Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max: Don’t make a mistake

Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max: Don't make a mistake

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max: Don’t make a mistake”.
Thanks to tezos for sponsoring this video all right, so, let’s see if the brightness on these two really is that different iphone take that up to 100. Okay, that’s good, i’m used to it s22 ultra will go all the way up to 100. Ah, my eyes, this is probably my favorite video to make all year it’s pro versus ultra. This is the best of the best, the iphone 13 pro versus the samsung galaxy s22 ultra. These phones are as amazing as smartphones have ever been, and they did come out.

Six months apart and when the next iphone comes out, we’ll revisit, but for right now these are the top two smartphones you can buy from apple and samsung, and before this video is over, we will declare a winner, there’s no cop out whatever’s best for you, a Winner will be picked at the end, we’re gon na get into all the nuances of everything that these phones can do, but i do want to start with a blind camera test. How good do you think your eye is? Can you tell the iphone photos versus the samsung photos, so here we go alright. So look at both of these photos and look for everything. Look how it’s handling shadows! Look, how it’s handling contrast, look at bright lights! Look at the sky! Look at the colors that you see and when it comes to portrait mode. Look at the cutouts here. Look how the cutouts work on the glasses work, how they work on non-human things, see how it’s handling lower light versus higher light different colors. And i i guess the the wrench in this whole thing is that the iphone has started to get more samsung like with its processing, with higher contrast. So i’m gon na assume that maybe you did not guess which one is right.

But in case you were wondering the s22 ultra is a and the iphone 13 pro. That was me so, like i said, the iphone’s gotten a bit more samsung, but at the same time samsung has started to kind of tone down their saturation and contrast that they’ve done in years past. So, in a lot of ways, the processing of these cameras – and i’m guessing – you could tell it’s very, very similar, so the iphone photos to my eye are crushing the shadows more than in years past, similar to how samsung used to do it. Iphone photos, though, hold extreme hdr highlights better than samsung. I think that is uh objectively, better. The choice by apple to limit highlights results in kind of an overall flatter and dimmer looking photo than the s22 ultra.

Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max: Don't make a mistake

It’S not necessarily a bad thing: you’re, getting consistency across every photo on the iphone side and as far as they’re easier to take into editing program manipulate the iphone tends to be better so samsung photos, on the other hand, are lifting the shadows allowing you to see A lot more detail in those darker areas, but in certain instances the s22 ultra will blow out highlights, as you can see right here in service of bringing up those shadows. Samsung made a very like obvious choice to choose brightness over consistency, and i think for the average you know person that is not a bad thing at all. That means colors pop more more vibrant, overall images brighter, especially if you are reviewing them on the crazy bright, which we will talk about s22 ultra screen.

Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max: Don't make a mistake

One interesting thing, though, if you view the pictures from the iphone on just a regular display, not on the iphone they’re going to look very consistent, maybe a bit flat. You look at the photos that were taken on s22 ultra on a regular display. There’S going to be a bit more color to them, but not as much contrast as you’re actually going to see on the phone itself.

So bear that in mind. So the verdict here, if you show the s22 ultra photos and again both of these on the phones themselves, side by side to an iphone 13 pro photo, i feel like most people are going to choose the s22 ultra, largely because it’s brighter and more vibrant. Personally, i prefer the consistency of the iphone overall, since i like editing my pictures, but it’s hard to deny how really good this 22 ultra photos.

Look when you get them in the conditions that are perfect on the positive side, samsung could always issue a software update that could adjust. Those highlights, maybe samsung find a way to do that not sacrifice overall brightness of the image. If they do, i think samsung has a very clear path to having the best photos on any smartphone for quite some time and in a world of iphone and pixel phones.

That is saying a lot for how good these cameras are, where samsung does have an advantage. Uh, it’s just in the hardware side, especially the camera hardware, and there is there’s no way around it, and this is where i think you see the advantage of the s22 ultra coming out about six-ish months later than where the iphone 13 pro came out. So you got four cameras on the back, not much different to what we saw last year. Um, but still packing a mean punch main camera is a 108 megapixel camera.

