Facebook Welcomes Shrimp Jesus

Facebook Welcomes Shrimp Jesus

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Facebook Welcomes Shrimp Jesus”.
Oh, you want to do sponsors dang it Dan. No, they deserve a topic. They should have a topic yeah Dan gosh. How about meta says no more spam unless it’s AI spam, okay, yeah! I don’t know what the heck’s going on with this meta says that they will be changing the recommendation algorithm for Instagram and threads so that they will no longer recommend reposts and ripped off content, which the company says will give more visibility to creators of original content And when you listen to people who actually liked Facebook at some point talk about Facebook and its decline, what they talk about, I’ve found more than anything else is missing the days when it was actual updates from people. They are first, first order connected to single degree of separation connected to um and and and interacting with those people, and it’s just kind of turned into just an endless Doom scrolling pile of content Farm. You know video crap and reposts of stolen memes and all that kind of stuff. So uh, I don’t see anything in here about Facebook, uh, no, okay, we’ll get to that in a second uh.

These platforms will also add labels to reposted content, with a link back to the original creator. That is super cool and that should just be kind of standard practice. I kind of love that this will not apply to content that has been significantly altered. However, like a work that is edited into a meme or given a new voiceover, meanwhile, it has become significantly harder to find original artist.

Content on Facebook, as the platform has become flooded, with unmarked AI content, much of which is bizarrely Jesus themed meta platforms are likewise being flooded, with tons of ads for NSFW, AI girlfriends against meta own policies according to wired. At least 29,000 of these sexually suggestive ads have been published on meta platforms. Uh meta’s own AI has been acting oddly on Facebook, making weird unsolicited comments on posts, including one incident where it commented on a parent group claiming to have a disabled. Yet gifted child meta has also added the AI chatbot to Instagram search, making it difficult to avoid interacting with these features.

Facebook Welcomes Shrimp Jesus

I did notice that actually anyway, I want to. I just want to show you guys a couple of examples of this weird. Oddly Jesus themed, AI artwork uh, here’s one made it with my own hands thanks to everyone who appreciates this, and this is from account, love God and God love you. What the what? What am I looking at here and why does this have 46,000 interactions yeah? How much of this is bought activity 46,000 interactions, but only 500 comments? Well, no that that’s an okay ratio, yeah cuz! An interaction on Facebook is so low. Friction yeah. I guess this.

Facebook Welcomes Shrimp Jesus

This may legitimately be actual people that are like yes, shrimp, Jesus well, the next one. The next one has 185,000 interactions, love from love, father and mother bless. You made it with my own hands, thanks to everyone who appreciates this they’re doing it. They made it with my own hands thing and both of these accounts after the Amber sand, they don’t have a space. I think this is the same thing. Oh yeah wow. Thank you, Professor Luke, no problem. He you played spot the AI. You won. No, I mean, like, I think it’s literally the same like person behind it, yeah yeah yeah, but I why I don’t think an AI would just not put a space in the name like.

I think somebody actually just named this themselves. It’S just AI generating photos, yeah that could that could very well be cuz. I I mean yeah, there’s no, there’s probably tools to like Mass create accounts, but surely you would have to you would have to approve it’s just I. I don’t think this is one of those mistakes that an AI would even make, though it would put a space after the Amber. You know, that’s something I’ve started noticing a lot lately is like when something is bad, it almost it. It almost makes me.

It almost makes me feel like. Oh, this is real yeah cuz, there’s just absolutely no reason to make an error like that anymore, exactly um, I’m like, why did it happen twice yeah. The big question here, though, is who’s the sniper.

What oh, oh man, what do they have against Jesus? I’M sure that’s just the AI, not really understanding that that’s actually like supposed to be a window or something, and it’s just like. Ah sure, why not we’ll put that there um, I don’t know our discussion question – is how big of a threat is. Outof control spam for companies like met well hold on a second, because it’s not like the lowest common denominator that are unironically interacting with this stuff. Can even tell the difference, so why does it matter like for for their user base? What difference does it make yeah, but I think the whole like what what is it is the the Daniel know. Is it fake Internet Theory? What is it dead? Internet Theory dead, internet, the dead Mall. Oh, this is hilarious.

