Galaxy S22 vs S22 ULTRA Hands On! – What’s the Difference?

Galaxy S22 vs S22 ULTRA Hands On! - What's the Difference?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy S22 vs S22 ULTRA Hands On! – What’s the Difference?”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and it’s embargo day for the s22 lineup, the new galaxy phones are officially announced and you probably see a ton of videos in your inbox, but i’m glad you chose this one, but today we are going over the new Lineup we’ve got the new s22, s22 plus and, of course, the s22 ultra, but first we of course got to talk about the way these phones look. S22 s22 plus share pretty much the same design. One is bigger than the other, while the s22 ultra has its own design, its own look, and i’m not gon na lie to you guys, based on first impressions, i’m leaning towards the design of the regular s22s. I’M really liking the hard edges on the sides.

The flat screen and honestly that camera bump is looking kind of nice. I’Ve said it on the channel plenty of times, i’m not a fan of like the curved screens, and i like, when a phone has like the hard edges, which is why i was super thrilled when i think the iphone 12 came out with like that new design With the hard edges love it, while the s22 ultra is really sticking with that curved look. I know some people like it, i’m personally not a fan, so i am leaning towards that. But the s22 also has also gotten rid of that frame that the cameras modules used to live in. I like that, i feel like it made. The camera seem like a really big deal now. I guess samsung’s trying to go with like a more understated.

Look for the cameras, but something about it just looks a little incomplete. So for me personally, i’m really digging the s22 s22 plus body. Uh s22 ultra is fine, but what makes up for it are those colors well one in particular, there’s a new green color that i think, looks amazing on all the devices i’m a huge fan. Of course, you still got like the phantom black phantom white that new green and there’s a burgundy as well. That samsung tends to throw in every now and then oh jay, what’s better the green or that pacific blue from the iphone 12. that pacific blue is almost perfect, though yes, regardless when it comes to color samsung’s moving in the right direction.

I think now, before we dig into like some of the features that these phones are going to be packing, i know you spec heads want to quickly know what’s inside of these phones. Well, we’re looking at the snapdragon 8cx gen 1 processor, the newest, that snapdragon has to offer that’s coming to the entire lineup. So each phone is gon na be packing that chip now in terms of ram for the s22 and s22 plus you’re, seeing eight gigs of ram down the board. Now, with the s22 ultra we’re seeing eight gigs of ram as well as 12 gig options uh, depending on the storage capacity, i think for the smallest storage capacity is eight gigs and anything higher you’ll have 12 gigs of ram there. Now in terms of battery we’re. Looking at 3700 for the 22 4500 for these 22 plus and 5000 for the 22 ultra, but let’s move on to those displays now.

Galaxy S22 vs S22 ULTRA Hands On! - What's the Difference?

We all know that these phones come in different sizes. The s22 has a 6.1 inch display, while the s22 plus will have a 6.6 inch display and the ultra will have a 6.8 inch display. Now we all know, samsung phones have beautiful displays, they’re all packing a dynamic amoled 2x display uh, but they’ve added a new feature that i think could be pretty nice when you’re out in the real world and they’re calling this feature vision, booster now.

Galaxy S22 vs S22 ULTRA Hands On! - What's the Difference?

The idea here is, depending on your lighting situation. Typically, if you’re outdoors and light direct sunlight is hitting your phone, the content tends to get a little bit washed out. You know if you don’t have a bright display, it gets harder to see the content on your screen.

Galaxy S22 vs S22 ULTRA Hands On! - What's the Difference?

Now, with this vision, booster, it’s going to take into account just how much light is hitting your phone and it’s going to be able to adjust the brightness for every single pixel on the screen to adjust. So you can have better clarity while watching content and with a peak brightness of 1750 nits, it could be pretty dramatic. This is a feature i want to take out into the real world during the real day in the life and see just how much of an impact it has we’ll, of course, compare it to last year’s model, but that sounds huge 1750 nits. That has to be the brightest display on the market right now, right, i’m sure there’s like some crazy phone out there that, where nobody’s talking about that goes brighter, but that sounds like the best on the market so far.

Now, of course, all of these phones have samsung super smooth, 120 hertz, refresh rate uh, but what’s new here is samsung has added the ability for it to automatically change, depending on how you’re, using the phone we’ve seen these adaptive refresh rates before, if you’re familiar with, How the iphone does it we’re going to be seeing something similar where the phone can drop all the way down from 10 hertz all the way to 120? If you have the normal s22s and if you go for the s22 ultra, it can go all the way down to one hertz, so you’re not using a ton of battery. So this should be interesting. I can’t wait to see how this impacts battery life uh when it comes to actually using the phone, but it should intelligently pick the right refresh rate, depending on how you’re using the phone. Now we got ta address the elephant in the room.

The s22 ultra has the s pen, so the s pen from the note lineup has made it onto the highest model of the s22 lineup goodbye note uh. The note is now the ultra. So if you want like the most premium experience that samsung has to offer, it looks like the ultra is going to be that phone it’s been it’s. This should have happened a long time ago, where the s22 ultra just had the best of everything, and i think now we’re moving to that place.

