From 6 Cores to Gaming Greatness: A CPU Upgrade Journey — Tech Deals

From 6 Cores to Gaming Greatness: A CPU Upgrade Journey — Tech Deals

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “From 6 Cores to Gaming Greatness: A CPU Upgrade Journey — Tech Deals”.
Adam, thank you so much he’s running a ryzen 5 3600 with a 6800 XT 32 gigs of RAM on a b550 board. 1440P 27 in 165. Hz monitor upgrade to M5 now or drop in a 5700x 5800 X 3D and wait till next year to do a full, rebuild uh. The games are Boulders Gate, 3, Phantom Liberty and Starfield, or he wants to be ready for Starfield Adam and I need to take.

Take a walk, Adam put your shoes on: are you ready? I am ready, buy Windows, 10 professional for $ 15, activate instantly online with Microsoft and keep it forever. Don’T pay full price get the best deal from our sponsor Ur CD Keys, using our Link in the video description below full details on how this amazing deal works at the end of the video am4? Is a gift? Do not look a gift for gift horse in the mouth. Okay, Adam comes in with a CPU, upgrade question and provides use case and games that he is interested in playing Adam says. It is running a ryzen 5 3600 CPU with a 6800 XT GPU on 32 gigs of RAM on a b550 motherboard. His monitor is 1440p 27 in6, 65 Herz.

He wants to know if he should upgrade to am5 now or drop in a 5700x 5800 X, 3D um or wait until next year to do a full rebuild the games. He plays are Boulders Gate 3 Phantom Liberty and then he wants to be ready for Starfield the new game. That’S coming out to everybody who wants to ask ask us a question. This is a really good question.

From 6 Cores to Gaming Greatness: A CPU Upgrade Journey — Tech Deals

It lists current CPU current GPU. It lists monitor it. Lists refresh rate, it lists what he’s interested in doing and it lists the games he wants to play.

From 6 Cores to Gaming Greatness: A CPU Upgrade Journey — Tech Deals

That provides enough information to provide a useful answer, because too often, because if he had just said games, we wouldn’t know that Starfield would be one of the games. I mean: is it Rainbow Six siegs or Starfield? These are two different they’re, both technically games, but that’s like saying a Toyota, Corolla and a Lamborghini are cars they are, but one is not like the other yeah. Thank you Adam for the detailed uh question.

From 6 Cores to Gaming Greatness: A CPU Upgrade Journey — Tech Deals

Okay, am4 is a gift, do not look a gift horse in the mouth you’re talking about 5700x and the 5800 X 3D. Yes, he currently has an am4 board and he’s got a nice he’s got a b550 he’s got a six core 12 thread non x. 3600. It’S a good CPU, but not for 1440p, 165 htz and not for those games. Balers Gate 3 uh Phantom Liberty, which is the cyberpunk expansion and Starfield, are the last bloody games. You should be playing on a 3600 when you have a drop in CPU upgrade.

That is 5 minutes that can increase your core count. Y increase your clock, speed and increase your instructions per clock cycle; yep your rise to not just to Adam, but to everybody else, watching correct. The ryzen. 5 3600 is actually two three core CPUs, it’s Zen, 2. With an Infinity fabric Link Between Two Three core CPUs correct the 5700x and the 5800 X 3D are an 8 core monolithic chiplet, with no core Toc core latency issues, and the entire L3 cach is Unified between all the cores, where his L3 cach on his uh 3600 is split between the two three core chips: correct: it is a raw compute Improvement of about 20 %. It will be a latency Improvement, especially on 165 htz screen.

It will be a 1 % low Improvement by going both to Zen three and to eight cores. For those games, not all games need eight cores those games. You should have eight course, and it takes 5 minutes to upgrade. Why would you spend all the money? Am5 is expensive.

