Firefox will save us.

Firefox will save us.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Firefox will save us.”.
The cake is a lie, but this tech news is it and, unlike that, like cake, it’s delicious in a world where the concept of privacy is a joke and not even the soft chuckle kind, but the wheezy guffaw kind. Reilly Mozilla is taking a stand. The makers of Firefox have begun rolling out DNS over HTTP. Take a do. A chore, go a feature that encrypts your DNS lookups using HTTPS.

Firefox will save us.

You know: okay, while Doe isn’t nearly as secure as a full-featured VPN. It can hide the websites you visit from your ISP. So they can’t collect it and sell your data like it’s nothing like you’re, a dog. You worked hard to create that data gosh darn it Firefox is. Implementation of the future runs on cloud flares, DNS service by default, which you can find out more about up here. Somewhere, I never know which side it’s being enabled as the default in the US, although some other countries can enable doe manually ramie foe, solid, Dodi. Okay, is this the turning point? Are we on the precipice of a world that values privacy once more? Does Firefox have more than 9 percent market share? The answer to all those questions are more after 11. No, it’s! No, I meant adalah game store.

Good old games are GOG has instituted a rather radical refund policy, those democratic socialists allowing games to request a refund within 30 days of purchase, even if you’ve played the game compare that with Steam, which allows refunds within 14 days if you’ve played for fewer than two Hours as of now GOG hasn’t clarified whether their policy will include a cap on the amount of time spent in game like Steam, but the company says they will be monitoring the effects of the update to make sure no one’s abusing their new privileges. I’M going to abuse this they’re also asking customers to not abuse hit fees. It’S heartwarming to see a company have some faith or naivety in humanity. In 2020, I’m now taking bets on how long this policy lasts. Do I hear two days? Can I get a week? Wow very confident Johnny over here, Oh Johnny, confidence and Microsoft’s big talk about the Xbox series X continues with the latest entry being equipped by Major Nelson himself. Sarge Larry herb that how you say that here here, but we had already heard that the upcoming console would be able to hold savestates for multiple games.

So you can quickly jump in and out of multiple games if you have stupid, siblings. But Larry says that those save states will even survive a reboot while the console is off. Those save states will reportedly be held in the quantum void. Also because the Xbox Series X has ray-tracing hardware, the console will apparently be able to support audio ray tracing, which sounds made-up, but it’s actually a thing. And now I need it. But I also need the quick pits which are brought to you by fresh Bush with the fresh books, mobile app.

You can work anywhere and I mean anywhere even standing in line for that delicious gyro, that you can only get on this one food card that shows up only on Wednesdays. You can create a professional-looking invoice. You could snap pictures of your gyro receipt, so you don’t lose them.

Firefox will save us.

Is it zero and stay on top of important conversations and updates? You can even see when a client has viewed their invoice or when it n device has become overdue. So start your 30-day free trial right now at triage forward, slash tech link, so you can eat that zero feeling proud of your accomplishments, check it out at the link below quick bits or not. Let me know, HTC is line-up of VR.

Firefox will save us.

Headsets was already kind of confusing, with the bye-bye pro vipro i buy focus and vibe cosmos, but now there are three modular face plates for the cosmos, the full external tracking enabled cosmos elite. The X are focused cosmos, XR and the pretty basic cosmos plate got all that great moving on to buy. In our first quest clear view, the facial recognition company that thought it was totally fine to collect billions of people’s photos just had its client list swiped by hackers. God this world clear view says their servers were never accessed, but it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the company who everyone already kind of hates, and this is why I don’t post, I was going to say no, I don’t do selfies yeah, definitely not to in one Picture sony is still making phones who knew the xperia one mark 2 and 10 mark to have 5g and 21 by 9 displays.

But the most interesting model is the Xperia Pro which will have an HDMI input. So we can be used as a monitor for a camera or anything like you could connect your switch and play on a slightly larger screen that old Ming Qi quo he’s so smart. The Apple analyst claims that Cupertino will release their first arm powered Mac computer. Just next year it’s been a long time coming since apples, homegrown chips have gotten steadily more powerful and making their own desktop chips means that they won’t have to rely on people like Intel and AMD, who clearly don’t have the gift of taste right sunglasses on, and Your vape pen could soon help you quit vaping as jewel is developing an AI powered of course, device that would deliver progressively smaller amounts of nicotine to users based on their usage patterns until they wouldn’t be vaping. Nicotine at all and they’d just be vaping empty clouds. If they, if it can pull it off, the tech might be enough to bring jewel out of the you sock bin, where it currently resides.

That’S where Reilly put them all right enough of this silliness back on Friday for more tech news, because there’s no need to wean yourself off of that just yet. It’S the good stuff just grind up your tech beans, put it through a filter. The best part of waking up .