Uh, where that’s, where you get the full samsung experience and they’ve done some improvements to the s pen, where it now has even lower latencies. I’M not gon na lie. The s pen does add a lot of functionality and with that much bigger display uh, you can definitely take advantage of it, but i want to see how folks, who never opted for the note and just went with like the ultra, how they feel about this upgrade. If that’s you, let me know with a comment down below now.

Of course we got to talk about those cameras and that’s what samsung’s really banking on this year, i feel, like the cameras, are gon na, be their bread and butter. That’S gon na be like the biggest selling point, because they’ve done some improvements here, but first, let’s talk about the cameras that are on these phones. Now, when it comes to the regular s22s, we’ve got a 50 megapixel wide angle lens a 12 megapixel ultra wide angle lens and a 10 megapixel telephoto lens with a three times: optical zoom. Now, with the s22 ultra, you get a bit more since that’s the cream of the crop phone right.

So you get a 108 megapixel wide angle lens a 10 megapixel telephoto lens two, actually one with a three times: optical zoom and another with a ten times, optical zoom, and i believe you also have access to that space. Zoom feature here where you can zoom into the stars: it’s insane. We all know this and you get that 12 megapixel ultra wide angle lens as well. Now, what samsung really has been trying to do here with these cameras is improve the low light photography.

So if you’re taking photos at night or in situations where lighting is not the best samsung says, we should be seeing increased quality here with sharper photos with less noise. That is like the big thing that they’ve been really talking about. So, of course, that’s something we got to see in the real world. I tend to take a lot of pictures indoors where of course, lighting isn’t always going to be as great as outside. So i’m very curious to see how that is going to perform. But i am happy to hear that that’s something that they really focused on and they’ve also added a couple of cool features on the video side of things like auto framing.

So if you’re taking a video of something, the phone will detect a face kind of zoom in and frame up for you automatically. But if someone else comes in within like five meters, it can detect their face and basically adjust the screen or the frame so that it can have both people in and it can do this with up to 10 people. So if more people are getting into the frame it’ll adjust automatically, so it can get the right amount of people in the shot. So if you’re, not someone who’s like great at video – and you don’t want to you – know physically move back and all that good stuff, it should be able to do it for you. We’Ve been seeing features like this introduced with center stage, something we’ve seen on the ipad or, i think even the imacs have that feature as well.

Even the google camera has like that. Smart zoom feature there’s a lot: it’s not a feat, it’s not a new feature, but it’s the first time i think we’re seeing it implemented for video recording on a smartphone. So i’m definitely interested in trying that out, especially if you have your camera set up and propped on like a tripod or something, and you just have a bunch of people coming in and out the shot. I’M curious how it behaves could be really cool, but we got to see it in person now. One thing we’re also seeing is 8k across the board for the entire lineup we’ve seen ak on phones before it’s never been a viable option, because it just wasn’t that good uh.

But you know this is 2022. These are oh shoot. That’S 22. wait. Did it just occur to me that the year matches up with the phone s22 is coming out in 22-21? They did this since 2020. judd’s a little slow, anyways 2022. With that new snapdragon chip, i’m sure that the ak should be a lot better, of course, we’ll try it out and see, but let’s not ignore the 40 megapixel front-facing camera on the entire lineup.

So that’s an upgrade to the 21 and 21 plus uh. Now it’s across the board, which is going to be a nice jump, and one thing to note here, while a lot of these megapixels might match some of what we saw last year, they’re all new sensors. So there should be some improvement across the entire board.

Uh, we’ll, of course, just have to get it in hand and test it out ourselves. So that’s pretty much our rundown of the phones, but there were a couple of other features that i thought were pretty cool that they mentioned uh. If you want to customize the ui and the look of the phone you’re gon na, be able to do that, it’s something we’ve seen on android already, where it can look at the wallpaper and give you the accent color across the entire thing. But one thing i like about one ui4 is you’re going to be able to basically share your look across devices. So if you have like the galaxy tab or you have another galaxy device, you’re going to be able to have like a similar look across the entire thing. So if you customize one to look a certain way, you can have the same vibe everywhere else.

I like that, when it comes to an ecosystem, where you know you get that same feeling everywhere you go. I am very interested in the newly announced galaxy tab. 8. So i want to get my hands on that kind of see how they all work together.

We usually don’t cover the tablets jay, but the tab 8 is looking pretty good man. I feel like i feel like we got to try it it’s 2022 android. We got to give android tablets a try again. Another cool feature is that it seems like samsung is paying more attention to privacy, which i’m always happy about uh. They do have this nice feature where it basically allows you to know when a device is using the camera uh. You get this like green little. Led notification: it’s not really an led, but as you get like this green little notification in the top right corner that lets, you know that the camera is being used.

You can actually go into your settings and set which apps can use what sensitive information you have available, like your camera, your mic, that kind of stuff – but those are just a few things that caught my attention. Hopefully, you guys got a good idea of what these new phones are bringing to the table, which one catches your interest. The most i really like the normal s22 look, but the ultra has the s pen and all the beautiful cameras upgrades, but either way can’t wait to get the new lineup out.

Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this video if you did be the cool guy girl that gives this video a thumbs up, because dumb this down doesn’t mean anything these days so i’ll catch you guys in the next one till, then it’s your average consumer peace. I hope we get the green ones, jay teal call it teal. I love it. .