The motherboards for am5 are expensive. You have to move to ddr5 Ram. It is a complete, rebuild you’re, ripping your motherboard out. You have to rewire your case. Make sure your power supply make sure your ATX power cables your EPS cables. They all reach yep, you you’re, probably going from am4 to am5, don’t technically need a reinstall of windows, but they are completely different platforms of different chipsets. I would reinstall Windows if I was doing it I’ll change motherboards if it’s within the same generation or same generalized chipset like I’d, go from a b450 to a b550 without reinstalling Windows, but I wouldn’t go to a b650 cuz. It’S a different.

It’S a different, socket, yep, understand and going from ddr4 to ddr5 and there just too many new things correct. So you, 1 million per, should just upgrade your CPU in place and to everybody else watching please, if you own a 1,000 2,000 or 3,000 series ryzen, The Ry 7 5700x has been regularly available for $ 170 to $ 190, depending on when you’re watching this you Can sell your current chip for anywhere between $ 50 to $ 100, depending on what you have yep so for anywhere between 100, actually, maybe even just 80 anywhere between 80 to 120 bucks? You can refresh your computer and get a nice bump to Performance and buy yourself, maybe another, two years of good use out of your machine Y and make it feel like it did when it was first new yep Intel. Doesn’T let you do that nope.

So that’s pretty cool now to answer the question: should he get a 5800 X 3D? If you can find one on sale or a deal, I wouldn’t mind. There was a prime Day deal recently where they were down to like $ 259 and at 259. I would say yes, absolutely take one at the time. We’Re recording this they’re 330 again well. Remember Prime Day is coming up in October, there’s a prime day coming up in October and you might consider watching out for that, but that’s still two months away. If we recording this, that’s true, if you can get it for like 260 280, it is faster. He is, he does have 165 HZ monitor he does. It does give him a little bit more oomph, it’s triple the L3 cash which is nice, but at the same time, if you can find the 5700x for 80 bucks and it’s $ 150 cheaper than the 3D chip, the 3D chip is not worth $. 150.

More yeah but 100 bucks on the fen marginal on the 100. If it’s less than 100 difference, do it that’s? Okay, good! If it’s 80, I would do the 3D chip all day long, it’s totally worth 80. It is not worth 150. Your choice in between the bigger question is: should he buy a ryzen 9 instead of a ryzen 7, he wants to play. Starfield Phantom Liberty in balers Gate 3 he’s playing AAA games. He has a high refresh rate monitor.

I was actually wondering that I would almost argue good he’s got. The 6800 he’s got a very good video card. Yeah you’ve got a great video card. You can currently find the ryzen 9 5900 X for about 330 same price as the 5800 x3d. Now it does have the downside of being to six core chips: chips instead of one a chip.

That’S true. However, it has double the L3 cach and it has almost as much L3 cach as the 3D chip so take the 5700 X asl3 cash and double it because it’s two of them, that’s true. It does take two cores off, but it adds six over here sure I would take a 5900 X over a 5700x and if you’re going to pay $ 330 looking for a Windows 10 or 11 product key. But you don’t want to spend 100 to $ 200 for it. Our sponsor Ur CD Keys, provides discounted Windows, keys at amazing prices $ 15 for Windows, 10 professional $ 21 for Windows, 11, professional and just $ 60 for Microsoft, Office, 2021, Professional Plus these product keys, are the real deal.

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Remember, to use the discount code td20 to save 25 % off the already deeply discounted prices and support our Channel. At the same time, we have been using product keys from Ur CD keys for almost 5 years now without any issues and encourage you to do so. As well now, if he had a 240 HZ monitor or 360, I would say: get the 3D chip.

165 zen3 handles 165. You don’t need the 3D chip for 165 and his graphics card isn’t fast enough to really use the 3D chip all that. Well, if he had a 4080 or 4090, then it right but gotcha. So it’s General advice. The 5700x is the best deal. The 5900 X is worth looking at yep and at the time we’re recording the 59 50x is not worth it because it’s still $ 550 and it is not worth an additional $ 220 for four more cores at that point it just if the 5950 X would Have to be like 430, oh I, okay or 400, and then I’d be interested. He could look for used one. He could you never know you might find a used one. So that’s my advice, Adam. Thank you for the question and the support.
