Ever Seen A Futuristic Electric Beam?

Ever Seen A Futuristic Electric Beam?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ever Seen A Futuristic Electric Beam?”.
This might be the coolest lighter in the world …. That’S the claim. The’Plazmatic X’ From a company called’Elementium Lighter’.. They say the most badass lighter in the world. Now right about now, you’re wondering What makes a badass lighter. I don’t get it. Doesn’T it just light or not light, Not so much It’s more complicated than that., Like many things in life and many things that you see here on Unbox Therapy, there’s a step up. This lighter is USB-recharable. That doesn’t even seem right like how is a lighter …. There’S no butane in here “ Flameless and wind-proof.”, “ 100 lights per charge.” And “ Beard-friendly.”.

Although I didn’t know that regular lighters, weren’t beard-friendly., Let’s find out Now you’re thinking with a lighter that must only be for smoke cigarettes.. No, you might want to start a fire, You might be a survivalist-type dude and you don’t want to rely on the traditional medium for starting a flame Or you just like cool stuff like me, And you want to check it. Out.

Ever Seen A Futuristic Electric Beam?

Woah, look at that right! There. If that ain’t cool, i don’t know what is. Look at the bottom.

Ever Seen A Futuristic Electric Beam?

There micro USB to charge it up-, I’m gon na put that down from a-. It feels so fancy. Oh, my goodness, … Here is the micro USB cable for charging it up-. I hope it has a little bit of a charge on it.. They also sent me this one over here-, Slightly diffirent design. Look at that Got the like wood grain appearance to it., So this is- We’re about to have a magic moment together. Look at this Open that up-, It looks kinda like a tazer. Do you see that there And then you hit the button? Whoooa Can you-? Are you That’s insane And it’s like a purple? It’S like a purple electric-.

Ever Seen A Futuristic Electric Beam?

I can’t even blow it ou- *blows electric beam* *blows it again*. Are you kidding me right now? That’S futuristic right. There Look at this Who wants- COME ON.

What kind of loser is gon na pull that thing out, Oh by the way In the wind- You-? Oh, you are lighting stuff. If what you need to do is light, It would not be an Unbox Therapy video without a demonstration We are bringing back The Don Tomas from a previous video-. I don’t even remember what that video was. Where did these come from? It was the case. The iPhone case with the built in lighter, Go watch that video that’s a crazy one.

I told you in that video i don’t smoke, i don’t recommend doing it either, But For the purpouse of demonstration Simetimes, it’s just your job to do so. It’S like a movie actor. You know Tom Cruise. If the roll calls a cigarette, the man grabs a cigarette And right now my role is demanding a Don Tomas.

So as a personal sacrifice for all of you watching, We are going to test this lighter it’s one of the toughest things in the world to light, And that, of course, is a Don Tomas classic., That’s unbelieveable! Did you see that When you- WOOW, This thing is not playin’ around Unbelieveable.? Are we gon na set the-? Are we gon na set the- uhh … .