First Look: Oranje Desktop CNC Foam Cutter

First Look: Oranje Desktop CNC Foam Cutter

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “First Look: Oranje Desktop CNC Foam Cutter”.
Welcome to make workshop, where we check out tools, toys and tech built for makers today we’re going to play with a cnc foam cutter that fits on your desktop. This is the poly shaper orange. It’S a cnc hot wire foam cutter. That means it uses a very thin wire with electricity flowing through to get hot to cut through foam. You can use this to do all kinds of cool things, but before we show off some of that, let’s look at the construction out of the box.

First Look: Oranje Desktop CNC Foam Cutter

There’S some basic assembly required you’ve got to put the two axes together and then assemble the feet, but really it’s extremely easy. There was nothing overly complex or complicated involved here there was actually only one stepper motor wire to plug in after you’ve got the machine assembled. You download the software from their website, which includes a plug-in for inkscape, so you can bring your 2d designs into inkscape and export them for the cutter. Now this is a hot wire foam cutter, which means you’re effectively working in 2d.

First Look: Oranje Desktop CNC Foam Cutter

You come up with your 2d design, you export it and this cuts in 2d. Now, of course, you can make 3d shapes that just requires a little bit of forward thinking and maybe some additional software help to create pieces that interlock together, but the machine itself functions mainly in 2d. You can tilt your file, your your stock, a little bit to one side to get an angled cut, but that’s really the extent of its 3d abilities on the machine itself. However, just being 2d doesn’t mean this isn’t still awesome. This is really cool the examples that they show of things that you can do with this are stencils and decorations of various types, and you know stock shapes that can then be glued together to do different things. It cuts incredibly precisely cleanly things look fantastic. This has a working area of 50 centimeters by 50 centimeters, which is about 20 inches by 20 inches. Now, as far as the width of your material, here’s one inch foam that i was feeding through it, and this is probably about as thick as i would go. Just because it’s easy to find, but looking at the machine it looks like you could feed almost three inch wide foam through it without issue um being able to design. For that, though, is left up to you, you really need to do the work to design the things in 3d, so you’re either going to have to draw them up in inkscape or use something like a plug-in for fusion or a program called luban, or something like That to create your interlocking 3d files operation is fairly simple, though you draw up your designs and inkscape in 2d, and you export them to the machine and it cuts them.

This machine doesn’t have the polish on the software side that you might expect if you’ve been playing with 3d printing and all the slicing there you’re going to have to figure out, you know inkscape and then exporting it from the g-code from inkscape out to their software And then their software pretty much only has like the the temperature at which the wire is going to be and then a go button and a stop button. It’S not real complicated, but then again, there’s not a whole lot of variables involved in cutting this phone. As you can see, you can cut a variety of materials, pretty much anything that the hot wire will go through, but that brings up something that you need to pay attention to. It is a hot wire melting through a material, so be sure that you have proper ventilation because you are melting these materials and regardless of what material you use. The fact is, you don’t want to breathe melted stuff, even if it’s not the most toxic version of the material, you still don’t want to breathe, it so make sure you’ve got good ventilation. I could absolutely see this machine existing in a maker space or in a classroom. The fact that you can produce something like this so quickly.

The the whole word make only took maybe a minute and a half to cut that has value and and the ability, for you know, students to be able to cut things very rapidly, is very cool and at a price that is going to be much cheaper than A laser cutter, of course, you can’t cut as many things with this as you could, a laser cutter, but again different price range, so very cool product, very cool tool for a maker. The price for this is 349 euros. Currently, they do have other models available as well. If you would like to check out more about the company and more about this machine be sure to go to their website, which is polyshaper.e.u. Thank you for joining us today.

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