Excel Formatting Shortcuts

Excel Formatting Shortcuts

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Excel Formatting Shortcuts”.
In this excel tutorial, we’re going to learn all of the important excel formatting shortcuts that you’ll ever need. So here i have a spreadsheet that is an employee list and let’s say i want to change how some of the text is formatted, for example, i would like to bold the word management to do this. All i have to do is click on the cell. That says, management hold ctrl and tap b and you’ll notice.

It quickly shows up as bolded text now. If i wanted to, i could make all of these management words bolded all at once. Let’S look at how to do that, so i could click on the first instance of management hold the control key and then click on the next instance of management.

Now that they’re, both selected, i’m still holding ctrl and i’ll tap b on the keyboard and now they’re. Both made bold, what if i would like the word sales to be italicized, i could click on sales hold ctrl and tap. I on the keyboard and now the word sales is italicized again.

Excel Formatting Shortcuts

If i want to, i can hold the ctrl key and click on every cell. That has the word sales now in order to scroll i’m releasing the control key, that’s okay! Now i press it again and i’ll click with all of those selected i’ll hold ctrl and tap. I and now they’re all italicized.

What about underline? Maybe i want the word name to be underlined. I’Ll hold ctrl tap. U on the keyboard.

Now it’s underlined. I could click and drag to select each of these column headings. Ctrl? U to underline each one, all at once, so control, b control i and ctrl: u, those are all similar keyboard shortcuts and they produce bolded text italicized text and underline text respectively.

Excel Formatting Shortcuts

Now, what if you want more options than just those three, but you still want to access them through a keyboard shortcut. You don’t want to have to go up here to the home, tab and use the font group if you’d like a quick way to get there. Just hold ctrl hold shift and tap f for format. Now you can make all sorts of different choices that will affect the formatting now as you’re formatting data in excel.

Excel Formatting Shortcuts

It’S important that you select what you want to affect. If you watched my beginner’s guide to using microsoft, excel you’ve heard that term before select to effect and that’s why i clicked on management in order to change it to be bold. If i want to change marcelina’s formatting, i would select marcelina restrepo that cell and then i would affect it by maybe using a keyboard shortcut.

So let’s look now at some keyboard shortcuts that help you to select the data that you want to select and also effect. The first one, you probably already know it’s control a if you hold ctrl and tap a it selects all of the data in your range that you have now. If you tap it again, it selects all of the cells in your spreadsheet. So, let’s look at that again control a selects. The data in the range that you’re working in control a again selects everything.

So that’s ctrl a which stands for select all what, if you want to select an entire row, you would click in that row somewhere hold shift and tap spacebar. Now the entire row as far as it goes, is selected, and that makes it easy now to do. Ctrl b to bold it or underline, with control, u or control i to italicize i’ll undo those changes. What about selecting an entire column? You would click inside the column that you want to effect and this time instead of shift space, it’s ctrl spacebar that selects the entire column, and then i can affect that column.

However, i want to okay. There are two other formatting keyboard shortcuts. I want you to know about at least they’re related to formatting and they are how to hide a row and how to hide a column. If i want to hide this row row five, i would hold ctrl and tap nine on the keyboard. That entire row now is hidden. You can tell that it is because it goes from four to six.

It skips row five. What if i want to hide an entire column, i would go to the column that i want to hide, hold ctrl and tap zero, and now that column is hidden, you can see it skips column c, when you’re ready to bring back a hidden column. All you have to do is click and drag in this case between b and d, right click and choose unhide and that column is restored. I could do the same thing with row.

Number five right click unhide, and it’s back so i hope you can see how these excel formatting keyboard shortcuts and also shortcuts that help you to select certain data, how helpful they can be, as you are formatting your data in microsoft excel. I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful. If you did please like follow and subscribe, and please share with your friends, so other people can hear about and watch this content when you do subscribe, please click the bell so you’ll be notified. When i post another video, if you’d like to support my channel, consider clicking the thanks button below the video or you could support me through my patreon account or by buying channel merch and you’ll, see information about those options in the description below the video.

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