Finally! A Worthy Opponent!

Finally! A Worthy Opponent!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Finally! A Worthy Opponent!”.
Ai chip, startup dmatrix, has created an AI accelerator that blows nvidia’s gpus out of the water, at least according to the startups own charts. Nvidia says The Cannonball missed entirely I’m Riley Murdoch. This is TechLink and this is the dmatrix Corsair. C8 no Corsair.

The company is involved just and it’s allegedly nine times faster than nvidia’s Flagship, h100 GPU in generative, Ai workloads and 27 times faster than the a100. It was actually created by asking an AI to design the perfect chip. That’S a lie. The C8 Secret Sauce is its digital, in-memory, computer or dimc architecture designed to mitigate issues that arise with llms running on normal gpus, as well as its 256 GB of lpddr5 RAM enough to hold an entire AI model in memory. Their technology was apparently impressive enough to earn dmatrix $ 110 million in funding last week, which sounds like like nothing to me, because I’m desensitized from companies like Microsoft, who are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money to watch Nvidia win the Blue Ribbon at a humble Pie eating contest the funding dmatrix has been able to raise is doubly impressive since nvidia’s massive success in the AI chip Market has been starving.

Competing startups of potential funding, as VCS have been seeing young startups as a riskier bet than simply making a mint for merely the price of increasing Jensen. Wong’S leather jacket allowance, but I don’t know it seems, like Jensen, may have to downgrade to pleather. They might be plea already, it’s so good. Now they gotten really. Google will face the start of a four-month-long trial in the US tomorrow over their position as the dominant search engine in the country. This lawsuit is a combination of two separate complaints, one filed by the Department of Justice and another filed by the Attorneys General of 35 States, the District of Colombia, Puerto Rico and Guam that have merged together, like a vulture formed by combining a bunch of boring text. Heavy papers collated by overworked pargal – it’s not a very good Voltron according to Bill Bayer, who used to head the doj’s antitrust division.

The result of this trial will have significant implications for other powerful Tech firms who may have to now deal with. Oh so many more emails companies like apple and Mozilla, who are paid to set Google as the default search engine in their products, could also be harmed for the crime of helping out a friend for massive sums of money even worse for Apple three of their Executives. May have to miss the launch of the iPhone 15 to act as key Witnesses in the trial, which is just inhumane.

That’S like their ComicCon WhatsApp is preparing to add the capability to send and receive messages from other chat. Apps thanks to the European Union’s digital markets. Act which puts strong regulations on companies large enough to meet the Law’s definition of gatekeeper, and this may seem counterintuitive, but meta fits the bill as a gatekeeper. Meta will be subject to many requirements such as having to make out with Rick Moranis to release Gozer. That is a Ghostbusters reference that Jacob wrote that I do not understand. Deep cut more relevant, however, is the requirement that any company with a messaging app that has over 45 million active users or about 10 % of the eu’s population, must make said messaging app, interoperable with other apps wa beta info, a apparently WhatsApp specific news site uncovered Evidence of whatsapp’s future compatibility in their newest update in the Google Play beta program, which shows a dedicated section of the app for third-party chats. Meanwhile, apple is claiming that iMessage doesn’t have the required 45 million active users and thus does not need to be interoperable. They claim further that now is a great time to buy beachfront properties in Idaho to escape the US’s Flying Pig epidemic, no, really guys we suck. We wish more people loved us, but we’re just we’re just not we’re not that cool. Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by mend the service that will put your email marketing woes out to pasture.

Finally! A Worthy Opponent!

Here we go with mend. You can create utterly beautiful and effective email campaigns using customizable templates and personalize Dynamic elements and, after you’ve launched your campaign calculate your next steps with their Advanced Analytical tools. What are you waiting for? Get a move on and follow the link below to try moose and free for 30 days. I don’t think that they have that many puns on their site, if that’s any, if that helps. Okay and next we’ll add the quick bits to the batter. Remember, if you don’t have time to Quicken your own bits, then storybot is fine. Lg has unveiled a massive 118in micro LED TV, that’s a whole 1.6 Riley murdo’s long Jacob wrote that I don’t know if it’s true it’s a new standard unit. Did he measure me the new magnet with an eye? Television has a 120 HZ refresh rate and a level of power.

Finally! A Worthy Opponent!

Consumption meant to show polar bears, who’s boss when you turn it on the Lights Of The Neighbor House, flicker, not that it matters, because none of us plebs are likely to buy one, if only because it costs nearly A4 million dollar, which around here is a down Payment on a house: that’s that story got depressing in a bad part of town, help Apple’s plan to rely entirely on itself for its own devices. Chips apparently isn’t going so well as Qualcomm just announced. It would continue supplying the iPhone maker with 5G modems into 2026, because no cultish Tech Giant with a gigantic circular headquarters is an island.

Finally! A Worthy Opponent!

Qualcomm CEO said he expected Apple to make their own modems by 20124. So I’m sure he’s thankful for the extra Revenue, especially as Qualcomm, also just announced they’d, be heavily investing in Risk 5, an alternative, CPU architecture to arm the company who is currently suing Qualcomm. It’S it’s never a good thing. When tech industry news sounds like a Gossip Girl column, which is actually very often patent company, an occasional game, publisher, Nintendo has filed another patent this time for joysticks that, hopefully don’t suck harder than your dad’s prized vacuum cleaner or harder than your dad accessibility consultant and Thrice first named person, Laura Kate Dale claimed on Twitter. The proposed joysticks should end analog. Stick drift in Nintendo’s next console, instead of using hall effect. Joysticks, like everyone wants Nintendo, has come up with their own solution, using Magneto rological fluid that varies in viscosity as magnetic field intensity changes. That sounds amazing. I mean, of course, why use a successful pre-existing technology when you can own a technology that relies on Magic, goo? Dell has teamed up with the University of limmerick in Ireland to research cancer treatments using AI, despite warnings from experts about the risk of creating robot robot cancer.

I lost my room but a robot cancer. The project will use digital twin technology, which creates digital models of physical things like, in this case, tumors to improve biomarker testing and better predict treatment outcomes. Meanwhile, Microsoft has also partnered with medical tech company page to build the world’s largest image-based AI model for faster diagnosis, because I mean the least AI could do is help cure cancer, while it’s transforming the internet into hot garbage, soup and Sony is launching a foster care Program for its aging Robo doogs, the program will allow users who’ve canceled the cloud plan for their ERS 1000 IBO robots to donate them for rehoming as patient companions at medical facilities and nursing homes. The robots simulate the love of an actual Animal by responding to voice and touch, and even recognizing specific people.

It’S just like adopting a real dog, except that some of them will be gutted for spare parts and used to repair the others and we’ll be equally gutted. If you don’t come back on Wednesday for more techlinked .