Elevated Whirlpool at Maker Faire: The Black Hole

Elevated Whirlpool at Maker Faire: The Black Hole

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Elevated Whirlpool at Maker Faire: The Black Hole”.
I’M michael yates, i’m also known, as fix p h, y double x, and i have here the black hole, which is a a large whirlpool, a vortex up on top of a platform. It’S kind of my my dead end artistic offshoot from an energy generation project that i was working on. I was i was hoping to get some electricity out of this, but my daughter was an engineer and she always said dad. There’S no net energy there. No, but i resisted it for a long time, but but then got so delighted by just just the the the visual aspect of a big whirlpool.

Very often i’ll get people who will say what is it and i’ll say it’s a big whirlpool and they say okay and i say, go on up and take a look and although they conceptually know what it is. Nevertheless, when they get to the top of the stairs, they still say wow, you know, which is my my preferred and favorite reaction. I get. I get intellectual reactions also, but i’m going for the wow, it’s kind of taoist. It’S it’s! It’S uh! It’S it’s! It’S just the the path of least resistance. You know water is contained in a vessel with an aperture and the the balance of gravity and centrifugal force creates the vortex, and that is you know. Water finds its own way. You know, and and so this gives me the opportunity to explore and observe that you .