FINALLY! A Pricier GTX 1080!

FINALLY! A Pricier GTX 1080!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “FINALLY! A Pricier GTX 1080!”.
There’S been like eight boxes of pizza in the studio right now. Ah, the review embargo has lifted for NVIDIA Tsar, TX 2070 graphics card, and the overall story seems to be similar to the 2080. The card is fine, but once again the lack of our TX and D LSS support in games makes its price hard to justify right now. The price to performance ratio is not super good and a lack of good competitor cards from AMD means Nvidia can keep charging a lot for these top-tier cards. Pc gamer has a giant headline reading. The new card is 12 % faster than the GTX 1080, but costs 33 % more Wow yeah.

We can’t verify those numbers specifically right here on tech linked, but Anthony and Linus’s. Full reviews up on tech tip so check that out at the link in the description warning, if you watch it without ray-tracing might not even be worth it might as well be watching on a potato like that. None none of it.

Earlier this year, Google was fined 5 billion dollars by the European Commission for illegally dominating the web search market, the main issue being that, while Google offers Android is a free, open source operating system. If manufacturers want to include the Google Play Store, they also have to pre install other google apps, like search chrome, Gmail and more, while also abiding by certain restrictions. I never. I never played Age of Empires in response to the find Google has altered.

That agreement pray they do not alter it further Android would still be free, but if you want any Google apps you’ll need to pay licensing fees, which is how Google is going to make up the ad revenue that they’re losing by potentially not having search and chrome. On Android devices, so we may see companies like Samsung release an Android device in Europe with being pre-installed instead of Google search or Chinese Android phone makers launched completely. Google free phones, Wow Google free life can even imagine such thing.

I just buy yeah live well. I prefer Google speaking of Chinese phone makers. Huawei is taking the wraps off their new flagship, mate, 20 and mate any pro, while the mate 20 pro has a traditional notch. A traditional now, that’s kind of sad. The mate 20 has a single do: drop camera notch that takes up a tiny portion of the top of the screen.

I think the essential phone also had something like that. That’S something I can live with. It’S got three cameras on the back. Some real fancy internals, like a 4200 milliamp hour battery with the ability to charge other phones, wirelessly, and it can use the camera to measure the calories of food. That seems a little bit fishy. Fishy, cuz fish is food right. Oh fish are friends, not food, yeah. Okay, Huawei also announced the nm card, a proprietary format for flash store to the size of a nano SIM card, not sure we needed an SD card to be only slightly smaller, but hey we’re always doing their thing. I don’t want to stand in their way. I have to go now now it’s time for quick bits which are brought to you today by brilliant the new way to master key concepts in math science, computer science and professional topics.

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FINALLY! A Pricier GTX 1080!

Discord has launched the beta for their online store. The discord store, that’s what it’s called its curated selection of games is open to all users, while the discord nitro subscription service will have a few extra games included, and you also now be able to launch games from other stores through discord. Better watch your back steam dis cords coming for you and they got way cooler announcement videos.

FINALLY! A Pricier GTX 1080!

You should see it. I know you haven’t seen it. It’S really great YouTube. The world’s largest video platform went down for over an hour yesterday, leading to panic users tweeting their horror over being unable to watch their makeup tutorials.

Meanwhile, Flo plain users were sitting pretty what a great website Facebook just launched their portal home video chat devices, but they’re. Reportedly, working on even more ways to get a camera into your home with a video chat, camera designed to sit on top of a TV in development they’ll get in there get in the sky. Do r1. Drone is meant to be controlled via a phone app, but now you can use an Apple watch fulfilling your dreams of having a robot sidekick.

I mean I had this dream: did you want a robot killer, killer, sidekick the killer, yeah the killer? One got him excited and Sega know: they’ve jumped on the classic mini console bandwagon with the release of the mega SG, which will support Sega, genesis/mega Drive and Master System cartridges. I did make a second well SG. They took out the valves, that’s cool now, and you can get adapters also that will play even more types of retro games. Graeme’S games, Graeme’s anything you want to play this thing – will do it just slice Dyson, hopefully, you’re, not slicing your cartridges, hopefully this tecnique depth.

So did it for you and if not, I guess, tech news. Just isn’t your stick if it is we’ll be back on Friday, but if it isn’t, we won’t. But if we are, I guess we’ll see you then, but if we don’t we’ll see you on another time, you’ll be back, they always come back. .

FINALLY! A Pricier GTX 1080!