Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Emaze Tutorial”.
In this article, we’re going to take a look at an online presentation tool called emaze and emaze is one of a select group of kind of new online tools for creating presentations and a lot of people. Think of these as the next generation of presentations. After years of dominance by PowerPoint and Keynote and similar presentation tools, emaze along with Prezi Google, slides, maybe and other presentation tools like Nearpod, these are some of the new generation of presentation tools and I hope that you’ll watch some of my tutorials about those other tools. Prezi Nearpod etc. But let’s take a look right now at emaze and see what it can do here at emaze comm, you can register for a free account once you are registered and you sign in you’ll probably get a pop-up similar to this. That gives you the option of a 14-day free trial, or you can sign up right away for the pro account or you can get a business account. You can see the cost involved there, but there’s two other options that are kind of minimized kind of small but they’re good options. One is to continue using emaze, just as a free user you’re going to miss out on a few of the premium options. But honestly, you can use emaze very successfully, just as a free user for those of you that are teachers or students notice that there’s a link where you can click here and you can get an edu plan and it has some instructions for how to do that And that gives you some bonus features that the regular free account doesn’t have, but for today I’m just going to show you a few things you can do with the free user account so I’ll X. Out of this, and I’m going to create a new presentation by clicking this button here now the real amazing thing about emaze is these templates and that’s the first thing I need to do as I create a new email is: choose a template now the reason I Say these are amazing part of emaze and the exciting part of emails is. Each of these templates gives you some interesting, visual hook or visual feature that will grab your audience’s attention will grab your students attention.
Whoever is watching this presentation now to get a sense of these different templates. You can just put your else on top of the template and you’ll see it in action. Okay, so here’s one called gallery and you put your mouse on it and it gives you a preview of what the presentation is going to look like. So you put your content on the walls of this gallery.
Basically and then it browses through from painting the painting or from content to content, whatever you put on those walls, that will become your presentation, but as part of this virtual art gallery. Okay, so that one’s pretty cool, here’s one called road map – and you can see it looks like a video of a person traveling down the road in a car, but it pauses every so often to present your content. Here’S one called online learning and you can see it looks like an old-fashioned movie. Your content is presented there as part of this old-fashioned movie.
Here’S one called limitless and this has kind of a 3d effect. Once again, your content is presented as part of this animated world. In this case, you can see, there’s newspapers, there’s space, and you know each of these is kind of unique in a way.
Here’S one that almost looks like a Prezi okay. This is chalkboard and it basically looks and works like a Prezi, except it’s a Prezi with a chalkboard in the background and there’s so many more that we could look at to get a sense of what’s possible with emaze. Let’S just take a quick look at this one called Halloween, you can see, put your mouse on that and you get animated bats. You get some spooky trees and ghosts, and things like that and other than emaze. I don’t know of a way to create a presentation like this with animated content. All around you know, Prezi does some kinds of animation, but not to this extent, and so, if you really want something, flashy and unique to kind of grab your audience’s attention as they look at your content, I think a maze is a really good option.
All right for this example in this article, what I’d like to choose is the template called hand? Delivery, it’s this one here, so I’ll click on that it gives me a little description and I can choose my color scheme. Do I want it to be orange? Do I want it to be blue in this case, I’m going to go with range and then I just click choose, and it takes me to my newly chosen template I can get in now and change. The content put my own information, my own content into this emails presentation now similar to PowerPoint emaze uses what looks like slides so here at the Left.
I have a list of my slides, but the presentation isn’t always experienced as a series of slides. Sometimes it looks more like a movie or an animation, or something like that or like a Prezi with a large canvas, that’s moved around on, but as you’re building your emails you’re, basically thinking of it as a series of slides. So here’s slide one. I can add another slide here. I can add a section of slides here and I can go back to a theme option here. This just lets me switch the colors of my theme. There’S really not the option at this point of going back and choosing a different theme: okay, but before I create another slide, let’s edit the slide I’m on right now, so let’s say I want to create an email that reviews the parts of speech notice that there’s Some default text here for the title – and I just triple clicked on it – to highlight that text and I’m going to change it to the parts of speech underneath where it says: 2013 I’ll, just triple click on that and then type in a review. Obviously, the text didn’t quite fit in the space provided, but I can just click and drag on this text box to make it fit the space that I wanted it to go to.
Okay and you can adjust that as you need to now anytime you’re editing text in emaze, you can highlight the text and you’ll see you do get some text options here at the top. You can change the type of text that it is from title to just regular text or to subtitle. You can change the font size, you can text align left’, you can Center it right, align, left’, text-align right, bold! All of these different options that you have now. One of those options that I should point out is this one hyperlink, so you click on that.
Whatever text you have highlighted can become a link to an external website or to another slide in your email, slideshow or to a specific object. Okay – and you would just click here for a drop-down list of the objects that you have put into your emails and then you could select the one that you want to link to okay, so I still have some text here that I don’t really want. You know.
I could get rid of this letter a and in fact I will I just clicked on it and tap, delete and I’ll get rid of this insight, consulting just by clicking on it and then tapping Delete on the keyboard. Okay, now I’m ready to create. My second slide I’ll click, add slide, and you can see that there’s a gallery of slide types, that you can add, here’s one where it’s a title and then some text you’ve got a title and basically bullet points.
A list of items. You’Ve got a pretty much blank slide here. You’Ve got a slide here with a title and then a picture just quite a variety of different slide types that you can add to your emails presentation notice that you can also import from PowerPoint and that’s a good option. If you have a lot of presentations that you’ve made in PowerPoint – and you don’t want to have to recreate them, just import them for this one, I’m just going to go with this slide type here, I’ll click on it, and it’s added to my presentation.
