Elon Musk on how Falcon Heavy will change space travel

Elon Musk on how Falcon Heavy will change space travel

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Elon Musk on how Falcon Heavy will change space travel”.
( wondrous music, ), [, Loren ] We’ve come to see the launch of SpaceX’s next big rocket. The Falcon Heavy.. This vehicle can create more than five million pounds of thrust at liftoff and is capable of putting around 140,000 pounds into lower Earth. Orbit., That’s more than twice the weight that any other rocket currently on the market can carry.

So right now the Falcon Heavy holds the title for the most powerful rocket in the world.. I’M very excited about this launch because I think this is gon na really show that we can do giant rockets. Again. Most space organizations, government or commercial have set their sights too low. They’ve really built relatively small rockets.

And Falcon Heavy is the first time that there’s something that’s arguably even in the super heavy class or somewhere between heavy and super heavy., Showing that you can launch A giant rocket and have it be commercially viable, carry satellites, potentially carry people Falcon Heavy is capable of actually taking a dragon mission of taking people around the moon.. Is there any update on that by the way? ( laughs? ), Not yet., Not yet., We’re sort of debating whether to do that on Falcon Heavy or BFR. It will all sort of depend on how well the BFR development’s going as to whether we focus on BFR for deep space human flight or whether we do that on Falcon Heavy.. What do you see has been the biggest challenge for making this rocket fly? The biggest challenge of getting to the launch pad has been that we had to fully redesign the center core..

Elon Musk on how Falcon Heavy will change space travel

The load going through the center core is much greater than would normally go through a Falcon 9 rocket.. Each of the side, boosters is putting in a half million pounds of thrust into the center core.. So you have an incremental million pounds of force going through that center core, which means we had to really redesign almost the entire stage. All the way, through the inner stage had to be redesigned to strengthen it., Okay.

Elon Musk on how Falcon Heavy will change space travel

Well, I have one more question, but I want to know what you’re most excited about when you’ve launched this rocket by tomorrow. I’ll, be really proud of the SpaceX team for having accomplished this incredible task., And hopefully we inspire the public to get excited about space. Again. [ Loren ], But it’s not just the public getting excited about the Falcon Heavy..

Elon Musk on how Falcon Heavy will change space travel

Some customers, like the Planetary Society, are planning on using Falcon Heavy for their next flights, hoping that a successful test launch will spell success for their missions as well.. We are tied to SpaceX.. We wish us the best today., (, Loren, laughs, ) SpaceX is really visionary, but it really is a fantastic idea. Rockets should be like airplanes, where you don’t throw them away, you use them and then reuse them..

So it’s visionary.. Now, if everything goes well today, how will it feel to see that Falcon Heavy soar – Oh it’ll be great., So we flew the first LightSail almost two years ago and it’s a thrill. We’re very excited about it.. The idea is to democratize space to lower the cost of getting to many destinations in our solar system.. The reason you do this everybody, the reason the society does this. There are two questions Loren that we have all asked. Where did we come from How’d? We all get here. Where did we come from And are we alone in the universe? And if you want to answer those two questions, you have to explore: space.

( upbeat music, ) We’re finally, here at NASA’s press site. After all of the hype. After so many years of waiting – and it is intense. – I’ve been to a couple of launches here before, but I’ve never seen it this packed. Just getting in here today there was a huge traffic jam. And the vibe. Here Everybody is super. Anxious we’re really ready to see this thing get off the ground..

Originally the launch was set for 1:30 p.m. Eastern.. Then it got pushed back to two., Then 2:20, then 2:50.. It turned out upper level.

Winds in the area were too high for flight and SpaceX was trying to wait for them to die. Down. People started worrying that they’d have to come back the next day., So we’ve all been on edge. Today, SpaceX kept pushing the launch time back and back and back..

Now we have a new T-minus zero, which is 3:45 p.m. but our launch window only lasts until four p.m.. However, the rocket is loaded with propellant, so I think it might actually go up. Today.

[ Man ] The center core locks, look complete., [, Woman, ] Tropic lower, has ended Strombeck’s at 88.2, degrees. [ Man, ], Falcon Heavy gas loads are complete and Heavy is configured for flight. [ Woman, ], T-minus 15, stand by for general count., ( crowd, cheers And applauds ) [ Man, ], Launch to red code. [ Woman, ] 10; nine eight., [ Man, ] Side base to ignition.

( crowd, counts down: ) [ Woman, ], Six, five, four, three: two one: zero ignition. [ Loren ], Oh my god. ( crowd, cheers ) [ Man ] Holy shit. Ooh, it’s hitting us.

Wow, that is a beast. ( rocket roars ). Oh my god. You feel it. ( rocket roars ). Oh my god.. We can still see it clear as day.. It’S supersonic bitches.. Oh, my god., I’m gon na go. [ Man ], I’m gon na keep rolling.

Hold on Loren we’re gon na go together. [ Man, ] Side, boosters, begin., (, crowd, yells and cheers ) The center. Side. Boosters’ landing legs are deployed., ( crowd, yells and cheers ) [ Woman ] And the Falcon has landed. We’re gon na hear six sonic booms.

( yells and laughs ). Oh my god., (, laughs ). Oh man, .