setting this to me is more of a pro setting, though, so, if you plan on doing something with the picture afterward like cropping, so you have the right framing or even printing the photo it’ll certainly give you what you’re looking for there’s going to be a ton Of details in those 200 megapixel shots, but I don’t think most people really need to use this feature unless they’ve got a reason to you also get the best camera zoom I’ve ever seen on a smartphone here. So if, for whatever reason, you need to somewhat make out something, that’s a bajillion miles away way, you got that 100 times. Space Zoom, but more reliable, Zoom options go up to about 30 times now.

Of course, the quality of the shots you get here is going to be great lots of vibrant colors sharpness. Details are what you’re gon na find, but I still have some gripes about performance when it comes to folks with darker skin tones. Like myself, I feel, like the camera, tends to overcompensate a bit and boost darker skin tones to the point where they start.

Looking a bit too bright and washed out, we pulled off some awesome portrait mode shots of Dom, but when I try to get in on the action you can see, I look quite a bit more washed out compared to him. I appreciate that it’s trying to make sure I don’t look too dark in our shots, but we haven’t quite struck the right balance for us yet and my only other issue, you might have guessed, it is shutter lag. I’Ve gotten some really blurry shots when trying to get a quick photo of Austin and in a situation where he’s only down to stay still for a quick snap or two, it can be pretty frustrating now. Has anyone figured out a solution for this? Yet if you have please, let me know in the comments overall, though, it’s an amazing camera system, with some of the same gripes that I’ve had over the last few years, and while software is the root of those issues, nobody can deny that this thing has high Quality Hardware that can potentially make those non-issues if Samsung ever tried to address them with an update battery update.

We are currently at 68 234. It actually went down quite a bit, didn’t it since we got it to 100, but we’ve been taking pictures like crazy, but we’re at 68 Jay now something that’s actually pretty cool. You might notice that we are sitting in some direct sunlight and the phone will automatically boost the brightness to the max so that you can see well, I do think that that’s one of the most underrated features.

This thing has a really nice bright screen so being able to use it in the Sun, not going to be an issue whatsoever, and I think it’s pretty fair to say that Samsung’s been crushing the display game for so many years now, and it just keeps getting Better and watching content is always going to be pleasant since you’ve got those vibrant colors from the dynamic AMOLED, 2x Infinity o display, which is just a ridiculously long name, but when you’re, this good you’re allowed to have five words or more in your name. It’S just a great display for any situation you’re using it in whether it’s indoors or out thanks to the amazing brightness levels that it’s capable of and those beautiful, deep, blacks, okay, so it’s 320, we got 60! I’M gon na have us go to Home Depot. We can finish up some of this house stuff that we’re doing not really.

You know what I will say, though, even though we’re out and about I don’t feel like, I feel so comfortable. Using this in my hand, I don’t feel like it’s gon na just slip out my hand like it’s slippery, don’t get me wrong, but something about the the overall shape. I just feel a lot more confident holding it. I’M gon na throw the GPS on, even though we literally have Google Maps right here, but you know it’s all good. I want to really use the phone right like how a regular person would most people don’t use the navigation in their cars. So that’s true, though, all right yeah, all right. We made it we’re at 57, all right so we’re using our raw photo here that we thought gave the best color accuracy. So uh, let’s see that’s close natural right yeah.

It looks like natural’s the way to go. What are those so there’s different things, there’s like oil based and then there’s water-based? What’S the difference, so I think oil-based has more of a Sheen to it and it requires less coats, but it really stinks when you’re applying it water-based doesn’t smell as bad, but you’ll need multiple coats and water base is faster to dry handyman. That’S because we were just dealing with this, so all right guys, so we wrapped up what we were shooting for Apex now. It is like 6.

15 p.m. I got ta act like I got a family, a newborn, so I’m gon na go hang out with them. For the rest of the night call it a day, let you guys know my thoughts, my final thoughts on this phone and work on some Valentine’s Day bags, apparently with this little guy. Actually, we got ta show you how Austin looks now that he got his hair done.

Austin come here, real, quick buddy. What check out my guy, you see his hair awesome. Show them show them. Your hair buddy look up look up Valentine’s Day. You know. Oh certified lover boy right here, you see what I’m saying I love you too come on get out of here, scram all right guys.

Now, let’s talk about what do I recommend this? Overall, though this is the best smartphone Samsung has ever made with a great overall user experience, super Snappy performance, awesome cameras and a really solid battery life. I can easily go past a day of usage with this thing and I got ta say I’m very surprised at how good the standby time is with this. So when you’re not using the phone, I feel like it just sips on the battery with 5000 milliamp hours. That is a beautiful thing to hear this thing will easily last you through the day and maybe even a little bit more. If you forget to charge it like, I did with the real thing of life and with quick charging options. I don’t think battery’s gon na be much of a concern here and not to mention this thing also has the S Pen for those of you who enjoy it, I’m not someone who pulls it out, often, but it’s there so it’s safe. For me to say, this is an easy phone to recommend unless you have the S21 or 22 Ultra. This isn’t the phone you’ll need to upgrade from one of those, but if you’re coming from one of the non-ultra models, or maybe something even older, this is a safe bet. But what do you guys think of this year’s Ultra device? Did you want to see a little something more from Samsung, or is this enough for you? Let me know and I’ll catch you guys in the next one till then it’s your average consumer peace .