EXTREME Smartphone Charging Speed Test – EVERY SINGLE PHONE

EXTREME Smartphone Charging Speed Test - EVERY SINGLE PHONE

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “EXTREME Smartphone Charging Speed Test – EVERY SINGLE PHONE”.
Okay, welcome to possibly the most comprehensive smartphone charging comparison. You’Ve ever seen. We’Ve got one plus his warped charging, which they’re likely to carry on to their future devices, while weighs ridiculously powerful 40 watt super charging, which has won all my past tests. We’Ve got a pose VOC flush charging, one plus his shot, which was then renamed to fast charge because of a bit of a copyright issue and then, of course, Samsung’s adaptive fast charging. But for the first time, we’re gon na take a step back and look at the whole picture. This is pretty much every current smartphone charging standard and how much power each one delivers, and by the end of this video we’re gon na have a conclusive answer. As to which one of these charging standards delivers the fastest charge or the most milliamp hours per minute, so in front of us right now, we’ve got five current top-tier devices and I’ve just literally drained the batteries here in front of you just to show you that Each one is completely empty: I’ve plugged each phone in with its stock charger turn them all on and then equalize the settings, so we’ve got no NFC, no Wi-Fi or bluetooth is on apologies in advance for the mate 20 Pro. It took me about 20 minutes just to get it to sit still in one position. I get there eventually so far, then brand new oneplus warp charge, as well as hallway supercharged, have already pulled ahead, they’re in a league of their own. After less than five minutes. This is kind of what you’d expect, given that warp charges of 30 watt charged and supercharged offers up to 40 watt charging compared to the others that are 20 or below we’re.

Also gon na see at the end how these compared to oppose super vooc charging, which claimed to be when it was launched the fastest phone charging in the world about 50 Watts. Bear in mind, though, that just reading the wattage figure alone doesn’t give you the full picture as to how fast it’ll charge your phone. One of the other factors which is very important is temperature. The better a charger can control its temperature, the better it can deliver sustained high power, and, to that end it does seem like oneplus has knocked it out the park when it comes to warp charging.

It is still after 15 minutes trading blows with a mate 20 pro, even though it’s only offering 75 % of the peak charging power. That’S really impressive does indicate better temperature control. If you take a look at the far right, the Galaxy Note 9 is chugging. Quite a bit which you’d expect given its specs you’re, looking at a 15 watt charger to fill a massive 4,000 milliamp hour battery. On one hand, this phone isn’t doing as bad as it looks because we are comparing it to the best of the best when it comes to charging speed and you’ll see this summarized in the end results. But at the same time you can’t help but feel like Samsung could do better.

The phone is great in so many ways and is held back slightly by that very average charging speed. Interestingly, oneplus is fast charge has slipped ahead of the Aqua, find X’s VOC charging. Even though they’ve got the same wattage and are based on the same technology, one thing is that the Oppo is charging a slightly larger battery, but the main thing here must be that one plus has done a better job of optimizing. Okay, flicking our attention back to the far left, and you can see that the McClaren Wampler 60 and the huawei mate 20 pro have almost finished charging and it’s still not reached an hour.

Yet what I was really surprised by is that, right at the end, the McLaren overtook the Huawei meet 20 pro similar to what I noticed in past battery charging tests with the mate 20 pro on the last few percentage points it slows to a crawl. It took nearly seven minutes to go from 99 percent to a hundred percent, so either that software not correctly indicating the battery percentage over time, or it could be a hardware thing – maybe supercharged – does actually get this slow as the device fills up by the way, though It’S the same result as the last two phones finish. Just take a look at the battery capacity figures of all the phones.

You can see. The McLaren 60 has a three thousand seven hundred million power battery. So while it did finish, charging faster than the meet 20 pro it’ll be interesting to see whether the actual charging speed was higher, or did it just finish first, because the battery is smaller. Okay, all finished: let’s take a look at the results and starting with the five phones we have here, the galaxy no 9 came in fifth place. This was followed by the Oppo find X about 10 minutes faster, pretty good charging speed here.

This is a 20 watt charger, but the oneplus 60 was of real surprise much much faster charging than even the offer. What I did not expect was then that the mate 20 Pro came in second place with a staggering time of 1 hours and 13, and this was beaten by the oneplus sixty McLaren at just an hour. So if we compile all the results, I’ve got with all the results I’ve heard from for charging tests, as well as some that have used from XDA I’ll link. The article below these are the final charging speeds for all the different standards. Nothing is beaten, oppose super vooc charging yet, but at the same time, 1 warp charging coming just below. That was something surprising and very impressive. Alright, this video has been a killer to put together. So if you did enjoy it, it would mean a lot to me if you could smash that subscribe button down below.

EXTREME Smartphone Charging Speed Test - EVERY SINGLE PHONE

As always, my name is Aaron. This is mister who’s, the boss and I’ll catch you in the next one. .