Exploring Drones with Deadmau5!

Exploring Drones with Deadmau5!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Exploring Drones with Deadmau5!”.
So yeah the last 48 hours or so I’ve been quite ridiculous. I have final exam yesterday. My alarm this morning was set for 4 o’clock a.m. so that gives you an idea of how crunch the schedule has been, but we’re on our way to dead Mouse’s house to fly some drums. So it’s worth it yeah.

You know what it’s a lot more accessible and less restrictive than say an RC car RC car. You know you can have to go and find a parking lot or you know I have a really big driveway or you know what I mean even that gets boring after a while, but with aerospace. Even if it’s limited to 50 feet, it’s like air is everywhere. You know you can fly it around around, so there’s no as far as like you can see there we’re going further.

Exploring Drones with Deadmau5!

These will go a miles in any direction horizontally and then about 700 feet up, but you can really see you just and just go yeah. It’S kind of like an RC car. I’Ve never flown anything at all before today, but I’d been like a huge fan of RC cars and just racing little cars around and basically like the fact that the other so user-friendly helps a lot where you add that axis. But it’s not a big distraction, because you still have full control, it still breaks for you.

Exploring Drones with Deadmau5!

It still stops when you let go so it’s very similar if it’s maintaining your altitude, you’re kind of just thinking about it, like you would an RC. It totally makes sense too, because you mentioned you’re like oh, it’s easy cuz, the you know the controller great yeah, they’re set of left and right versus the up and down yeah that helps a lot. Are you kidding I’m joking? Can I keep up? Yes, I can keep. This is the beater.

Exploring Drones with Deadmau5!

This is. One of us was like I just slides this together last night. So that’s what this is for wow. That really helps, and this doesn’t come with it.

Does it, because I must have threw that that’s better. I can’t wait to try and shoot that thing down. It’S pretty easy right, yeah separating Maxine is helpful. You want to turn its left and right on the up and down, but we will shift your orientation okay, god.

I find it super useful just to try and you know always keep it like lined up. So, like my straight yeah, it’s actually a lot easier than I thought I’d be I guess taking off and landing is the hardest it makes you feel like a kid again. Yeah I was gon na say like growing up.

We went through a bunch of RC cars. You use it for, like you, know, few weeks few months and then it’s like the battery divers whatever, but this is like completed for ball game because flies like even past cars, because I was into like RC cars and stuff. But then you get like these things that can go on different surfaces and like climb over stuff, so you’re just exploring basically and just messing around see what you can do with it.

So having that third dimension to just literally explore see what you can do with it yeah, I think that’s the agent people like that a lot power fly so shoot all right right there, so much less of a pain in the ass to land. So we got the drums and we also know dead. Mouse’S are pretty sweet and clarin. So let’s combine the two. If you keep referencing finals that this is so much better than taking fine, oh dude, we lost them. We kept them for like 50 years.

Ultimate. Reg is going to be the oculus with the head tracking and when you move your head, there’s no second, pile you’re piloting. When you move your head, it moves the camera yeah, that’s the ultimate like when you’re moving control around I’m looking at the the iPad, which is showing you what the cameras seeing it was really really close to real-time and it was a high frame rate.

So it was like I could watch smelt, thank for Digg yeah, so put in Langer face honestly. If you told me you’re in the plane with drones all day today, I might not have been as excited I might not have been as into it, but now after having flown them, I used to be into RC cars. I’Ve said that before and I’m like still really pumped about that kind of stuff, it was so much fun.

Moving from a small drone to the larger drone to the inspire was also a lot of fun. Clearly, attaching a camera to a flying machine, you unlock a whole world of possibilities of new shots, and I was a video week. That’S pretty sweet and hanging out with deadmau5 didn’t hurt that either you .