There’S a 12 megapixel ultra wide two 10 megapixel telephotos on there as well one at 3x and the other at 10x. And if you compare that hardware to the iphones three 12 megapixel sensors and mac three times telephoto, like i mean that’s pretty obvious right, what’s impressive? Is what both these cameras can provide in terms of processing? This was, i’m still just surprised every time i see this when i take a photo on, especially on a samsung phone or even a pixel. When you see the processing like happen after you shoot it, it’s awesome to see uh. These phones do an incredible job with ai and on device processing and the fact that we’re comparing these two honestly close your eyes pick with phone and the camera is going to be better than pretty much any dslr. We had even a few years ago, and that is saying a lot or at least in the right hands it could be better than in dslr. We’Ve seen it a few years ago.

It’S pretty awesome to see so, regardless of whether or not you are ios or android, i think a lot of us can agree we’re all team crypto and i think one of the biggest players in the crypto space is nfts and so understanding what they are, how They’Re, more than just you know, save jpegs, and also it can be daunting to try to understand the technology that goes behind it and that’s where tezos comes into play. So, first and foremost, it’s an energy-efficient blockchain, which is not words. You generally hear go together and it’s a huge deal for the blockchain world. They also have an amazing developer, community decentralized, apps nft marketplace on there, where you can learn and understand and then buy.

Galaxy S22 Ultra vs iPhone 13 Pro Max: Don't make a mistake

If you want any sort of nfts, if you’re a race fan too, you’ve, probably seen their logo in formula one, they sponsor the red bull car they’re, also over mclaren cars too, which is kind of a cool thing uh to see. But if you want to just educate yourself, you don’t have to buy anything or just learn about nfts in general, i’ll link down below to taseo. It’S an awesome place to start and if you want to buy or get into nft creation or decentralized apps tazos is the best place to be it’s also one of the most reputable blockchains going. So it’s a product, that’s going to be there for a while service. Is going to be there for a while, and it’s a great way to learn, link to them down below photos is one thing, but video, at least for me, is increasingly becoming important part of the devices the iphone has been pretty widely respected. It’S having the best video quality of any smartphone out there for many many years and i think in a lot of ways. Even this generation, that’s still the case. Uh hdr video is up to 4k 60..

That looks awesome and there is sort of detail where you want it, and it looks good just right out of the camera and the iphone 13 pro also has prores video support. Now, admittedly, it’s not a feature i use often because those file sizes are ridiculous, but the quality with prores is substantially better and we have decided to use it for short periods of time. The option to use it for that is great. Samsung, though, has the best video quality on the android side hands down, and i don’t mean that as a backhanded compliment at all and in some ways it best with the iphone can offer in video the biggest place you’re going to see. That is with resolution. So the ultra can shoot up to 8k video and there’s a rather big crop.

When you use this mode, you can only see sort of the main camera, so it’s not implemented perfectly, but the video quality is pretty good. I mean just look at the video quality here i mean you can see how amazing it is samsung video is better than years past and maybe because they’re letting the qualcomm chip do a lot of that processing. But, unlike their photos, the shadows are pretty crushed hard. At times. Exaggeration on the video again looks more boosted. Iphone here produces a flatter image – that’s still more true to life, so your eye might vary what you like more, i’m still going to probably err on the side of the flatter, because i know i can do more in post with it. So with the cameras here, this is where you can see the real message of both these phones. The iphone is not packing the latest features and isn’t trying to wow you with specs at all.

The photo quality is consistent and it’s good. Every time yes, 22 ultra is packing some of the coolest features. This isn’t always executing at the top of its class for everything, but the conditions are right. Samsung photos blow everything else out of the water, just not going to do it every single time, all right.