I can now just go in triple click on the text type in what I want and then I can go down and triple click on the text down here and I can type in the text that I want to be on that slide. Pretty simple! Next, I want to show you how to add a slide and use images to do that. It’S pretty simple, pretty similar to what I just showed. You click add slide.
Now you could choose any of these slide types. I’M going to pick this one just because it comes preloaded with an image here that I can just remove and put my own image on top of so I’ll. Just click on that image and then I’ll go up here to to the image button. I’Ll click on it and notice.
I can upload my own image from my computer just by clicking my and browse and browsing my computer selecting the image I want to upload. But in this case I want to just search the web and I can do a quick search here for a person all right, there’s some different pictures that it found on the Internet and I can select one and that picture is added to my presentation now. I could just click on the image I want to delete, delete it by tapping the Delete key, the backspace key on the keyboard, and now I can use these little handles in the corner to resize the image that I’d like to use. Now I forgot to change the text for this slide, so I’m going to click on that highlight it, delete it and I’ll replace it.
Let’S take a quick look at what my presentation looks like so far, so I’m going to go back and click on my first slide, my title slide and then I’ll go here in the upper right click play and my emaze presentation begins it loads up on that. First slide: when I’m ready to advance, I can just click here on this arrow to advance to the next slide, and you can see what a fun animation. That is, what a nice, interesting, attention-getting kind of presentation. This is the animation there of the hands pulling away and then coming back is just a it’s an eye.
Grabber. Definitely, and if you are careful, you can place the objects right on the hand or between the hands, whatever you want to do so that it makes the most sense for what you’re showing okay. So that’s my presentation. So far now, when you’re showing a presentation, you could also just press play – and this goes into basically kiosk mode or auto mode, and it will just advance automatically every few seconds without you having to advance the slides yourself.
Okay, all right now. I could go fullscreen using this button here in the lower right corner. That’S a good option, but for now I’m done – and I want to click here on the edit button to get back to the emaze editor. I want to add one more slide, so I’ll go here in the upper left. Click add slide. This one is just going to be blank pretty much so I’ll click on that blank option now notice it put it in the wrong place. I wanted this slide to be the fourth slide. Instead, it was put as the second slide.
Well, that’s easily fixed just click and drag drop it down where I want it to be, and now on this fourth slide, I want to show you in addition to image and text, you can add other kinds of media. There’S a list here of the different kinds of media: you can upload a mp4 or an mp3. You can embed certain items into your emails, there’s Flash content that you can put into your emails now. Some of this might be contingent on having an upgraded plan.
You’Ll have to test that out, but for now I’ll show you an example from YouTube. So I’m going to jump over here to this new tab and go to YouTube and I’m going to do a search for a noun. Is a person place or thing it’s a schoolhouse rock video that is apparently on YouTube and I’ll. Just click on that.
If I would like to use this in my presentation, I can click on the URL. Just one click it’ll highlight, then I copy it and then back in emaze. I just paste in that URL. I decide the start time of the video and the stop time.
I’M just going to leave it the default it’ll start at the beginning. I can also decide if I want to loop the video autoplay, the video I’m going to go ahead and say autoplay, so it should just begin automatically when this slide opens and now I’ll just click Add there’s the video, and I would like to move that around A little bit or you know, resize it, and you can do some of that alright, so that video shows up now inside my emaze slide now remember, there’s more than just YouTube videos you can put in embed codes you can put in web URLs. You can browse and upload your own content to add things to emaze notice.
That there’s also shapes there’s some basic common, simple shapes that you can click on and add to your emails presentations and then just move things around. You can also add charts, and this is a little bit more complicated. You can see you could either import data or you can just select on the type of chart that you would like to add and then put in the headers put in the content and when you’re done, you click Add and the chart is added to your emails. Let’S say I’m done now and I’m ready to present this or share it or send it to someone. All I have to do is make sure that it’s saved, I click Save. It gives me a chance to establish the title of this presentation, so I’m going to fix that notice right now. It’S going to be a public presentation.
If I want to make it private, I would need to upgrade to a higher version of emaze okay, but for now I’ll just click Save. Now. If I had an upgraded version of emaze, I would be able to download this as an mp4 video or as a PDF or some other options here, but I don’t have an upgraded account in this case notice that there’s a button there for sharing that I can Click gives me several ways I can share this with other people. I could embed it on a website.
I could link to it. I could just email it to people post it to Facebook, Twitter Pinterest, some of these other options and next you can see. There’S privacy options, but because this is not an upgraded account, I can’t change the privacy now this last option. Collaborate is pretty exciting. You can do some collaboration and have multiple people working on the same document now notice. What it says.
Simultaneous collaboration is not supported. So you wouldn’t be able to work simultaneously on the project, but you could take turns editing and adding items to your emails projects. Alright, when you’re ready to present, like I showed before just go back to that first slide. Click Play and you’re ready to go now, like I alluded to at the beginning of this presentation, you need to be aware that every time you create a new email, it’s going to be a slightly different experience.
You’Ll click on create new presentation, you’ll pick the template and then you’re editing that template it’s going to be a different experience each time because of how those templates are set up. Most of them are unique. Now I do want to point out that you can email fie, your PowerPoint. I showed that you can import a PowerPoint into an email, but right here from your email account settings, you can just click emaza file, your PowerPoint click that then you can select a PowerPoint file upload it in and it will transform it into an email.
Okay. So those are the basics and a little bit more of how to use emaze. I would love to read your comments of what you think about emaze. If you want to send me some comments below and I hope you enjoy using emaze and please consider subscribing to my youtube channel for more videos about technology for teachers and students, .