Epic finally BEATS Apple!

Epic finally BEATS Apple!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Epic finally BEATS Apple!”.
[ Man ] Whoa. Yeah. I can do that yeah., Hey good, to see you.. I was just scuba diving over there. Looking for tech news and — [ Man ], You came from the bottom.

Yeah. I’M really glad that I’m up here now’cause it’s gross over there. [ Man ]. It is gross I’ll agree there.

Epic finally BEATS Apple!

A year and a 1/2 after being banned from the iOS app store. Fortnite is finally coming back to the iPhone. [ Man, ] Yeah., [, Linus, ], Sort, of., See relations between Apple and Epic Games are still as hostile as ever.. So Epic has made a deal with NVIDIA to stream the mobile version of Fortnite through GeForce Now, which is possible using a web app in the iOS Safari browser..

Epic finally BEATS Apple!

So it’s less that the game is back on the iPhone and more like it’s kind of squeezed itself. In through the doggy door., But you think that matters to the poor, iPhone gamers who’ve been stuck at a depressive spiral since August 2020, [ Man ] No. [ Linus ]. Although there are probably some other factors at play here: too. [ Man ]. I think so. [ Linus ], Although the game has remained accessible on non-iPhones as a direct download. This whole time.

Epic finally BEATS Apple!

Android users will also be able to stream the game through the GeForce Now app. If they sign up for the closed beta. iOS users, though it’s Safari. Classic streamlined Apple simplicity, it just works. Play the game by streaming it on a website through a web browser. Instead of using a clunky old app. [ Man, ] Yeah — Revolutionary.

I love it. [ Man ]. We figured it out., [ Linus ] In other NVIDIA news, the company’s CFO Colette Kress, has told multiple outlets. The team green expects the GPU shortage to get better in the second half of 2022.. Is it because they saw it in their orb [ Man ] The dark lord? Or is it because there are competitors coming that are actually gon na like manufacture mainstream cards? [ Man, ], Hey? I don’t know.

[ Man, ] Team blue., While Kress has claimed that NVIDIA expects a better supply situation for their own. Gpus should be taken with a grain of salt, as everything should be when it’s in a vague corporatees language.. Some Chinese media outlets have reported larger numbers of RTX 3050 cards being distributed to board partners..

It also makes sense to remain skeptical that the shortage will ever end as long as crypto mining is a thing.. I don’t know what the asteroid line is about, but good job, Riley., [ Man, ] Battle and crypto mining. And Russia has done the world a solid claiming to have neutralized notorious ransomware gang REvil.. The FSB said it arrested 14 members of the group which were responsible for, among other things, hacking, the world’s largest meat supplier and software infrastructure, company Kaseya last year.. Those are two separate companies, not the same company that is in meat and software..

Luckily, nothing ended up happening to the meat. [ Man, ] Yay. Unfortunately, the same day that Russia announced the arrests, the company was accused of orchestrating a massive cyber attack that took down multiple Ukrainian government websites, where the hackers left anti Ukraine messages.. This attack comes in the midst of other accusations that Russia is preparing a real invasion of Ukraine, which would definitely offset any positive solids that Russia did by arresting the ransomware gang..

You know I’m just gon na have to take that back. Yes. Russia you’re back to square one with me: — [ Man, ] Yup., Maybe even in the negatives. [ Man ], They don’t know the just still..

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Not too crispy.. You got to let’em cool, a little. [ Man, ] Yeah, I burned one too many times. [, Linus ]. The log4j vulnerability discovered about a month ago, was so bad and widespread that the White House held a meeting yesterday a month after to talk about how Open-Source software needs better security.. Well, Google seems to think it’s the government’s job to do something about it., Since many federal infrastructure systems rely on Open-Source projects that are often maintained on a volunteer basis.

So going forward, all Open-Source developers will be officially employees of the U.S. federal government, — [ Man, ] Yeah Problem solved right: [ Man, ], Oh easy., [, Linus ], A few days after AMD said they’re. Looking into adding support for Ryzen 5,000 series CPUs on older X370 motherboards ASRock has come out and done just that exact thing., A BIOS update for the company’s X370 pro four adds Ryzen 5,000 support., Although it does remove support for AMD’s Bristol Ridge APUs, because you can’t Have it all., I mean, what’s next, Do you wan na plug an SSD into your CPU, socket Get over yourself. [ Man ] I’ve already done it.

A couple of high profile. Tech products are getting kicked like cans down the road a little bit as a couple of reports indicate that both Apple’s AR headset and Tesla’s Cybertruck has been delayed to 2023, not the Cybertruck. [ Man ]. No, I wanted it..

This is frankly completely unsurprising, given that there is very little evidence that either of those are actually real., ( glass shattering ) I mean the Cybertruck’s windows appeared to be real during that demo, where they shattered, but the rest of the truck could have been cardboard for All we know. [ Man ]. What do you take for the evidence? That’S why the rest didn’t shatter. [ Man, ] Oh., It’s cardboard., [ Man, ] And they’re. On the move. And Twitter founder, an outspoken NFT, bro Jack Dorsey’s, new crypto, focused company Block, has announced that they’re building an open, Bitcoin mining system that decentralizes mining, making it more distributed and efficient by apparently making it a lot easier for anyone anywhere to easily purchase A mining rig..

What does this have to do with anything? I mean. Isn’T this the main concern that people have with crypto The amount of people already mining? We have to decentralize this. [ Man ], To give it the people right. It’S already decentralized., That’s the whole point. [ Man ]. They can fix it., And this week Microsoft shut down the original Halo 3 servers that were used when the game first launched on Xbox 360 way back in 2007.

And people online are very sad about it, because those servers represent precious memories.. Like all those times you heard Joe mama, jokes and hateful slurs at strangers through X-Box live and-, [ Man, ] Did you say: “ Joe mama joke” And squadded yeah. [ Man ], I gottcha. And squadded over them- [ Man, ] Yeah. They hear it. They hear it through the mic. [ Linus ]. Thankfully, a gaming group was able to help one player Fishy 956, get in one final Halo 3 achievement before the server set down for good, which I guess made them feel nice.

[ Man ]. Are you sad Probably.? I’D feel nice. If you came back on Monday for more tech news, because it’ll make wading through the detritus of the internet over there much more worthwhile., It’s got, ta be something we can do about.

That. [ Man, ] Decentralized, it Decentralize, it., [ Man, ] Yeah, we’re good., Make it easier for everyone to buy one .