Everyone’s Bailing on Vision Pro

Everyone's Bailing on Vision Pro

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Everyone’s Bailing on Vision Pro”.
Oh boy, there are some stories today. You won’t believe these stories. There are stories and we’re going to tell you about them and let me just say when Apple opened pre-orders for the Vision Pro this morning, demand was so high. It seems to have exceeded available Supply shipping estimates for each of the headsets. Three storage options have now moved from February 2nd to mid-march, but if you’re sad you’ll have to wait an extra month for your face, MacBook maybe don’t be since the device is shipping.

Without a Netflix app of any kind, literally unplayable, what we supposed to do not chill we’re not just talking about a native Vision, OS app mind you back in September, Apple claimed. Nearly all iPad and iPhone apps can run on Vision, OS unmodified, but Netflix has confirmed to Bloomberg that they’re not making theirs compatible at all. Despite the process sounding much easier than well buying a Vision Pro and Netflix isn’t the only app absent from the platform Bloomberg. Also was told by YouTube: it will not allow its iPad app to work on Vision Pro, while a person familiar with spotify’s plans said their app wouldn’t show up either and according to Mac stories, many other popular apps have also manually opted out of making their existing Apps usable on the platform, but no one is saying why leaving us to assume the only logical explanation is that they’re all making their own $ 3,500 headsets, this music looks amazing.

Amazon is planning to launch a paid subscription for its Voice Assistant later this year. According to leaked internal documents and sources, we leak these sources everywhere. They have a tentative and very original name for the upgraded version of Alexa they’re, calling it Alexa, plus, apparently Miss plus, will have more chat. Gpt style features to give it better conversational and reasoning skills.

So you can get better input on what specific toilet paper you should order. With same day, shipping chat, gbt, doesn’t even use toilet paper same day, wiping even better than that the upgraded assistant will allegedly be able to tell the difference between when you are finished. Speaking and when you’re just pausing, so it doesn’t cut you off, the the plus model could launch as soon as June 30th, but there are some roadblocks for starters, while the new assistant is a better conversationalist, it’s not very good at assisting. It gives overly long answers, makes factual errors and frequently hallucinates like a toddler on acid.

On top of those pretty severe issues, there’s also reports of internal conflict at Amazon, with some employees feeling they shouldn’t charge for the upgrade. It’S almost like customers already paying Amazon’s multitude of other subscriptions, might not want another one. Okay guys. This is too many too many features don’t buy, it tsmc says it anticipates further delays in getting their second Arizona Fab up and running initially projected to be up and running in 2026.

Chairman Mark louu now says it will probably take until 2027 or even 2028, when we won’t exist. My Tyler’s doing acid by then once again blaming all those gosh darn skilled workers were apparently non-existing, just as he did when the company announced a similar delay for their other Arizona factory, making things even worse. The Chip’s output by Factory 2 may end up less advanced than planned. Tsmc wanted their first factory to produce 4 nanometer chips, while the second factory made chips using three nanometer Tech. But now the company says that 3 nanometer capability is dependent on funding promised by the US government. Through their chips act, however, tsmc hasn’t received their promised Grant. Yet. Instead, the Biden Administration gave first funding to BAE Systems Bay systems, a military supplier that makes chips for fighter jets, which are, admittedly, a lot sexier than computers and phones.

However, even if tsmc can make a 3 nanom Fab, this delay could mean the factory is a whole generation of silicon Tech behind before it even opens its doors. The Arizona chips are going to feel so old when they hear Taiwanese chips. Saying all this new slang, they don’t understand they’re, going to be like sweet dude. That’S not based at all now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by grammarly.

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How are we going to finish if there’s no in my other pocket? It’S all good Mark. The Zach Zuckerberg has announced that meta will be pursuing the creation of an artificial general intelligence, presumably so so he can have member of his own kind to talk to on this planet. Part of Zuckerberg’s vision is to make meta’s theoretical future AI relatively open source similar to their Lama llm, rather than solely controlled by a few Elite companies who know Jiu-Jitsu. This, of course raised concerns with the general public having access to tools roughly equivalent to human intelligence. Right now the general public isn’t intelligent at all.

At press times, Zuckerberg was quoted as saying grow. My children move fast and break things. Bmw will be introducing general purpose, humanoid robots from figure at a manufacturing plant in South Carolina figure, CEO Brad Adcock, whose name is a complete sentence. I’M a professional it’s hard when the whole room is crying says that they’re planning to ship their first figure 01 robot within the year.

However, these Bots will likely start with one task before expanding their repertoire, mostly repetitive, unappealing task, like stacking pallets or unpacking boxes so hard to read when there’s tears in your eyes, there’s plenty of room to expand, because these robots can apparently learn complex actions like how To make a pot of coffee just by imitating videos of humans, just nobody, let it watch Westworld! That’S what you want. Okay, I’m installing Adcock right now, A janitor’s house that was being used as office space has been converted into an assistive smart home. The Council of the English city of Sunderland undertook the project to allow occupational therapists and technologists, as well as their customers and partners, to have a space to train with assist of technology and to try out ideas to maximize Independence for clients.

They even use the space to help make gaming more accessible to kids, after all, being differently enabled shouldn’t Bor you from normal childhood activities like being bullied in fortnite this, the council decrees. Microsoft – has made an AI reading tutor available for free Reading Coach. That’S the name generates stories for users to read, while being equipped with guard rails to keep things appropriate users can make choic choices to alter the story’s plot to help make learning more engaging while personalizing the experience. By learning what words the learner is commonly mispronouncing there’s.

Everyone's Bailing on Vision Pro

Even a reward system that unlocks new elements and characters that can be used to generate new stories, and if that sounds too good to be true, that’s because you’re still going to need a Microsoft account to access it. They got your kids, they got them now and a handheld AI powered skin cancer detector has been approved by the FDA in an encouraging example of AI, That’s being used for something other than pumping the internet, full of detrus. The Derma sensor device actually identified skin cancer. 96 % of the time and correctly ruled it out 97 % of the time in the FDA study, which is great news for the one in five Americans who will get some type of skin cancer by age 70. But just in case the story made, you feel too good, I’m obligated to add that the Derma sensor will be available to doctors through a subscription of $ 200 a month per five patients or 400 bucks a month for unlimited use, but think of the time savings.

Though you know oh yeah and those three out of 100 people pranks, it’s a it was a prank bro. I’M not sorry about giving you even more Tech news if you come back on Monday. But if you don’t come back, you just don’t get Tech news! Yeah! That’S .