Excel Tutorial – Using the Split Option to See Your Data

Excel Tutorial - Using the Split Option to See Your Data

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Excel Tutorial – Using the Split Option to See Your Data”.
In this intermediate Excel tutorial, I want to show you how to use a tool called split and split is a view option in Excel and in some ways it’s similar to freeze panes. If you haven’t already watched my freeze, panes tutorial, you really should do that, but basically it’s a way to change the way your data shows up on the screen and it makes it easier for you to use the spreadsheet and, in this tutorial, we’re gon na look At a similar tool – and that is split, what split enables you to do is to set up a split view of your screen, and this is really helpful to be able to see your data the way you want to see it. So let me just give you a quick example here I have a spreadsheet of some awesome, synth-pop and new wave bands. Many of these I’m sure, you’ve heard of some famous bands, but there are also are several lesser-known bands that the world ought to know a little bit better. If you’d like to learn about some of these, please check out the links in the description below, but basically, as I create this spreadsheet, I’m expecting to add a whole bunch, more synth pop music synth pop CDs and bands to this list, and I don’t want all That synth pop to kind of obscure and overshadow these other great genres of music and so one way to handle that is to split the screen so that I can scroll with the content here. But I can also scroll just within the synth pop. So, let’s take a look at that. I’M gon na go here and click on row 13 in this case and then I’ll just go up to split and by clicking split look what it did. It put a horizontal line right above the row that I had selected and so now look as I scroll down it’s scrolling, just the bottom portion of the spreadsheet, and here above I can scroll down, and I can still see that same data.

But imagine, instead of just 20 or 25 rows. What if I had 10,000 rows, and I had a thousand synth pop CDs listed here – it would be nice to be able to have a split screen so that I could scroll below differently than I do above now. If you regret, where you put that split, you can click on the line and drag it to position the split okay, so that’s pretty helpful and when you’re ready to just get rid of the split you can double-click on it and it goes away now. I want you to know that you can also do a split the other way you can put in a vertical line and split the screen horizontally.

It’S very similar. I could just go here: let’s say to column D click on D, it highlights the entire column and then I can go up to the View. Tab. The view ribbon, click split and it puts in the vertical split line in the column just to the left of the column that I had selected so now, look what I can do. I can scroll horizontally on the right differently and separately from my scroll horizontally on the left, and so what this does is it makes it so that you can see just about any portion of your spreadsheet, no matter how far apart they are, you can see them In the same window, imagine if I had more than just eight I in columns what, if I had all the way to Z or double Z, and what, if I needed that double Z column, to show up alongside ABC. Well, I could do that using this split technique.

This option here to split the screen. The way I showed and then just use the scroll bars and again I can move that split if I would like to – and I can double click to get rid of it. If I’d like to now, if you really wanted to, you, could click not on a column not on a row but on an actual cell and then go up and do split. Look what that does that splits both to the left and above that cell? To be honest, I don’t do this very often. It just gets a little confusing a little complicated but notice that I am able to scroll up and down left and right in each of these four quadrants to be able to see my content and please keep in mind, split, does not change your content. It just changes how you view it, how you access it, so I’m gon na double click to remove those.

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