So let’s talk about display and i get it it’s kind of an old john rettinger trope at this point um, but i love screens and i love great screens and samsung’s, been at the forefront of great screens um forever and they even you know, make the screen. That’S in the iphone uh, but honestly screen tech hasn’t changed that much over the last few years, once we kind of got to peak screen. So to me at least that means hdr 120 hertz oled displays that’s about it. This year, though, samsung found something new to change that seems small on paper, but it’s really noticeable. That’S a brightness s22 ultra is rocking 1750 net display and for reference, the iphone 13 pro with an already very bright display has a max of 1200 nits. That has a gigantic difference.

A lot of time. You see the max brightness on hdr content and that kind of thing, but using the phones and sigma phones. The brightness is very apparent, you’re going to notice it it’s not like life-changing difference, but as the next step, making screens as good as they can possibly be, especially in direct sunlight outside. If you want to sit outside and use your phone you’re going to want to pick up this 22 ultra and is going to be stupidly, apparent uh, which phone is brighter the whole point behind that silly intro.

You know that we did to illustrate just how bright this display is. It is on a completely nother level, all the brightness stuff aside, the iphone s22 displays are very similar in the best possible ways. Color contrast vibrancy, it is all there and it really just comes down to brightness size, and then you know notch or cutout. So while samsung does make the displays or samsung display makes it for the iphone apple does their own color science.

So, while the hardware there is relatively similar, how they display colors is a little bit different and display is not the only similarity between these two phones, though uh iphone same hardware, we we know and either love or loathe s22 ultra. On the other hand, uh is different, but also the same so comparing it to the s21 ultra, it seems to be a new design, but comparing it to the note 20 start to see similarities and also the huge inspiration i think for this phone, not the first To say this, but this is the reality of sort of the resurrection of the note line, look no farther than the squared off edges the size. Most importantly, it’s got an s pen. I might as well call this the s22 note.

I think, that’s great. It always made sense to combine the ultra and the note line and now – and you have it here now and kind of the most perfect samsung phone form factor after samsung stepped back from the note line. I think we’re all wondering where the s pen was going towards the fold series made a ton of sense and even though it supports it, not the same experience, because you can’t sort of silo it anywhere um, but now during the ultra, and it makes honestly all The sense in the world this alongside the camera is the defining feature of the phone, and so it takes sort of beyond your typical everyday. You know rectangle smartphone, and for that matter you know, takes it beyond what the iphone can do. That being said, the utility of the s pen is very much down to the person. I don’t use it all that much i like, knowing that it’s there, but i know there are lots and lots of people out there who love them some s, pen and use it every day. It’S just not me, but since this is an ultra phone, i’m glad samsung took the step to include it now. You at least have the choice. The rest of this phone, though, is the exact same argument. You always get between samsung and iphones.

You want face id, or do you want the best ultrasonic fingerprint sensor out there it’s under display. You want a huge battery in fast charging, or do you want magsafe, a15 snapdragon 8gen1? Do you want ios? Do you want android uh? These are all areas that you probably already know. The answer to both these phones are the the peak example of the iphone versus android debate and for people that already know your mind’s already made up, but people i love to talk to these videos are those who don’t care are those that just want to pick The best smartphone for them and that’s where this answer is going to come from, i said i was going to pick a winner, and here it is if both of these phones are on a table or sitting in a store. I’M going to pick up the galaxy s22 ultra despite it being 200 more expensive, there’s oftentimes a lot of deals and trade-ins that samsung offers.

But if i have no os preference, i’m getting the use of the s pen, whether i choose to or not it’s there for me, i’m getting a display that looks insane and looking at a phone is how you interact with everything it can do. That alone is reason to consider this. The camera, while not perfect in every situation, is insanely good in almost every situation and close to perfect uh in some the video, while not being the best out, there is still really good, and i did have an extra resolution of being able to shoot with 8k.

I like having fast charging, i like having the reverse wireless charging, certainly will miss smack safe on here, but you are getting an incredible phone and an incredible package that pretty much does everything really really well, if you’re already in the ios ecosystem get the iphone 13 Pro, you probably already have it and you’re going to be very happy, but for those that haven’t made up their minds on os or aren’t in the ecosystem, get this 22 ultra you’re going to absolutely love it. When you get there tell them john sent you .