Okay, no, this totally makes sense. Yeah float, plane, chat, figured it out, it’s it’s, he didn’t get it’s adapted for modern times. He didn’t get crucified, it was firing squad, but that that that’s what they’re, representing thanks, float plane chat.

You guys got this sorted out to be clear, to be to be clear, to be clear: okay, regardless of regardless of alignment. This kind of thing is obviously ridiculous and that’s the reason that I’m making light of it because it’s go to luk, clearly silly this poor man, I know, is it hard sometimes is it? Is it hard? It’S usually fine, but sometimes is it hard Luke right now? Why did the right now make me understand? I don’t know oh yeah made you think about it. This is bad though, like Twitter is, is just overran by Bots. Oh my I it’s actually wild.

Okay, any anyone who claims to not be able to accidentally find pornographic material on Twitter. You are an actual liar or your bar, for what is considered pornography is extremely high um I was just. I was just looking at the ads now that are like. I was looking at the yard um post, that the the episode that I, that I was guessed on was up and man.

Facebook Welcomes Shrimp Jesus

I wanted to see what the hidden for offensive cont comments were, and one of them was just from someone very confused uh, which was kind of funny, and I I do read those comments sometimes, and then one of them was guys. Don’T if you’re at work do not do not unhide any any hidden comments on that, because it’s yeah it’s very definitely above your bar, whatever your bar is Twitter, is Twitter’s brutal, yeah uh, I don’t even know I don’t even know what to make of it at This point like at what point can we not ask our staff to be on a platform as part of their work interesting like do? We have to basically create a policy at this point if this gets any worse, do we tell the social team? Okay, look um! You guys can post on this. You can decide to not, if you but realistically um, we advise against consuming any content on this platform at work. You can’t, or even you can’t like, we can’t.

We can’t tell people yeah go ahead, find Por like view pornography at work. That’S not that’s! Not! Okay! I saw one during the show Dan. Don’T tell me that I mean it’s a problem. Is it not? Okay, if the employee? Okay with it, is it not? Okay? Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s not okay, I I don’t think it matters because it it all comes back to that question of like the power Dynamic, even that, even if they’re, okay right, even if they’re, okay, the fact that I told them to do it might put Pressure on them to be okay, yeah, yeah, and even if they say it’s okay, they might come back later and and retroactively decide. It was okay, so we almost have to get out ahead of it right. If you don’t tell them to do it. If you say like, we would like posts on Instagram, but if, if anyone’s uncomfortable with that, you don’t have or uh Twitter, but if anyone’s uncomfortable with that, you don’t have to do it and that doesn’t and not everyone’s in a in a private office too. Right. Like that doesn’t account for, if anyone’s walking behind their desk and someone’s just banging on their screen, yeah right like we can’t, we can’t ask people to be subjected to that. So we I mean I I we should raise this next week like in exec meeting. Like should we have a serious discussion about whether Twitter is a site that is allowed to be accessed on our Network, even there’s, probably a there’s, probably a way to for the like it team to block all the images that load on Twitter. I mean I’d, be I’d, be interested in that as a solution yeah how to how to how to safer work.

Your Twitter account dude. This is ridiculous. It is. It is actually genuinely getting like the fact that we even going have to have this conversation and – and you know what we might not, we might not do anything with it. We might kind of go, the team might come back and say like look yeah, if you don’t dig into the show, offensive replies and if we don’t go on to any trends like if we just kind of stay on our own replies. Trends are the wor fine yeah, the trends man you like I’ll, also get it in my in the the whatever the mixed news. Feed is. If I look at just my notifications or whatever that section’s called like things that are directed towards me, it’s generally fine. My mentions are generally fine, not always, but not always yeah um, but but usually vast majority of the time. It’S okay. But if I look at the the full mixed feed, it’s like pretty high percentage, yep .